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Entrance test……………………………………………………………...7




I. Introduction

1. Why English?............9

2. Meeting, greeting and saying good bye……..12

to be (am/is/are)

3. Time………………22

cardinal numerals,


4. Weather…………...29

ordinal numerals

5. Review……………41

II. My family and I

1. My family…………47

plural of the nouns,

Present Simple

2. Appearance……….58

adjectives and adverbs –

degrees of comparison

3. My house………….69

there is/are

4. City………………..80

Present Continuous

5. Review……………91

III. My day

1. Student’s day……...95

adverbs formation

2. Eating……………102

Future Simple

3. Hobbies………….113

to be (was/were),

Past Continuous

4. Shopping………...119

Past Simple

5. Entertainment……131

Present Perfect

6. Review…………..140

IV. Our University

1. Our University…..144

Passive Voice

2. Careers…………..151

Passive Voice

3. Education abroad..159

Modal verbs

4. Traveling………...167

Modal verbs

5. Review…………..174

V. Appendices

1. British English vs. American English…..177

2. Spoken Etiquette...180

3. Metric System…...184

4. Tense-Aspect chart185

5. Irregular Verbs......187

6. Word Formation....189


Entrance test

1. “What color ___” “My car’s color is red.”

A your car is? B is your car? C your car? D is car?

2. “___ your father?” “He is a dentist.”

A Who is B What is C What D Is

3. Today is Sunday. Why are you in your office today? What ___

A you are doing there? B is you? C am you doing? D are you doing


4. She comes to university in a small car. What kind of car _____

A has she. B does have? C she has. D does she have?

5. John ___ football yesterday; he played basketball.

A wasn’t playing B was playing C didn’t play D played

6. This is a gift from Lisa. It is really nice ___ her to send you a birthday


A for B to C of D in

7. When I called you last night, I heard some kind of noise in the

background. ___ you watching television?

A Were B Was C Do D Are

8. My mother prefers to travel by train. She ___ never ___ by air.

A was … traveled B has … traveled C has … travel D is … traveled

9. It started snowing heavily two hours ago and it ___ heavily.

A is still snowing B snowing still C was still snowing D still snowing

10. These houses ___ 100 years ago; they still look strong and new.

A are building B are built C were built D were building

11. There was ___ food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

A little B few C much D many

12. Moscow is old but Rome is ___.

A more old B older C older as Rome D older than

13. Tina is very good ___ writing letters.

A at B in C by D with

14. The bicycle ___ in 1839.

A was inventing B is invented C was invented D is being invented

15. I refused ___ money.

A giving him B to give him C give him D to giving

16. We went to Ireland ___ my sister.

A for to see B for see C to see D see

17. I need to ___ an appointment to see the dentist.

A made B make C do D done

18. Mia is going on holiday with friends of ___.

A hers B her C she D she’s

19. Paula is ___ oldest student in her class.

A a BC an D the

20. Could you give me ___ about sightseeing in Dublin?

A advice B advices C an advice D advicis

21. a: "Are there any drinks?" b: "Yes, there are ___ in the fridge."

A any B some C none D something

22. Shh! Be quiet. I can hear ___.

A something B no C anything D anywhere

23. "I haven't got the tickets." "Well. ___ . Where are they?"

A Neither I have B Nor I C So haven't I D Neither have I

24. If the bus ___ soon, we’ll be late.

A will not arrive B isn’t arrive C doesn’t arrive D don’t arrive

25. It is getting dark. Could you turn ___ the light, please!

A off B in C on D at

26. Could I ___ your dictionary?

A to borrow B borrow C borrowing D to borrowing

27. I just want a general idea of the story so I ___ all the book.

A must to read B needn’t read C should read D can’t to read

  1. She ___ it herself so she needed help.

A couldn’t do B mustn’t do C can do D can to do

29. The new road ___ in the summer.

A open B shall open C will open D will be open

30. It ___ be so noisy here in the past.

A wasn’t used to B didn’t use to C used D didn’t use


25-30 – excellent

20-25 – good

15-20 – satisfactory

10-15 – poor