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Programming Иксанова.docx
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2. Look through the text and find equivalents to the terms.

концепции структурного программирования

непосредственно повлиял

решать обычные задачи

приспособленный к особенностям конкретной машины

способность портативности

коммерческая публикация

наиболее примечательные

с точки зрения

не делая изменений

по сравнению с

может быть легко включен

3. Choose the definitions to the terms.

central processing unit (CPU) A type of computer system, e.g. IBM PCs and compatibles,

Macintosh computers.

to edit To start up a computer.

platform The smallest element of a display surface. It is white if

the bit is 0, and black if the bit is 1. In colour monitors,

it can represent various bits.

word processor The ‘brain’ of the computer. Its function is to execute

programs stored in the main memory by fetching their

instructions, examining them and then executing them

one after another.

pixel To make changes and corrections to text and graphics.

to boot An application that manipulates text and produces

documents suitable for printing.

4. Translate the questions and answer them.

1. Что вы можете рассказать об истории С++?

2. Какие самые примечательные особенности С++ вы можете назвать?

3. Расскажите подробнее о каждой особенности, перечисленной в тексте.

5. Express your opinion of C++.


1. Read the text, try to understand it.

What is a Database?

Database terminology is almost as slippery as the term “object-oriented programming”. The word “database” can be used to describe everything from a single set of data, such as a telephone list, to a complex set of tools, such as SQL Server, and a whole lot in between.

Although relational databases don’t have real-world analogies, most are intended to model some aspect of real world. It may be called the problem space. The problem space, by its nature, is messy and complex – if it weren’t, we wouldn’t need to build a model of it. But it is critical to the success of your project to limit the database system you are designing to a specific, well-defined set of objects and interactions; only by doing so can you make sensible decisions about the scope of your system.

The term data model is used to mean the conceptual description of the problem space. This includes the definition of entities, their attributes (a Customer, for example, is an entity, and it might have attributes Name and Address), and the entity constraints ( such as, the Customer Name cannot be empty). The data model also includes a description of the relationships between entities and any constraints on those relationships – for example, managers are not allowed to have more than five individuals reporting to them. It does not include any reference to the physical layout of the system.

The definition of the physical layout – the tables and views that will be implemented – is the database schema or just schema. It’s the translation of the conceptual model into a physical representation that can be implemented using a database management system. Note that the schema is still conceptual, not physical. The schema is nothing more than the data model expressed in the terms that you will use to describe it to the database engine – tables and triggers and such creatures. One of the benefits of using a database engine is that you don’t ever have to deal with the physical implementation.

Once you’ve explained to the database engine what you want the data to look like, using either code or an interactive environment such as Microsoft Access, the engine will create some physical objects (usually, but not always, on a hard disk someplace) and you will store data in them. The combination of structure and data is referred to as a database. This database includes the physical tables; the defined views, queries, and stored procedures; and the rules the engine will enforce to protect the data.

The term “database” does not include the application, which consists of the forms and reports with which your users will interact, nor does it include any of the bits and pieces – things such as middleware or Microsoft Transaction Server – used to stick the form and back ends together. The term “ database” also exclude the database engine. Thus, an Access .mdb file is a database, while Microsoft Jet is a database engine. Actually, an .mdb file can contain other things besides the database – forms and reports, for example.

To describe all these components – the application, the database, the database engine, and the middleware – the term database system is used. All of the software and data that goes into making a production system is part of the database system.

The words to the text:

slippery неопределенный

to describe описывать

complex сложный



entityсущность; элемент

constraintограничение, ограничивающее устройство

layoutструктура, схема, проект

triggerпусковая схема

creatureсоздание, образование

middlewareмежплатформенное ПО


toexcludeне допускать, исключать

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