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Упражнение 15. Переведите на английский язык, используя Future in the Past Passive.

1. Мария сказала, что ее багаж будет доставлен на вокзал через 3 часа. 2. Медсестра сказала, что ребе- нок будет осмотрен врачом сегодня вечером. 3. Парт- неры сообщили, что груз будет доставлен на следую- щей неделе. 4. Издатель подтвердил, что журнал будет издан через две недели. 5. Покупатель решил, что этот стол будет куплен им завтра. 6. Судья ска- зал, что заседание состоится на следующей неделе. 7. Говорили, что магазин будет открыт уже через два месяца. 8. Строители утверждали, что дом будет построен в начале следующего года. 9. Секретарь пообещал, что ответ будет нам скоро отправлен. 10. Они согласились с тем, что аренда будет опла- чена на следующей неделе. 11. Они договорились о том, что товары будут отправлены клиенту в сле- дующую среду.

Упражнение 16. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present, Past или Future Indefinite Passive.

1. Moscow (to found) in 1147. 2. Football (to play) in summer. 3. Her new article (to finish) next year. 4. The letter (to receive) tomorrow. 5. That bone (to give) to her dog today.

Безличная конструкция в страдательном залоге

В страдательном залоге употребляются неко- торые непереходные глаголы с предлогами: to re- fer to — ссылаться на, to speak about (of) — говорить о (об), to think of — думать о, to take care of — заботиться о и др.

V )

7 516 Упражнений

Am I being invited?

he i Is she \heinZ ^ J invited?

we i u • . 1 being

Are u invited? they '

I ,

Was h® lbeingJO she invited?


Were you j bein£

they J invited?

I am not being invited he | is not she ^ being it ' invited

we are not you j. being they ; invited


he 1 was not being she Г invited it

we 1 were not being

[ invited they '

Active Continuous

Passive Continuous

Construction workers are building a new line of the underground in Mos- cow. Строители стро- ят сейчас новую линию метро в Москве.

Farmes in United States are widely culti- vating these plants. Фермеры в Соединеных Штатах широко раз- водят эти растения.

A new line of the un- derground is being built in Moscow. Новая ли- ния метро строится сейчас в Москве.

These plants are being widely cultivated in the United States. Эти рас- тения в настоящее вре- мя разводятся повсе- местно в Соединенных Штатах.



The workers were erecting the big dam across the Volga when I came to Moscow. Стро- ители возводили боль- шую дамбу через Волгу, когда я приехал в Мос- кву.

The big dam across the Volga was being erected when I came to Moscow. Когда я при ехал в Москву, большая дамба строилась через Волгу.

Упражнение 19. Переведите на русский язык.

1. The gates are being painted. 2. The car is being polished. 3. My TV is being repaired. 4. His suit is be- ing dry-cleaned. 5. The gates aren't being mended. They are being painted. 6. His gramophone isn't being repaired. 7. Her dress isn't being dry-cleaned. It's be- ing pressed. 8. They aren't being introduced to Mr. Brown. They're being introduced to Professor Black. 9. Is the fence being painted ? 10. Are you being worried by that man? 11. Is your house being built yet? 12. Are your shoes being cleaned? 13. Isn't your suit being dry-cleaned? 14. Aren't they being introduced to Professor Black? 15. Why isn't your radio being re- paired? 16. Your car is being polished, isn't it? 17. They're being introduced to Professor Black, aren't they? 18. You aren't being annoyed by those children, are you?

Упражнение 20. Переведите на русский язык.

1. A new highway is being built between Germany and the Netherlands. 2. These goods are being ex- ported to all European countries. 3. The new exhibi- tion of this artist is being visited actively. 4. The new


creme is being sold in many shops. 5. Fashion clothes is delivered to big shops. 6. This underground line was being built, when I first came to Moscow. 7. The meet- ing was being held, when I entered the office. 8. The house was being built, when I learned at school.

Упражнение 21. Раскройте скобки, используя Past Continuous Passive.

1. When he wanted to wear his suit, it (to dry- clean). 2. Tom's pets (to feed) when I arrived at his house. 3. While they (to photograph), the camera broke down. 4. While I (to introduce) to Mary, the tele- phone rang. 5. The fence (not to paint) at ten o'clock yesterday. 6. This newspaper (not to print) twenty-five years ago. 7. This hole (not to dig) when I went past yesterday. 8. When I arrived home last night, the din- ner (not to cook). 9. Why was his suit (to dry clean)? 10. Were you (to photograph) at three o'clock yester- day? 11. Was Mary (to introduce) to Mr. Brown when you saw her? 12. Weren't Tom's pets (to feed) when you arrived at his house? 13. Wasn't Betty (to ask) to sing when you came into the room? 14. Why wasn't the dinner (to prepare) when you arrived home? 15. When you arrived at the party, Mary (to ask) to sing, wasn't she?

Упражнение 22. Используйте пассив в следующих предлоясениях.

Пример: They must paint this fence. — This fence must be painted. Somebody has opened the window. — The window has been opened.

1. Somebody is pressing Mary's dress. 2. They are dry-cleaning his suit. 3. They close the library at nine o'clock every night. 4. They polish his car every


month. 5. Someone will mend the fence next weekend. 6. They'll broadcast this program again. 7. People are going to hold the meeting next Saturday. 8. They're going to promote him at work. 9. Someone photo- graphed them yesterday. 10. People held the meeting last Tuesday. 11. People have asked Tom to sing.

