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9.Когда я закончу университет, я буду вспоминать о своих преподавателях с благодарностью.

10.Если я не увижу тебя завтра, оставь книгу на моём столе


In object clauses you can use any tense form after the words “if”, “when”, …

e.g. Ask him if he will be here for the next 5 minutes.

11.Они не знают, когда она придёт.

12.Интересно, увидят ли они друг друга снова.

13.Интересно, полюбит ли Маша Колю.

14.Я не могу сказать вам, когда они начнут концерт.

15.Я не знаю, когда у нас будет первый экзамен.

Task 20. Revise model verbs and translate the sentences from Russian into English.

Had to


Will have to

Должен был


Должен буду

Had to

Have to

Will have to

Был вынужден,


Буду вынужден,




Must you do this task right now?

Did you have to do this task yesterday? — Ты должен был сделать это задание вчера? / Тебе пришлось сделать это задание вчера? Will you have to do this task tomorrow? (When will you have to …?) — Ты должен будешь сделать это задание завтра? / Тебе придётся сделать это задание завтра?

1.Мне обычно приходится вставать рано потому, что занятия по английскому языку начинаются в 8 утра.

2.Я должен посещать все занятия иначе мой финал в университете будет печальным.

3.Вчера мне пришлось лечь спать в 2 часа ночи потому, что я должен был подготовиться к занятию по латинскому языку.

4.Студенты не должны жевать жвачки на занятиях. Если преподавателю приходится повторять об этом много раз, а студент делает это снова и снова, то студенту в конце семестра придётся убраться во всех аудиториях.


5.Тебе придётся много учить во время сессии? — Конечно. Я хочу сдать все экзамены успешно.

6.Почему тебе пришлось так рано встать вчера? — Мне пришлось встать в 5 утра вчера потому, что я встречала маму на вокзале.

7.Когда ты должна будешь сделать доклад? — В четверг.

8.Почему тебе пришлось ждать Алекса так долго? — Мне пришлось прождать Алекса полтора часа потому, что он застрял в автомобильной пробке.

9.Почему тебе пришлось догонять группу? — Мне пришлось догонять группу потому, что я была прежде больна.

10.Почему все студенты должны посещать занятия? — Потому, что посещаемость в нашем университете обязательная.

Task 21. Study and learn by heart the models. Make up your own examples (5 or 6) on each model.

Model 1. Betty must know 6 foreign languages. — Должно быть, Бетти знает

Betty must be clever. — Должно быть, Бетти умна.

Model 2. Betty must be learning English now. — Должно быть, Бетти

учит английский язык сейчас.

Model 3. Betty must have learned English at school. — Должно быть,

Бетти учила английский язык в школе.

Task 22. Express your supposition on the following statements.

e.g. Ted has many friends.

Student 1: He must be very sociable! (Должно быть, он очень общительный!)

Student 2: He must make friends easily! (Должно быть, он легко заводит дружбу!)

Student 3: He must have studied psychology and knows how to behave correctly! (Должно быть, он изучал психологию и знает как вести себя корректно!)

1.Rob is very tired.

2.Ann is lagging behind the group in all subjects.

3.Steve was expelled from the university.

4.Julia chews gums in the class.

5.Bob didn’t pass his winter session.


6.Sally is going to graduate from the university with honours.

7.Fred is in a bad mood.

8.Louise is in a good mood.

9.Mrs. Johnson has a high academic degree.

10.Nick can’t work on his computer now.

Task 23. Listen to the conversation between Phillipa and her grandfather and express your suppositions about Phillipa, her grandfather and their relationships.

e.g. Phillipa must be the only child in the family.

The grandfather must have visited many countries. Phillipa and her grandpa must trust each other very much.

Task 24. Translate from Russian into English.

1.Неужели я должен отвечать на все эти вопросы?

2.Все студенты должны получить студенческие билеты в начале октября.

3.Когда ты должен был сдать письменную работу?

4.Ты не должен отставать от программы.

5.Должно быть, Джон справляется с учебной нагрузкой хо-


6.Во сколько тебе придётся завтра вставать?

7.Где Катя? — Должно быть, у неё занятие по истории сейчас.

Аты что делаешь в коридоре? Должно быть, ты прогуливаешь занятие! Ты не должен этого делать!

8.Ребекка, должно быть, поступила в университет.

9.Должно быть, ты списывала на экзамене, если преподаватель отказался слушать тебя.

10.Почему тебе пришлось писать тест? — Потому, что я прогулял семинар!

Task 25. Study the model. Make up 5 own examples on the model. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

Model 4. You (she, he, …) must have failed to understand me. — Должно быть, вы меня не поняли.


