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Subjects for Essays and Reports

  1. The 20th century: the bloodiest in human history.

  2. The 20th century: towards the rule of law.

  3. The 20th century: the age of the greatest empires.

  4. The Cold War: a blessing or a curse?

  5. The 20th century: the maddening arms race.

  6. The 20th century: the scientific and technical revolution.

  7. The 20th century: its accomplishments.


of books (A), magazines and newspapers (B), which served as sources

of the English language examples cited in this work


  1. D.Held & A.McGrew, D.Goldblatt & J.Perraton. Global Transformation. Politics, Economics and Culture. Stanford, California. Stanford University Press, 1999.

  2. Akira Iriye. Global Community. The Role of International Organizations in the Making of the Contemporary World. University of California Press, 2002.

  3. Understanding British Institutions. Compiled and edited by Karen Hewitt and Mikhail Feklin. Perspective Publications Ltd., Н.Новгород, 2001.


  1. D.History – Diplomatic History

  2. D.Telegraph – The Daily Telegraph

  3. Econ. – The Economist

  4. F.Affairs – Foreign Affairs

  5. F.Policy – Foreign Policy

  6. Guard. – The Guardian

  7. INT – The International Herald Tribune

  8. Independent – The Independent

  9. F.Times – The Financial Times

  10. M.Times – The Moscow Times

  11. N.Y.Times – The New Yark Times

  12. Newsweek

  13. Time

  14. Times – The Times

  15. WSJ – The Wall Street Journal

  16. US New & World Report

* См. Я.И. Рецкер. "Теория перевода и переводческая практика". Москва, "Международные отношения", 1974, стр. 80-87.


** Линн Виссон. Синхронный перевод с русского на английский. Москва, «Р.Валент», 2002, стр. 42.

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