  1. They've never closed the library at eight o'clock.

  2. They were dry-cleaning his suit at five o'clock yes- terday. 14. Someone was photographing them at ten o'clock. 15. They can mend this radio.

Упражнение 23. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в соответствующую форму пассива.

1. (Everyone) knows this fact very well. 2. (They) opened the theater only last month. 3. (People) will soon forget it. 4. (You) must write the answers in ink. 5. (Someone) has taken two of my books. 6. (We) have already filled the vacancy. 7. What should (one) do in such cases? 8. Did (they) say anything interesting? 9. Did (no one) ever make it clear how (one) operated the machine? 10. (One) should sow new lawns in Sep- tember. 11.1 don't think (anyone) can do it. 12. (They) would undoubtedly have sent him to prison if (they) had found him guilty. 13. (You) must finish the work by seven o'clock. 14. (They) are now manufacturing this type of transistor radio in Japan. 15. (No one) could possibly have known the secret. 16. Has (some- one) made all the necessary arrangements? 17. Fortu- nately, (no one) had said anything about it. 18. (We) will execute all orders promptly. 19. (The police) kept the man in custody. 20. Does (someone) clean all the rooms regularly?

Упражнение 24. Укажите формы глаголов в упраж- нении 23.


Упражнение 25. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в соответствующую форму пассива и используя соответствующие предлоги.

Пример: The new proposals (discuss)... our next meet- ing. (Future)

The new proposals will be discussed at our next meeting.

1. A surcharge of 10 per cent (add) ... patrons' bills to cover gratuities to hotel staff. (Present Indefinite).

    1. Surplus grain (send) ... the stricken area and (dis- tribute) ... the starving population. (Past Indefinite).

    2. These recordings (make) ... the rehearsals immedi- ately preceding the concert. (Past Indefinite). 4. A meeting (arrange) ... the Commonwealth Prime Minis- ters. (Present Perfect). 5. A member of the Opposition pointed out that very few new hospitals (build) ... the end of the war. 6. He wanted nothing except (leave) ... peace. (Infinitive). 7. Don't you think a solicitor should (consult)... this question? (Perfect Infinitive). 8. These tablets should (keep) ... of the reach of chil- dren. (Infinitive). 9. America (discover) ... the end of the fifteenth century. (Past Indefinite). 10. The full impact of the strike (not feel) ... next week, by which time present stocks (exhaust). (Future, Future Per- fect). 11. The two cottages now (convert)... one house. (Present Perfect). 12. All new models of this car (equip)... safety belts. (Future). 13. The result of the examination (not know) ... two months. (Future). 14. No one had supposed that the motion would (de- feat) ... such a large majority. (Infinitive). 15. The bridge has had (close) ... repairs. (Infinitive). 16. Did you know that this case (investigate)... a member of the C.I.D.? (Present Continuous). 17. All lights must (switch off) ... 11 p.t. (Infinitive). 18. Nothing (hear)


    1. ... him since he left the country six weeks ago. 19. The goods should (handle)... greater care. (Perfect Infini- tive). 20. You (meet)... the airport. (Future).

Упражнение 26. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в соответствующую форму пассива.

1. The new washing machines (turn out) at the rate of fifty a day. 2. When her husband died, she natu- rally assumed that she (provide for). 3. We've had to move into a hotel while the house we've just bought (do up). 4. The employee was assured of his (take on) again as soon as work was available. 5. Richard always (tell off) for careless mistakes nowadays. 6. The meanings of all new words should (look up) in the dictionary. 7. In his anxiety to reach the rendezvous on time, the driver forgot that the car still (run in). 8. The agree- ment had to (draw up) in the presence of two witnesses.

      1. Some Heads of Government now fear that negotia- tions (break off) before a settlement is reached.

      2. The chairman of the board of directors assured shareholders that the matter of the deficiency (look into) by the time the next meeting was held. 11. He felt he (let down) badly by his best friend. 12. The search party had little idea where to start looking, the climber's tracks (blot out) by a recent snowstorm.

Упражнение 27. Замените активный залог на пассив- ный в следующих предложениях.

Пример: They gave the oldest councilor the freedom of the city.

The oldest councilor was given the freedom of the city.

1. They denied access to the secret documents to all but a few. 2. Someone showed the child how to use the


telephone. 3. They declared him "persona non grata" and allowed him only forty-eight hours to leave the country. 4. They gave him artificial respiration. 5. Why didn't they offer him the job? 6. Didn't they promise you a rise in salary at the beginning of the year? 7. Someone left him a legacy of $10 000. 8, When he looked at the stamps, he found they had sold him forgeries. 9. What did they pay you for doing the job? 10. Someone should tell him never to do that again. 11. They asked you to meet me here at 11 o'clock, not half-past. 12. Will someone send me the details? 13. We shall send you the goods as soon as they are available. 14. Someone must teach that boy a lesson! 15. We must give slum-clearance priority over the building of new properties.

Упражнение 28. Ответьте на вопросы, используя пас- сивные формы глаголов и необходимые предлоги.