1.Должно быть, я вас не увидел.

2.Должно быть, вы не писали контрольную работу.

3.Должно быть, Том не окончил университет с отличием.

4.Должно быть, деканат не дал нашей старосте наши зачётки.

5.Должно быть, она не сдала экзамен.

Task 26. Listen to the song and say what the lady and the gentleman want to do (to be, to have) and don’t want to do (have, eat, …).

Unit 3

Higher Еducation



Task 1. Match the words in the first column with their Russian translations in the second column:

1. Bachelor of Arts


студент университета

2. Bachelor of Science



3. undergraduate


лекция для всего потока

4. A level



5. large formal lectures


практическое занятие

6. grade


двухгодичная программа подготовки


для поступления в университет

7. a personal interview



8. a grant


бакалавр естественно-математических

9. a four-year degree




бакалавр гуманитарных наук

10. a tutorial


4-х летнее обучение (бакалавриат)

to be awarded


to involve (in)

бросать учебу

to drop out

поступать в университете

to get into the university


Task 2. Match the words in the first column (see task 1) with the descriptions. Practise saying the complete sentences like in the model:

A grant is money given from the local education authority. After passing final exams a student is awarded a BA.

Task 3. Read and translate the text.

B r i t i s h U n i v e r s i t i e s

Universities offer threeand four-year degree courses; colleges of higher education offer both two year HND (Higher National Diploma) courses, as well as degree courses.


A degree is the qualification you get from university when you pass your final exams. You are then awarded a BA (Bachelor of Arts), BSc, (Bachelor of Science) or BEd (Bachelor of education). Undergraduates, students who are studying for degrees, go to large formal lectures, but most of the work takes place in tutorials: lessons in groups of ten or more when the students discuss their work with the lecturer.

Only 25 per cent of the student population goes on to higher education. Competition to get into one of Britain’s universities is fierce and not everyone who gets A levels can go. Students usually need three A levels to go to university and grades at A level go from A, the highest grade, to E.

Students apply to universities months before they take their A-levels. The students are given a personal interview and the universities then decide which students they want. They offer them a place which depends on A-level results. The more popular the university, the higher the grades it will ask for. Unlike in Russia the new term starts in early October.

Some students whose parents do not earn a lot of money are given a grant (money) from the local education authority. If students do not get a grant, parents are expected to pay for their children. Some students borrow money from the bank which must be paid back after they leave university. In theory, the grant pays for rent, food, books, transport and socialising. In fact, the grant is not a lot of money. Students used to work during the holidays to earn more money, but it is now difficult to find such jobs. The result is that more students are dropping out, failing to finish their courses.

Task 4. Answer the following questions and then make up your story about your own university.

1.When was your university founded?

2.Who was your university founded by?

3.Where is the university situated?

4.What subjects and disciplines are taught at the university?

5.How many terms is the academic year divided into?

6.Are students given a grant?

Task 5. Make the following sentences according to the pattern. Give two variants where possible.


Example: My fellow-student showed me a very interesting book. I was shown a very interesting book.

A very interesting book was shown (to) me.

Past Simple (The Passive voice)

I (he, she) was offered a challenging job.

You (we, they) were offered a challenging job.

Who was a challenging job offered by?

What was I offered ?

1.Local educational authorities gave him a grant.

2.He promised to give me his lectures.

3.Did they give you that new Macmillan Dictionary with a CD?

4.They lent us some money.

5.The dean allowed the students to have a day off.

6.Did the students listen to the lecture with interest?

7.Who wrote that book?

Task 6. Revise the Past Simple (the Active Voice) and make up questions to the underlined words.

the Past Simple (the Active Voice)

We went to the restaurant with our friends at the weekend. Who went to the restaurant?

Where did we go?

Who did we go to the restaurant with?

I was in hospital last week.

Who was in hospital last week?

Where were you last week?

When were you in hospital?

1. Our students had a ceremony in front of the university building on the 1st of September.

2. The research society of our University formed many well-known scientists.

3. The symbol of the Orphanage became a pelican. 4. Mike got a degree in Philosophy.

5. Tom was in the country with his friends last week-end.


Task 7. Listen to the conversation about wonders of the modern world and answer the following questions (read the questions first!).

1.How many wonders of the modern world did the speakers men-


2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of each wonder?

Task 8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Когда была изобретена стиральная машина? — Она была изобретена в 20 веке.

2.Где ты был вчера? Я пыталась отправить тебе факс, звонила несколько раз, но тебя не было в офисе. — Я был в командировке.

