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Лекция 10. Принципы работы с интервьюерами

Контроль качества проведения полевого этапа исследования. URL: <http://www.facts-factors.com/english/Quality%20Control.htm>

An independent Quality Control Department has been established to monitor the procedures of the projects from the inception to the completion. On the other hand, we have a strict recruiting system to select interviewers with high quality from universities and colleges and select recruiting liaison from different social level. Through systematic training(overcoming refusals, the handling of skip patterns, probing techniques, sample administration), they can get the certification to be a formal interviewer of F&F. They also need attend project training and are accompanied by supervisors, project manager or clients before specific interviews begin (new interviewers will be accompanied 100%, experienced interviewers will be accompanied 40%).

Quality Control for Quantitative Research


The method of "stratified random sampling" is adopted in door-to-door interview that works as follows:

Step 1: Office Sampling >>  Distribute sample size to each administration area of the city in proportion to the area's population; Each residential committee will include no more than twenty interviews. Minimum 30 residential committees will be used. >>  Select residential committees randomly among all the residential committees with the Kish grid. >>  Define number of households needed for the survey in each administration area based on the success rate of the interviews;

Step 2. Site Sampling >>  Define households in each selected residential committee starting from randomly designated points by supervisors with fixed route (always walking on the right side of the road) and fixed intervals between households (usually at 6 households' interval); >>  The sampled addresses will be recorded in a certain format including address list and map.

Step 3. In-door Sampling >>  Identify the only qualified respondent in each selected household with kish grid when interview.

The method of "Quota sampling" is adopted in Central Location interview that works as follows:

Step 1. Quota design: Proposed by Facts & Factors and confirmed by the client according to the project specification.

Step 2. Quota execution: Spread the samples into several test sites to minimize the centralization of respondents in terms of living areas.

Step 3. Specially assigned a person to handle the quota confirmation and control in one test site.

Step 4. Statistic the completed quota to make sure recruiting proper respondents.


Step 1. Pre-briefing Before formal briefing, we will make preparations in the project team and also emphasize the specific quality requirements to let all the team members clear about their respective responsibility and conduct the project smoothly.

Step 2. Briefing Project manager will brief questionnaires and also introduce the background of projects in order that interviewers can understand questionnaires clearly and deeply.

Step 3. Mock After briefing, interviewers will conduct mock interview within office. Through this, interviewers can be familiar with the questionnaires and simultaneously practice interviewing skills and tactics.

Step 4. Pilot Following mock , each interviewer will do a site interview which is accompanied by supervisor , project manager or client who will need to fill in the accompany report at the end of pilot. Under actual interviewing conditions, each interviewer performance is closely monitored and evaluated. Clients and we also will find out some issues about the questionnaire or the interview.

Step 5. Debriefing In the end, project manager will call interviewers together and make debriefing. It is an important step that will make interviewers understand the questionnaire in a further step and provide guideline to solve the problems happened in the pilot.

Fieldwork & Back-check

Quality Control for CLT

>>  All respondents screened by interviewer should receive a second screening by a professional supervisor to ensure the qualification;

>>  A special quality control person should be present at the interviewing site to make sure interview is executed according to standard criteria;

>>  Questionnaires handed in at one time from one interviewer will be checked by one supervisor.

>>  All questionnaires through the first check shall be checked a second time by a different supervisor.

>>  Project controller should spot-check at least 20% of the questionnaires.

Back Check for Door-to-door Interviews

30% of the questionnaires of each interviewer will be selected randomly and back checked by telephone or the project controller should spot-check at least 20% of the questionnaires.


Coders make a code frame by classifying respondent comments into different aspects, then give codes on completed questions. (100% editing of every completed questionnaire before delivery to Data Process Department)

Data Entry/Processing

>>  All data will be double entered avoiding the enter mistakes caused by the operator. The data will also be checked the logistic errors to ensure our clients can get a clean data. >>   All data collected will be processed and analyzed by some special software which is used internationally, e.g. Quantum & Quanvert, SPSS.

Quality Control for Qualitative research

Recruitment process

Step 1. As the recruitment criteria confirmed, two sets of screening questionnaires will be designed to screen suitable respondents.

Step 2. Questionnaire A is to be used by part-time liaison persons, covering some most fundamental definitions such as age, sex, occupation, education, etc.

Step 3. After liaison persons have reached suitable candidates with questionnaire A at hand, our full-time supervisors will further screen by phone with questionnaire B, covering specific definitions for the research.

Step 4. During confirmation of their qualification, supervisors will enter the participant's information to our database to check if he/she is a professional participant.

Step 5. After that, supervisor will inform them in details their meeting place and time, invitation card with those contents will also be sent to the participants by liaison persons.

Step 6. One day before the meeting, supervisors will once again check by phone their qualification and their confirmation on arrival.

Step 7. On arrival, participants will fill in their registration forms and show their ID card for final confirmation of their qualification.

For each focus group of 8 respondents, 10-12 qualified persons will be invited so as to assure sufficient participants.

Recruitment network

A size of around 100-person liaison network is maintained at Facts & Factors to ensure sufficient access to qualified respondents for each qualitative project. We mainly expand our recruitment network through:

>>  Advertising on popular newspaper

>>  On-line recruitment

>>  Participants after discussion will be invited to join Facts & Factors' liaison network.

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