1. What must be done with a bad tooth? (pull) 2. What has to be done with dirty crockery and cutlery at the end of a meal? (wash) 3. What should happen if mistakes appear in a student's work? (point) 4. What might happen if you crossed a busy road without look- ing? (knock) 5. What would happen to a lighted candle if there were a sudden gust of wind? (blow) 6. What may happen to a man who has committed his first of- fence? (let) 7. What often happens if negotiations look like being unsuccessful? (break) 8. What happens to traffic in a traffic jam? (hold). 9. What happens to workers if they become redundant? (lay). 10. What is done with spoken evidence given to a policeman? (take). 11. What must be done if a plan or an idea proves unworkable? (give). 12. A notice has disap- peared from a noticeboard. What must have hap- pened? (take). 13. I dropped a $1 note in the street,


and can't find it. What could have happened to it? (pick). 14. No one can attend a meeting on that date. What could be done to solve the problem? (put).

Упражнение 29. Используйте пассив в следующих предложениях.

1. People can't hear our radio outside the room. 2. People mustn't park cars there. 3. They must shake this bottle of medicine. 4. People elected him Presi- dent. 5. People made Tom captain of the team. 6. They have appointed Mr. Brown manager of the Accounts Branch. 7. They aren't mending Mary's radio. 8. They don't close the library at eight o'clock every night.

        1. They won't finish the new road this week.

        2. People aren't going to hold the meeting tonight.

        3. They didn't mend the fence yesterday. 12. They haven't invited Fred to the party yet. 13. They weren't painting this fence at three o'clock. 14. They didn't make Bill captain of the team. 15. Nobody asked Bill to sing.

Упражнение 30. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. The factory workers will appreciate improved conditions of work. 2. Does the librarian close the doors every night? 3. Is the mechanic repairing Bill's car? 4. Does his neighbor feed Tom's pets every day? 5. James Watt invented the steam-engine. 6. Did Tom's mother make these cakes? 7. Will man conquer space? 8. Most people didn't understand his lecture. 9. An architect didn't design this house. 10. Have the police captured that criminal yet?


Упражнение 31. Преобразуйте предложения, исполь- зуя пассив. Укажите лицо, совершающее действие, где необходимо, с помощью by.

          1. God (or Nature) formed man for society. (Sir Wil- liam Blackstone, in "The Laws of England").

          2. People always suspect, and usually oppose, new opinions. (John Locke)

          3. People often tell the cruelest lies in silence. (R.L. Stivenson)

          4. Builders made London Bridge for wise men to go over and fools to go under. (Proverb)

          5. Many things grow in the garden that no one ever sowed there. (Proverb)

          6. One does not snare an old fox easily. (Proverb)

          7. Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.

          8. Someone stole jewels worth 100,000 dollars from a room in the Grand Hotel last night.

          9. Did anyone catch the thief? Yes, the police ar- rested a man and charged him.

          10. A large and enthusiastic audience applauded the speech.

          11. People did not build Rome in a day. (Proverb)

          12. A strange-looking man with a long beard at- tracted my attention.

          13. We shall hold our annual general meeting next Friday.

          14. Advances in medical sciences have caused a great increase in world population.

          15. We need more water for agriculture, yet we are now wasting hundreds of tons of water a day.

          16. In a nuclear power station they use a nuclear re- actor to provide heat.

          17. There is danger that in the fight against starva- tion we shall exhaust the land.


          1. The ancient Greeks could boast that their cul- ture had reached and penetrated every contemporary civilization.

          2. A change in man's beliefs precedes every change in society. (Noel Arran on J.S. Mill)

          3. Doctors do not mean people to live on medicine. (Proverb)

          4. A hundred years ago we would have written all our letters by hand.

          5. Man is ruining his environment by his own care- lessness. (Julian Huxley)

          6. Nature forms the earth's land surface by what we call sedimentary rocks.

          7. Every government seems to have recognized the importance of compulsory education.

Упражнение 32. Преобразуйте предложения, исполь- зуя конструкцию "it + глагол в Passive Voice".

1. We agreed that we should take no action till Mon- day. 2. Everyone in the capital assumes there will be election very soon. 3. The committee has decided that work on the new building should begin at once. 4. The newspapers generally expect that prices will fall in the spring. 5. One hopes that the harvest this year will be better than last. 6. Scientists have proved that smok- ing has some relation to lung cancer. 7. An official spokesman announced that 150 people had lost their lives in the disaster. 8. We took it for granted that we should be allowed to leave early. 9. Experts think that the world population has increased by 1,000 million since 1900.10. You will all understand that no one can leave the building till the police have finished their en quiries. 11. Science has shown that we can overcome hunger and disease. 12. The authorities have found il. necessary to close all the schools.


Упражнение 33. Поставьте глаголы в Passive Voice.

Maple syrup [1] (to make) in Canada and many northern states of the United States, but Vermont claims to produce the finest. Here is a description of maple sugaring in my home state of Vermont.

Maple sugar [2] (to produce) from maple syrup, and maple syrup [3] (to produce) by boiling the sap of the sugar maple tree. This whole process [4] (to call) "sug- aring." Maple sap [5] (to compose) of water, sugar, minerals such as lime, potash, iron, and certain veg- etable acids. The sugar content depends on the leaf de- velopment of the maple tree and the amount of sun- shine that [6] (to absorb) by the leaves during the sum- mer before the sugar season.

