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World Economy for Leisure.doc
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Text II


Ex. 1. The text below deals with the problems of the young generation workforce. Read the article quickly and match each passage with its title:

1) Too Self-Centered and Individualistic

2) Final Thoughts.

3) Lazy

4) Spoiled/Entitled

5) Little Respect for Authority

6) What is Generation Y?

7) Poor Work Ethic

Perception vs. Reality: Five Truths About the Generation y Workforce

1. Generation Y. The Millennials. The Tech/ Net/ Digital Generation. Echo Boomers. We've given this generation of people - roughly those born between the late 1970's and the late 1990's - many names, but none so hurtful as the Entitlement Generation.

This article discusses 5 perceptions of Generation Y workers, corrects or adjusts those perceptions with the reality behind each and gives advice for employers.

2. To an extent, the folks in this generation do have a sense of entitlement, but it's not an entirely inherent personality flaw but partly the fault of Baby Boomer parents who coddled their children, constantly telling them how special they were and that anything they sought was possible, and rewarding them for every little thing, providing trophies and prizes simply for participating.

The key for employers is approaching younger workers differently, providing constructive criticism that reflects confidence in them.

3. Technology has allowed this generation to multitask and find shortcuts in achieving tasks. Texting, instant messaging, social networking, and Web surfing have all made Generation Y workers more competent, efficient, and productive.

The key for employers is to accept that there may be multiple ways for workers to accomplish their tasks.

4. Generation Y is the first generation to expect - from day one - employers to realize there is more to life than work. They see work as a means to enjoy life - and life comes first. They have a strong work ethic - just not in a 9-5 sort of way. Generation Y wants work to be fun and flexible because the line between work and life is seamless.

The key for employers is offering flexible work schedules, adjusting the belief that workers need to "put in the hours at the desk" to be effective, and developing a work culture that is pleasant and positive.

5. While some people refer to this cohort of people as Generation Why for a reason, it is not so much an issue of a lack of respect for authority as much as it is that this group has been raised by their parents to question everything and raise questions when they don't understand something. It's not that these folks have little respect for authority; on the contrary, they feel employers do not respect them.

The key for employers is realizing that asking questions can often lead to answers and solutions that are actually more efficient and effective. Unlike with any other set of workers in the past, employers must also provide more autonomy - and trust Gen Y workers to complete the work.

6. This iPod Generation (named such because iPod commercials focus on individuality while selling the product to every Gen Y) works well in groups and teams - especially with people their own age but they also have been taught the value of individuality and independent thinking. They see themselves as unique individuals - not tied to any specific labels. The key for employers is finding the right mix of individual and team projects that allow these workers to grow professionally.

7. In the end, of course, every person - every worker - is judged on his or her merits, not on generalities or misconceptions. Still, based on the research and anecdotal evidence, it may be a bumpy ride for both employers and Generation Y workers in the years ahead.


Ex. 2. Choose the correct answer:

1) What are the other names for GenerationY:

a) baby boomers;

b) the millenials;

c) boomers;

d) echo boomers

2) Generation Y workers are called ‘entitled’ because:

a) they think they have to work harder than their parents;

b) they are really entitled to rewards;

c) they think they are entitled to rewards

3) Generation Y workers are thought to be lazy because:

a) modern technology helps them in their work;

b) they do not want to work hard;

c) their parents used to work harder

4) Their work ethic is:

a) never work hard;

b) work should be enjoyable;

c) other things are more interesting than work

5) Generation Y workers are thought to have little respect for the authority because:

a) they really don’t respect their seniors;

b) their parents taught them not to respect the authorities;

c) they want to be more respected by their employers

6) Which of these statements is not correct:

a) GenY workers don’t like teamwork;

b) they value individuality and independent thinking;

c) they see themselves as unique personalities.

Ex. 3. Summarize the main characteristics of Generation Y workers.

Ex. 4. What advice does the author give to employers to make the most of the young workers’ potential?

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 5. Form the abstract nouns from the following adjectives:

1) efficient;

2) effective;

3) individual;

4) unique;

5) entitled;

6) flexible;

7) lazy

Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps with one of these words:

Misconception, mix, hurtful, adjust, approach, flexible, lack

1) A good candidate for this job should have the right (…) of business and personal good qualities.

2) The problem of a (…) of qualified staff is very topical for many companies.

3) This article reveals some common (…) concerning young working generation, such as their lack of respect for the authority.

4) Being criticized is very (…) for most people.

5) The managers should (…) their employees differently and individually.

6) Many employers don’t want to offer their staff (…) working hours.

7) The purpose of this article is to (…) the perceptions of the young generation workers with the reality.

Ex. 7. Match the words with their synonyms:

1) roughly

a) drawback

2) folk

b) group

3) entitlement

c) advantage

4) flaw

d) approximately

5) cohort

e) fulfill

6) coddle

f) people

7) accomplish

g) right

8) merit

h) spoil

Ex. 8. Find the word or expression in the text which means the following:


a way of doing something that is shorter or quicker than the usual way (par. 2)


to look at various places one after another on the Internet (par. 3)


a basic or essential feature that gives smth. its character (par. 2)


the process of sending and receiving written messages using a mobile phone (par. 3)


to spend a particular amount of time (par. 4)


someone who was born during the baby boom after the Second World War (par. 2)


evidence based on someone’s personal experience or information rather than on facts that can be checked (par. 7)


a situation with both failures and successes (par. 7)


people too interested in themselves and not thinking about other people’s feelings and needs (par. 6)


a portable media player designed and marketed by Apple (par. 6)


an advertisement on television or radio (par. 6)


a statement that is not specific but covers a wide range of situations (par. 7)

Ex. 9. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions:

1) Baby boomers were born (…) 1946 and 1964.

2) Young workers have a sense of entitlement (...) an extent.

3) Mike’s parents spoilt him (…) rewarding (…) every little thing.

4) Some people refer (…) this generation of workers as the Net Generation.

5) Unfortunately, this boy has very little respect (…) his teachers.

6) I don’t object to his decision, (…) the contrary, I approve of it!

7) All the people should be judged (…) their merits.

Ex. 10. Give collocations from the text:

1) provide

a) networking

2) achieve

b) work schedule

3) social

c) tasks

4) instant

d) trophies and prizes

5) flexible

e) the hours at the desk

6) put in

f) messaging


Unit I


Text I


Ex. 1.



Ex. 2.

1) – t) ; 2) – f) ; 3) – t) ; 4) – f) ; 5) – f).

Ex. 3.

1) – c)

2) – e)

3) – b)

4) – a)

5) – d)

Ex. 4.

1) Gross Domestic Product

2) take advantage of market opportunities

3) increase in speed and scale

4) a superior competitive position

5) life expectancy

6) driven by technological innovation

7) market value of all finished goods and services

8) precipitated by the facilitation of global communications

9) Human Development Index

10) serve as a measure of a country's overall economic output

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 6.

1) – d)

2) – f)

3) – e)

4) – b)

5) – a)

Ex. 7.

1) – d)

2) – b)

3) – e)

4) – a)

5) – f)

Ex. 8.

1) current

2) literacy

3) engaged

4) raw

5) facilitation

Ex. 9.

1) – e)

2) – d)

3) – a)

4) – f)

5) – c)

6) – b)

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