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Subsection II - the national defense council

Article 91. The National Defense Council is a consultation body of the President of the Republic on matters related to national sovereignty and the defense of the democratic state, and the following participate in it as natural members:  I - the Vice-President of the Republic;  II - the President of the Chamber of Deputies;  III - the President of the Federal Senate;  IV - the Minister of Justice;  V - the Minister of Defense;  VI - the Minister of External Relations;  VII - the Minister of Planning.  VIII - the Commanders of the Navy, Army and Air Force.

Clauses V and VIII amended by CA 23, September 2nd 1999. This CA created the Ministry of Defense, extinguishing the Ministries of Navy, Army and Air Force and creating the respective Commanders. See article 84, XIII.

Paragraph 1 - It is the competence of the National Defense Council:  I - to express opinion in the event of declaration of war and making of peace, as established in this Constitution; II - to express opinion on the decreeing of state of defense, state of siege and federal intervention; III - to propose the criteria and conditions for the use of areas which are indispensable to the security of the national territory and to express opinion on their actual use, especially on the boundary zone and on those related to the preservation and exploitation of natural resources of any kind;  IV - to study, propose and monitor the development of initiatives required to guarantee national independence and the defense of the democratic state.  Paragraph 2 - The organization and the operation of the National Defense Council shall be regulated by law. 

Title V - the defense of the state and of the democratic institutions chapter I - the state of defense and the state of siege section I - the state of defense

Article 136. The President of the Republic may, after hearing the Council of the Republic and the National Defense Council, decree a state of defense to preserve or to promptly re-establish, in specific and restricted locations, the public order or the social peace threatened by serious and imminent institutional instability or affected by major natural calamities.  Paragraph 1 - The decree instituting the state of defense shall determine the period of its duration, shall specify the areas to be encompassed and shall indicate, within the terms and limitations of the law, the coercive measures to be in force from among the following:  I - restrictions to the rights of:  a) assembly, even if held within associations;  b) secrecy of correspondence;  c) secrecy of telegraph and telephone communication. II - in the event of a public calamity, occupation and temporary use of public property and services, the Union being liable for the resulting damages and C osts  Paragraph 2 - The state of defense shall not exceed thirty days and it may be extended once for an identical period if the reasons that justified its decreeing persist.  Paragraph 3 - During the period in which the state of defense is in force: I - arrest for a crime against the State, determined by the party executing the measure, shall be immediately communicated by such party to the competent judge, who shall remit it if it is illegal, it being the arrested person's choice to request examination of corpus delicti from the police authority;  II - the communication shall be accompanied by a statement by the authority as to the physical and mental state of the arrested person at the time of the filing of the charges;  III - the imprisonment or detention of any person shall not exceed ten days, unless authorized by the Judicial Power;  IV - incommunicability of the arrested person is forbidden.  Paragraph 4 - Upon decreeing a state of defense or extension thereof, the President of the Republic shall, within twenty-four hours, submit the act with the respective justification to the National Congress, which shall decide by absolute majority.  Paragraph 5 - If the National Congress is in recess, it shall be called extraordinarily within five days.  Paragraph 6 - The National Congress shall examine the decree within ten days as from receipt thereof, and shall remain in operation as long as the state of defense is in force. Paragraph 7 - If the decree is rejected, the state of defense shall cease immediately.