The sap begins to flow in the late winter, when the nights are still cold but the days are warm. The sap [7] (to gather) in this way: a hole [8] (to make) into the side of a large maple tree, and then a tap [9] (to insert) into the hole. A tap is like a faucet, so that the sap can flow freely through it. Then a bucket [10] (to place) on the tree just under the tap. The bucket [11] (to cover) with a lid of some kind so that rain, snow, or bugs do not fall into the sap.

There may be as many as 500 maple trees in what [12] (to call) "a sugar bush." Sometimes more than one bucket [13] (to place) on a tree. This means that 600 to 700 buckets must [14] (to empty) of their sap contents at least once a day. Although tractors [15] (tduse) now to carry workers from tree to tree, horses [16] (to use) in the past. Some farmers still prefer to use horses be- cause they can maneuver more easily among the trees through the snow.

The buckets filled with sap [17] (to bring) to a cen- tral location, the "sugar house." Since the sap is about


35 percent of water, maple syrup [18] (to make) by get- ting rid of the surplus water.

This [19] (to do) by boiling the sap. First, it [20] (to pour) into a sap pan or evaporator. This evaporator pan (sometimes as large as five by sixteen feet) [21] (to build) on top of firebox in which a roaring wood-fire [22] (to build). The sap [23] (to boil) for forty-five to sixty minutes, depending on the quality of the sap and the temperature of the fire. The sap, which has now be- come a sweet, sticky syrup, [24] (to pour) through flannel or a strainer to ensure purity and clarity. Then it [25] (to put) into bottles or cans. Believe it or not, about thirty-five gallons of sap [26] (to use) to make one gallon of syrup!

Maple sugar [27] (to make) by continuing to boil the syrup until it begins to thicken. Then it [28] (to beat) with a heavy wooden spoon, although today sometimes an electric beater [29] (to use). When the syrup is so thick that it pours slowly, it [30] (to pour) into flat pans or specially shaped molds. After it hardens, it [31] (to cut) into cubes and used for sweetening, like lumps of sugar; or it [32] (to sell) to tourists as maple sugar candy.

"Sugar on snow" is a special treat that [33] (to en- joy) by all Vermonters at the end of the sugaring sea- son. Maple syrup [34] (to boil) until it will "wax" — which is about 235°F. Then immediately it [35] (to pour) directly onto a dish of snow! The hot syrup be- comes crystalline and brittle, and anyone who has never eaten Sugar on Snow has missed one of the gas- tronomical treats of a lifetime.


Упражнение 34. Переведите на английский язык, используя страдательный залог.

1. Меня познакомили с этим ученым в прошлом году. 2. На какие книги вы ссылаетесь? 3. Где вы так долго были? Вас искали. 4. Об этом случае много говорят в нашем институте. 5. Послали за лекар- ством? Да, его ищут. 6. Нас провели в зал и предло- жили хорошие места. 7. Этот рассказ обсудили на уроке. 8. Не беспокойся, ей помогут в работе. 9. Ког- да я вернусь домой, все мои вещи будут уже упако- ваны. 10. В нашем районе строится новая школа. 11. Этот мост еще строится. Он строился, когда я его увидел в первый раз. 12. Когда я приду домой, обед будет готовиться. 13. Его воспитал отец, так как мать умерла через год после его рождения. 14. Когда я начала помогать ей, книга уже переводилась два месяца, но не была еще переведена.

Упражнение 35. Переведите на английский язык, используя страдательный залог.

1. Где будет построена новая больница? 2. Наши упражнения исправляются учителем. 3. Это письмо написано моей сестрой. 4. Когда была написана эта книга? 5. Статьи из журналов переводятся нами на каждом уроке. 6. Кем будет сделана эта работа? 7. Этот доклад будет сделан им завтра. 8. Им дается час на обед. 9. Это упражнение будет написано мною завтра. 10. Работа будет окончена вовремя. 11. Но- вости были сообщены ему. 12. Вам принесут этот журнал через два часа. 13. Когда будет отправлена эта телеграмма? 14. Этот учебник продается во многих магазинах.


Упражнение 36. Переведите каждое предложение в Active Voice и Passive Voice.

1. Глинка написал оперу "Иван Сусанин". 2. Зна- менитый архитектор проектировал этот театр.

  1. Комитет должен обсудить этот вопрос завтра.

  2. Директор только что подписал письмо. 5. Катя показала ему комнату. 6. Старшая сестра заботится о младших детях. 7. Аудитория слушала его с боль- шим вниманием. 8. Они много говорили об этой пьесе. 9. Они предложили ему лучшую работу. 10. Я был уверен, что они закончат работу к концу сен- тября. 11. Он уже написал сочинение. 12. Она часто ссылается на эту книгу.

Модальный глагол + infinitive passive

Упражнение 37. Употребите конструкцию "модаль- ный глагол + пассив".

1. We must hold our position to the last man.

    1. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

    2. The designer ought to take these plans back and do them again. 4. You ought to have made this clearer. 5. We regret we cannot admit children without their parents. 6. You must show your tickets to the inspec- tor. 7. Overeating may shorten a man's life. 8. You needn't tell me what my duty is. 9. People must have known this for thousands of years. 10. Man might ap- ply atomic physics to destroy half the world. 11. We can never catch the bird of truth but perhaps we can find some of its feathers. (Noel on J.S. Mill) 12. A little more care might have prevented this terrible ac- cident.


