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Методические указания к английскому.doc
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Вариант № 3. (Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв п – я).

I. Grammar Exercises.

1. Supply the correct article where necessary.

1. … equipment of Blake & Co is very good. They sell it to … different companies.

2. Where are … newspapers? They are on … desk.

3. There … much built in furniture in our kitchen. … furniture makes … kitchen comfortable.

4. We are interested in buying … machines from British companies.

5. … tools of Blake and Co are of … high quality.

6. We’ve received … enquiry for … three machines lately.

7. … last month our manager went to St. Petersburg by … train. He went there by … express train. … train had no stops.

8. If you want to get … room at … hotel in Nice in … summer time you must reserve … accommodation in advance. … Nice hotels are full during … summer time.

9. The Seller didn’t agree to give us … discount as their goods were in … great demand at that price.

10. We are interested in buying … compressors for … new shop of … large plant in … Siberia. … shop is already under construction and … customers require … goods urgently, as they must complete … construction of … shop by … end of … year.

2. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

1. She is sitting … the table and speaking … the phone. She is making an appointment … Friday.

2. They met … Mr. Black … his office. The meeting began … 10 o’clock and lasted … 2 hours.

3. … the other day Rossexport received an enquiry … the motors … Johanson & Sons.

4. The train will arrive … a delay … 40 minutes. Will you go … the departure lounge and wait … the annoncement?

5. – Can you give … us a discount … a large order?

– As we have done a lot … business … you we can give … you a small discount. … that case we’d like to have a discount … 7%.

6. The charge … a room … this hotel is not very high.

7. They offered to deliver the pumps … four lots … 12 pumps each … regular intervals … 5 months.

8. You’ve reserved a single and a double room … you … two nights … the fourth floor. These are modern rooms … private baths. They don’t face … the street.

9. – I’d like a suit … office wear.

– Try … this one … size.

10. The Seller offered the goods … CIF terms … immediate shipment. Mr. Black agreed … the delivery terms and … payment … collection.

3. Supply the correct forms of comparison.

1.The “Sony” TV-set is (expensive) than the “Akai” TV-set. It’s (один из самых дорогих телевизоров).

2. Are our cars (такие же удобные как) German cars?

3. This is (busy) airport I’ve ever seen.

4. I come home on Monday (late) than on other days.

5. (Чаще всего) we give discount to the Buyers if we have known them for a long time.

4. Supply the correct tense-forms.

1. Now you (see) Mr. Black in his office. During the day he (to look through) English newspapers, (to discuss) business matters. Now he (to read) a letter. He (to go) to phone the manager of the company.

2. – What model you (to be interested) in?

– Model BC5 (to meet) our requirement.

3. The fact (to be) I (to send) you our offer last week. In my letter I (to ask) you to study it and to give us your answer but we (not to receive) it yet.

4. – The plane to Moscow (to leave) on time?

– There (to be) a delay, but it probably (not to be) over 30 minutes.

5. Good morning, Mr. Black. I (to be) glad to see you. I (not to see) you since we (to meet) in London.

6. – How long it (to take) me to get there?

– It (to take) you about half an hour to get there at this time of the day. There (to be) a lot of traffic now. Look, bus 79A (to come).

7. – You (to discuss) the terms of delivery yet?

– Not yet. We (to discuss) them since 10 o’clock and I (to think) we (to finish) only in an hour.

8. Jack (to arrive) at the theatre at about 7 o’clock. Ten minutes later he (to sit) in the stalls and (to watch) the performance.

9. Rossexport (to start) shipping the goods nine months after we (to sign) the contract.

10. I don’t know when our accountant (to come) back.

5. Change the following sentences in Direct Speech into Reported Speech.

1. Mr. Black said, “It didn’t take us long to discuss the price”.

2.The office manager said, “You’ll go on business to London soon”.

3. Mr. Black said, “You’re staying with us for a week, Mr. Taylor, aren’t you?”

4. Mr. Black says, “What discount can you give us, Mr. Smith?”

5. Mr. Black said, “Your prices are very high. We can’t accept them”.

6. Mr. Black said, “Who are you waiting for, Mr. Brown?”

7. Mr. Black said, “Have you translated the letter, Nancy?”

8. Mr. Black says, “Look through the quotation from Dunn & Co, please”.

9. Mr. Black said, “Don’t send the fax to Smith & Co!”

10. Mr. Black said, “Do our goods meet your requirements, Mr. Smith?”

6. Supply modal verbs or equivalents.

1. … I offer you a cup of tea?