3.Как хорошо, что изобрели самолёт! Раньше люди не могли быстро передвигаться из одной точки планеты в другую, а теперь за 24 часа можно улететь куда угодно.

4.С кем ты ездила отдыхать в Грецию? — Я ездила с Майком. Ему предложили двухнедельный отпуск, и мы решили отдохнуть за границей вместе.

5.Мне вчера рассказали очень смешную историю. Какая незначительная мелочь может улучшить настроение на весь день!

6.Тебе показали билеты к экзамену позавчера? — Нет! Неужели про меня забыли? Я должна переписать все вопросы сегодня же.

7.Кем был изобретён телефон? — Он был изобретён Александром Беллом.

Task 9. Listen to the conversation and say how the lady’s day was

(what happened during the day, what she did, who she saw, etc).

Task 10. Compare the Active and the Passive voices. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct tense form and voice.


















The message is

The message

The message


are written

being written

will be writ-

has already

every day.


ten tomorrow.

been written.








People write

The person is

The person

The person

will write a

has already


messages ev-

writing a mes-

message to-

written a


ery day.

sage now.











1. Yesterday I (ask) my friend to make a report. 2. I (ask) to make a report by my friend. 3. Mary (win) the first prizes twice in her life.

4.A taxi (call) fifteen minutes ago, so we (expect) it at any moment.

5.The article (publish) next week, if I’m not mistaken. 6. Lectures (attend) by all of us regularly. 7. The rule explained by the teacher at the last lesson (understand) by all of us. 8. The letter already (post). 9. A new building of the University (build) now. 10. Your document (translate) now.

Task 11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Мне велели прийти сюда в пять. 2. Её попросили не опаздывать.

3.Его попросили не кричать. 4. Ему не дали эту книгу. 5. Им не показали этот фильм. 6. Газеты приносят утром. 7. Практическое занятие будет проведено в 8 часов утра. 8. Эти вопросы обычно обсуждаются после работы. 9. Много домов строится в вашем городе?

10.Меня попросили помочь ему закончить эту работу сегодня, поэтому я должен был остаться в учреждении после работы. 11. Кем была написана эта статья? 12. Это оборудование производится на нашем предприятии. 13. Вам показали всё, что вы хотели посмотреть? 14. Вам уже перевели Ваш паспорт с русского на английский язык? — Нет, мне его ещё переводят. 15. Спутники запускаются различными странами ежегодно.

Task 12. Read the story, underline all verbs in the Past Simple tense, make up ten questions on the story and ask them to your fellow-student, then retell the story.

T h e P o w e r o f I m a g i n a t i o n

Mr Brown got to a hotel late in the evening after a long journey. He asked the hall-porter whether there were any vacant rooms in the hotel. At that moment another traveller came to the hotel and asked the hall-porter for a room, too. The only vacant room was a double room that is a room with two beds in it.

“Do you mind if you spend the night in that room together?” the hallporter asked. “It’ll be less expensive for you, you’ll each pay half”.


At first the travellers didn’t like the idea, but just then it began raining hard, and they were too tired to go to another hotel, so they changed their minds. They spoke to each other and then told the porter that they agreed to spend the night in the same room. Their things were carried in, and soon the two men went to sleep to the accompaniment of the rain. Suddenly Mr Brown was woken up by a loud noise. It was quite dark.

“What’s the matter?” Mr Brown asked in surprise. “Is anything the matter?”

In a weak voice the second traveller answered, “I’m sorry, but I had to wake you up. I’ve got asthma. I feel very bad. In addition I’ve got a terrible headache. If you don’t want me to die, open the window quickly”.

Mr Brown jumped out of bed and began looking for his matches, but he couldn’t find them in the dark, and the sick man went on moaning, “Air, air … I want fresh air. I’m dying.”

Mr Brown still couldn’t find the matches, so he tried to find the window. It took him some time, and at last he thought he had found it. But he was unable to open it. As the voice of the traveller grew weaker and weaker, Mr Brown in horror took a chair and broke the window with it. The sick man immediately stopped moaning and said that he was very grateful and felt much better. Then the two of them slept peacefully until morning.

When they woke up next morning, they were surprised to see that the only window in the room was still closed, but the large looking-glass was broken to pieces.

Task 13. Write a story about the best (worst) day or event in your life. Mind your grammar!

Task 14. Listen to the fable twice. Write down some key sentences and retell the fable. Helpful words: a farmer, a vineyard, a coin, grapes, neighbourhood.

Task 15. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English and dramatize it (you may change the names).

Ann: Привет, Марк! Ты был вчера на лекции по истории философии?

Mark: Здравствуй, Аня. А ты почему вчера не была?


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