Упражнение 38. Составьте предложения.

Пример: (This man has received a good education)

He is a ... man.

He is a well-educated man.

1. (I don't like meat which isn't cooked.) I don't like ... meat. 2. (There wasn't a break in the line of people.) The people were standing in an ... line. 3. (Mary wrote me a letter on her typewriter.) Mary sent me a ... letter. 4. (People use this expression frequently.) This is a ... expression. 5. (People know this writer well.) He is a ... writer. 6. (These tractors have been produced in large numbers.) These tractors are ... . 7. (They have con- structed these houses badly.) These are ... houses. 8. (This meat has been cooked too much.) This meat is ... . 9. (Someone made these shoes by hand.) These shoes are ... . 10. (This table has a high polish.) This is a ... table. 11. (That photograph has too much light in it.) That photograph is .... 12. (He has developed his argument well.) He has a ... . argument. 13. (Someone broke that chair.) That chair is ... . 14. (Someone has polished that piece of copper brightly.) That is a ... piece of copper. 15. (Someone has damaged this table badly.) This is a ... table.

Упражнение 39. Передайте следующие предложения в активном залоге.

1. A speech to the nation was to have been made by the Prime Minister, but it had to be cancelled at the last minute because of a Cabinet crisis. 2. The fire was finally got under control, but not before extensive damage had been caused. 3. The car thief was arrested after having been chased for more than an hour. 4. Don't let yourself be depressed by your failure. 5. In view of the widespread concern that is felt by the com-


niiiiiity at the plan for a main road to be built through i lie village, it has been decided by the local Council I hat a special inquiry should be held. 6. Patrons are re- ! 11 >ectfully informed that the right is reserved for ad- mission to be refused to anyone, without any reason being given. 7. The house had been broken into, and I wo thousand pounds' worth of jewelry had been sto- len. 8. Only after it had been subjected to searching laboratory tests by the scientist was the new vaccine put on the market by the Company. 9. It was stated by Macaulay that Byron had been hounded out of Britain I >y the British public in one of its periodic fits of moral - i ty. 10. The plan hadn't been at all well thought out by I he leader. 11. It ought to have been made quite clear to the shareholders before the annual meeting was held that they would not be allowed to vote for a new Board by proxy.

Упражнение 40. Переведите на русский язык.

Three new breath-test machines are being tried out by the police. But one has been found to have a fault. A very big fault. It gets drunk. The guilty machine is a mini computer. A driver blows into it and straight away the driver's alcohol level is printed on a screen.

But the machine being tried out in Smethwick has been hiccuping out the wrong figures. Police took in into custody, and found it was too keen on the smell of alcohol. Each time it was "topped up" by the machine. This meant an innocent driver could be accused of be- iiig over the legal limit.

Fortunately the machines have only been used for practice. No driver has been wrongly convicted. Ex- perts are now trying to find a cure for the tipsy ma- ■ hine. The machines are being tested for six months. Then the best of them will be used by police all over


Britain. They will cut out the need for separate blood and urine tests. This will make them cheaper to use.

Прямая и косвенная речь

Прямая речь — цитирование чьих-либо слов. I буквально цитируемые слова вводятся глаголами to say, to declare, to repeat и др.

My friend said: "I want to go home."

Упражнение 1. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Андрей сказал Вере: "Я иду в кино сегодня иечером". 2 . Вера ответила: "Нет, я останусь дома. Я долясна сделать домашнее задание". 3. Дмитрий спросил его: "Почему ты не хочешь помочь мне?" А. Ольга утверждала: "Нам нужно купить эти кни- ги". 5. Когда Виктор уезжал, он пообещал: "Я буду писать вам часто". 6. Уходя, мать просила детей: "Не открывайте дверь незнакомым людям!"

Косвенная речь строится в виде дополнитель- ного придаточного предложения, введенного сою- зом that. Возможно также и бессоюзное соеди- нение с главным. В косвенной речи применяются все правила согласования времен.


Direct speech

Indirect speech

(прямая речь)

(косвенная речь)


that day


the day before


the next day

... ago

.. . before

This. . .




Last year

the year before

Last month

the month before


the... before

Next.. .

the following . . .

Indirect commands

He asked me

"Be quiet!"

He asked me

To be quiet.

Прямая и косвенная речь

Подлежащее — личное

может заменяться


местоимением другого

лица, в соответствии

со смыслом предложе-


He said: "I am very

Не said he was very




Глагол в главном предложении стоит в прошедшем времени

She said: "I want to eat."

любое настоящее время в прямой речи перехо- дит в прошедшее время соответствующей группы времен

She said she wanted to


Past Indefinite

He said: "I wrote this letter yesterday."

переходит в Past Perfect

He said he had written this letter the day before.

Future любой группы времен

I said: "I shall come back very late."

Переходит в Future in the Past той же группы

I said I should come back very late.

Упражнение 2. Замените прямую речь косвенной.