2. – I (must, to go) to the office every day?

– No, you (…).

3. – May I invite businessmen to the conference room?”

– No, you (…). It (must, to be cleaned).

4. When you (can, to look through) it?

5. – Why are you so late?

– Because I (to have to phone) the British company.

6. – Why did Mr. Smith go to London last month?

– He (to be, to sign) a contract there.

7. If the manager (not to have, to stay) late at the head office today he (to be able, to meet) Mr. Smith.

8. We received your offer 5 days ago and we (cannot, to study) it.

9. Who … make good coffee?

10. You (to be, to contact) Blake & Co next Monday.

II. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Джейн – секретарь менеджера. В 10 часов она обычно работает на компьютере. Сейчас она печатает письмо. У нее всегда много работы.

2. Какие зарубежные фирмы заинтересованы в приобретении ваших станков?

3. Петров знает больше иностранных языков, чем другие инженеры нашей фирмы.

4. Недавно мы получили от Продавцов много информации о насосах модели 2В, но мало о модели 3В.

5. Директор сказал, чтобы мы провели переговоры на этой неделе.

6. Давайте встретимся через два дня. У меня насыщенная программа на завтра и на послезавтра. Вас это устраивает?

7. Фирма могла предоставить транспортные средства и предложила товар на условиях СИФ.

8. Мы покупаем оборудование в этой фирме уже полтора года.

9. – Я позвонил тебе в 3 часа, но тебя не было. Где ты был?

– В это время мы обсуждали предложение английской фирмы на телефонное оборудование

10. Пусть г-н Блейк расскажет нам о своей поездке в Германию.

11. Наш менеджер сам говорил по телефону с г-ном Кларком и договорился с ним о встрече в пятницу.

12. Мы поговорим об условиях платежа, после того как обсудим цену.

13. Спросите г-на Брауна, поедет ли он в аэропорт встречать представителей японской фирмы.

14. Если вы хотите добраться туда быстро, сядьте в метро на Владимирской. Вам нужно сделать пересадку на станции Технологический институт. Выйдите на станции Московские ворота.

15. Некоторые товары, которые предлагает фирма, отвечают требованиям заказчиков, но другие – не высокого качества.

16. В понедельник Воронин и Смит встретились и переговоры начались. Российская компания решила разместить заказ на 100 лифтов.

17. В гостинице администратор попросил меня заполнить бланк. Он дал мне ключ от моей комнаты.

18. – Есть кто-нибудь в офисе?

– Нет. Все ушли домой.

19. – Когда Вы сможете поставить первую партию?

  • Вероятно, не раньше июня.

  • Можете Вы поставить товар раньше?

  • Сожалею, но у нас много заказов.

20. Так как все мои вещи не подлежали обложению пошлиной, мне понадобилось немного времени, чтобы пройти таможню.

III. Translate the text into Russian.

International Business Terminology

International business, like every field of study, has its own terminology. To assist you in learning the special vocabulary, an important function of every introductory course, a glossary has been included and the most important terms are listed .

As with any new discipline, a number of words are employed whose definitions vary among users. Global, for example, is becoming the most widely accepted term to describe an organization that produces in, markets in, and obtains the factors of production from multiple countries for the purpose of furthering overall enterprise benefits. Yet some people use such terms as transnational, supranational, and multinational for global. Furthermore, multinational may have two distinct meanings, depending on whether the user is describing ownership or the areas of operation. For example, multinational usually describes a firm that operates in more than one country; however, government officials in the developing nations and some international organizations use multinational to indicate a joint venture whose owners (governments or groups of stockholders) come from three or more nations. These same officials call a firm operating in two or more countries a transnational. This adds to the confusion because for years, Europeans have used transnational to describe a company formed by a merger of two firms of approximately the same size that are from different countries. It is not a joint venture. Four of the largest are (1) Unilever (Dutch-English), (2) Shell (Dutch-English), (3) Azko-Enka (Dutch-German), and (4) ABB, a merger of ASEA (Swedish) and Brown-Boveri (Swiss).


Министерство образования Российской Федерации

Санкт-Петербургский государственный

инженерно-экономический университет

Кафедра иностранных языков

Контрольная работа № 1

по дисциплине «Английский язык»

Вариант № 3

Студент Смирнов Николай Петрович

Форма обучения заочная

Срок обучения 3 г. 10 мес.

Факультет предпринимательства и финансов

Специальность «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит»

Группа № 8/3111

Дата выполнения Подпись

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2002 г.