1. They said: "We want to go home". 2. He said to me: "You can go." 3. I said to him: "You are very tired." 4. We said to them: "You don"t speak English." 5. They said: "We are writing our exercises." 6. He thought: "I have seen her somewhere." 7. She thought: "You will be working here." 8. He said: "I am reading an English book now." 9. I thought: "I shall go to the cinema tomorrow."

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения упраж- нения 2 (с прямой и косвенной речью) на русский язык.


Косвенный вопрос без вопросительного слова вводится союзами whether или if.

Не asks us: "Are you very busy?" Он спра- шивает нас: "Вы очень заняты?"

Не asks us whether we are very busy? Он спрашивает нас, очень ли мы заняты.

Если вопрос в прямой речи начинается с вопро- сительного слова, то оно сохраняется и в косвен- ной речи.

Не asked me: "Where Не asked me where I are you going?" was going.

Он спросил меня: Он спросил меня, "Куда вы идете?" куда я иду.

Утвердительная форма повелительного накло- нения передается в косвенной речи простым ин- финитивом, отрицательная форма повелитель- ного наклонения передается отрицательной фор- мой инфинитива.

Не said to me: "Sit He told me to sit down!" Он сказал мне: down. Он приказал мне "Сядьте!" сесть.

Упражнение 4. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвен- ную.

1. They asked him: "Will you be at home tomor- row?" 2. She asked me: "Are you reading this book?"

  1. She asked them: "What have you read today?"

  2. She asked us: "When will you be at home?" 5. He said to me: "Do not smoke!"


  1. при мнение 5. Переведите предложения упраж- нении 1 (с прямой и косвенной речью) на русский IIUMK.


Упражнение 6. Замените слово "said" в предложении одним или двумя словами из ниже приведенных. 11пюльзуйте каждое слово только один раз.

Suggested, insisted, shouted, agreed, whispered, claimed, muttered, boasted, objected, exclaimed, ad- mitted, protested

    1. "I can speak six languages fluently," he said.

    2. " Let's go to the cinema this evening," he said.

    3. "Stop that noise in the classroom," said the teacher.

    4. "That car you are driving is my property," the man said.

    5. "Yes, I broke the windows with my catapult," the boy said.

    6. "You can't take me to prison. I know my rights," the man said.

    7. "I shall always love you," said his ???

    8. "We don't have enough money to carry out the plan," said the treasurer.

    9. "This teacher doesn't know what he's talking about," said the student.

    10. "Well, it is a surprise to meet you here today!" she said.

    11. "Well, yes; if the weather is bad, we can't go," he said.

    12. "If you can't come today, you simply must come tomorrow," she said.

Упражнение 7. Перепишите предложения упраж- нения 6, преобразуя прямую речь в косвенную.


Упражнение 8. Напишите предложения в косвенной речи, используя said.

      1. "Do as you wish, but don't come and ask me for help if you get into difficulties."

      2. "I'm not worried about losing my job. I'm too valuable to my employers."

      3. "For Heaven's sake, stop asking me stupid ques- tions!"

      4. "Surely you don't think your friend is serious?"

      5. "Do as you're told, and stop arguing!"

      6. "What a fool I was not to accept the job! Still, it can't be helped now."

      7. "Here's to the bride and bridegroom."

      8. "Please don't say anything to him, for my sake."

      9. "Who asked you to say anything? What do you know about the business anyway? You've only been working here two months."

      10. "I've had just about enough of your insolence. One more word and you'll go to the headmaster."

      11. "Do you mean to say that you've lost the money on horse-racing?"

      12. "If you're so clever, why don't you try doing it yourself?"

      13. "Of course, I could have won the race easily if I had really tried."

      14. " Go away! Can't you see I'm busy?"

      15. "Give me the keys to the safe or you'll regret it."

Упражнение 9. Преобразуйте в косвенную речь.

1. "Shall I post this letter for you?" 2. "Will you post this letter for me?" 3. "Shall I be able to come to the party?" 4. "If I am free I shall go there next Tues- day." 5. "You must never do that again." 6. "If I were you, I would say nothing about it." 7. "I'm just going


■ ill. so I can't stop to speak to you now." 8. "I was just (Miing out, but since you've come such a long way to see i m 1 suppose I'd better put off my shopping till tomor- M»w." 9. " If I were free next week, I would visit you." 10. "Are you free tomorrow?" 11. "This machine un- derwent exhaustive trials before it was placed on the market." 12. "Not until later did I understand the full if iiificance of his words." 13. "As I was leaving the house it started to rain". 14. "If anyone is at fault, it is v«ni yourself."

Упражнение 10. Преобразуйте в прямую речь.

бразец: Tony accepted without reservation my sug- gestion that we should try to get local sup- port for the new theatre company.

"I would suggest, Tony, that we try to get local support for the new theatre com- pany."

"Yes, I thoroughly agree with you."

1. The playwright agreed to do as the producer asked — to modify one or two passages of his play be- fore its first night the following Monday. 2. My friend told me he had heard the previous week that the local Music Society was thinking of putting on an opera if enough support could be found, 3. When questioned by the master about the disappearance of a bicycle from the school cycle sheds two days before, the boy flatly denied having had anything to do with it. 4. Peter's re- quest to his employer to have the next day off met with a blunt refusal. 5. He asked me to lend him five pounds, which I agreed to do, somewhat reluctantly, on condition that he paid me back the following week. 6. Michael rang up Jean at the last moment, apologiz- ing profusely for being unable to go to dinner with her


that evening. Despite his apology, Jean was very put out, and said that he might have let her know earlier; she wouldn't have needed to make such elaborate preparations. 7. I was taken completely by surprise, and in fact could hardly believe Margaret was serious when she told me she was going to leave England early the following year to take up a job abroad. 8. The Chan- cellor said that if the nation were to work harder and increase output, wage increases would be fully justi- fied. He emphasized, however, that until this came about, it would be economic suicide to allow inflation to develop once again. 9. When the lady protested at being told to open her suitcase for inspection, the Cus- toms Official firmly but politely pointed out that she must do as she was asked. 10. The customer called the waiter and complained that the soup was cold, adding that it ought to have been served in a hot dish, and that the waiter should have known better than to have served it like that. 11. Alan's objection to Graham's suggestion that they should spend the Easter holiday in Australia was that they wouldn't be able to see much of the country in such a short time, and that, in any case, such a short holiday justified the expense of trav- elling so far. 12. After the accident, the bus driver ac- cused the motorist of not looking where he was going, to which the latter retorted that if the other hadn't been driving so fast, he himself would have had a chance of stopping in time.

Упражнение 11. Преобразуйте в косвенную речь.

"Have you been here long?" inquired the newcomer of another person in the hotel lounge. "No, just over a week; that's all."

"I'm a stranger in these parts. But of course even a stranger learns a few things in a week."


"Would you mind telling me if anybody's been here Milled Penlark?"

"Penlark?" said the middle-aged man. "It's odd you nltould mention that name. I remember the man well: a big tall fellow, with a dark moustache. He went off this morning."

"Do you know where he went?" asked the newcomer. "Well, he said he was going to London."

Упражнение 12. Преобразуйте в косвенную речь.

"Would you like to bathe, or to go out in one of the boats?" Nora asked.

"You'll think I'm a coward," answered Jack, "but I run see how cold the water is without going into it. I'd mther go out in a punt or in the rowing-boats."

"All right," said Nora. "I think we'll go in the punt. I t's safer because you can't tip it over."

"No, replied Jack, "but you can stick the pole too hard in the mud. Then the punt slides away from you, mid all you can do is to hang miserably on to the punt pole. It may keep steady for a moment, but when it be- gins to tilt you go very slowly into the water and have to swim ashore, with all your friends laughing at you."

I shouldn't laugh," said Nora. "I should run to the boat-house and fetch the little rowing-boat. Then I should row very fast to rescue you."

"In that case," said Jack, smiling, "let's take the punt."

Упражнение 13. Преобразуйте в косвенную речь.

After breakfast, Charles followed his uncle into the


"Now, young man," his uncle began, "I've always taken a keen interest in you and I want to help in any


way I can. What sort of profession are you thinking of taking up?"

Charles had wondered about this several times, but had reached no decision.

"I think I'd rather not make up my mind just yet, Uncle," he replied.

"You'll have to. You can't keep hanging about the university all your life."

This was just what Charles would have liked best, but he thought it would be unwise to say so.

"Now, come along," said his uncle. "You must know what you're aiming at. Don't beat about the bush. What are you going to be?"

"A musician," ventured Charles hopefully. "Musician," bellowed his uncle, becoming purple in the face. " What sort of life do you think that will be? Running from one concert to another, always short of money; there's no future in it. Now, what would you say if I were to offer you a nice steady job in a bank?"

Упражнение 14. Преобразуйте в косвенную речь.

1. John said: "I have to work tonight." 2. Mary said: "I will be back later". 3. Mr. Smith said: "We may have an examination tomorrow." 4. He said: "I have no money". 5. The doctor said" "John is a very sick man."

  1. Mary said to me: "I cannot go with you tonight."

  2. He said: "I hope she comes soon." 8. He said: "I have known him a long time." 9. Mr. Smith said,:"We shall finish this tomorrow." 10. He said: "I don't know her well". 11. She said: "I am going away tomorrow." 12. He said to me: "He is supposed to be here at two o'clock."


Упражнение 15. Преобразуйте в косвенную речь.

1. Mary asked: "Where does John live?" 2. Helen said to me: "How long have you lived here? 3. Mr. Smith asked us: "Do you understand this exercise?" 4.1 asked John: "What time is it?" 5. He asked me: "Do you have to work tonight?" 6. John asked: "Is it raining? 7. He asked me: "Are you going to the movies with us?" 8. She asked: "Did you see that movie?"

    1. He asked me: "When are you leaving for Europe?"

    2. He asked me: "What does the word mean?" 11. I asked him: "When did you read that book?" 12. He said to me: "How are you today?" 13.1 asked her: "Is John here?" 14. She said to him: "Do you like my new hat?" 15.1 asked her: "Where is it?"

Упражнение 16. Преобразуйте в косвенную речь.

1. John said to me: "Wait five minutes for me." 2. The teacher said to us: "Don't write your lessons in pencil." 3.1 asked him: "Be more careful". 4. He asked me: "Please, don't be late". 5. He asked me: "Try to come in time." 6. He said to me angrily: "Don't make the same mistake again. 7. He warned the child: "Don't cross the street." 8. He said to me: "Don't forget what I told you." 9. He begged me: "Please send the money immediately." 10. He said: "Sit down for a few min- utes."

Упражнение 17. Преобразуйте в прямую речь.

1. Не asked me where I lived. 2. He asked her whether she liked New York. 3. She said he was out of town. 4. She said her name was Smith. 5. She said her maiden name had been Jones. 6. He told me not to wait for him. 7. He said that he could not meet us. 8. He asked how much it cost. 9. He told her to leave. 10. He


К 516 упражнений

asked whether I had mailed the letter. 12. He said he would be back soon.

Упражнение 18. Преобразуйте в прямую речь.

The man sitting opposite David asked him what time the train arrived at Barnin Junction. David an- swered cheerfully that it arrived at three-fifteen if they were lucky, though the timetable said it was due in at three o'clock. The man asked David if he was sure of this: it seemed to him a very long time for such a short distance. Agreeing, David explained that the train stopped at every station. He knew this, as he had to make that journey once a week. The train suddenly stopped with a jerk. The man expressed concern at this, and wondered what was happening. He felt that at that rate they wouldn't get to Barning before mid- night. David told him not to worry, explaining with matter-of-fact calm that either a cow had wandered on to the line, or the guard had seen someone running down the hill to catch the train.

Упражнение 19. Преобразуйте в прямую речь.

Joan and Peter were trying to decide what to send Aunt Harriet for a birthday present. Joan suggested that as their aunt was very fond of riding she would perhaps like a book about horses. Peter reminded her that they had sent their aunt a book the previous year, and thought that in any case she must be nearly too old for riding. He suggested they might send her a large box of chocolates. Joan pointed out that this wouldn't look very original as their aunt had sent them choco- lates for a Christmas present. Just then, Peter's brother Andrew came into the room, and they both ap- pealed to him for ideas. Andrew could only say, rather unhelpfully, that the trouble was that their aunt


hadn't got enough interests; she spent most of her time sitting in that enormous house waiting for some- thing to happen, and complaining when it did.

Упражнение 20. Передайте предложения в прямой речи.

Joan worked in a shop selling gramophone records. One day a middle-aged woman came in, sat on a stool in front of the counter and beamed at Joan. Addressing Joan familiarly, she said she wanted a record — one she had heard on the radio that morning. Joan asked what the record was called. The woman shook her head and said she didn't remember, though she would know i t if she heard it. She suggested that Joan should play her some, and settled herself more comfortably on her stool. Joan pointed out that they had hundreds of records on stock, and that it would take a very long I ime to play her even a little of each. She asked the lady [ f she could hum it to her. The woman giggled and re- plied that she couldn't sing "God save the Queen" in tune. They would get into a worse muddle if she .started humming. She looked very depressed, but sud- denly her face brightened. She had just remembered something and said: that it came from a play in which there was a woman who spoke very badly, but who af- ter a time learned to talk beautifully. Joan asked if it would be from "My Fair Lady". The woman exclaimed that that was it. She wished Joan had thought of it ear- lier instead of wasting time asking silly questions. She и pposed Joan was new to a job.

V кражнение 21. Вставьте нужную форму.

I. Не asked me where I (live, lived). 2.1 don't know whether (I can, can I) do it. 3. Can you tell me what tune (it is, is it). 4. He said he (will, would) come. 5. He


(told me, said to me) that he was busy. 6. He asked me what time it (is, was). 7. I asked him what the word (means, meant). 8.1 asked her whether she (is it, it is). 9. He said he (can, could) meet us easily. 10. I'm not sure whether (he is, is he) here. 11. He didn't say where he (is, was) going.

Упражнение 22. Преобразуйте в прямую речь.

Mr. Harding told the Archdeacon that he had in- formed Sir Abraham he would resign and that conse- quently he must do so. The Archdeacon couldn't agree that this was at all necessary, and pointed out that nothing Mr. Harding said in such a way to his own counsel could be in any way binding on him. He had simply been there to ask his lawyer's advice. The Arch- deacon felt sure that Sir Abraham had not advised any such step. Mr. Harding agreed that he hadn't. The rev- erend cross-examiner went on to say that he was sure Sir Abraham had advised him against it, which, again, Mr. Harding could not deny. Pressing home his advan- tage, the Archdeacon expressed his assurance that Sir Abraham must have advised Mr. Harding to consult his friends. Mr. Harding having been obliged to assent to this proposition also, the Archdeacon concluded by saying decisively that Mr. Harding's threat of resigna- tion therefore amounted to nothing and that they were just where they had been before.

Упражнение 23. Переделайте диалог в косвенной речи.

Tom: Hello, Bill. How are you today? It's Satur- day morning! You usually work on Satur- day mornings, don't you?


Bill: That's right. I usually work on Saturday mornings, but I've just started my holi- days. I've just started to have a rest.

Tom: Well, I haven't started my holidays. I still work every day from Monday to Friday, and at the weekends I work at home. I have five jobs at home this morning.

Bill: You will be busy! What are you going to do?

Tom: Oh, I've finished two of the jobs already.

I've mended the side fence and I've moved a load of firewood from the front gate to the back of the garage.

Bill: What are your other three jobs?

Tom: Well, I've mended the side fence, but I haven't painted the new pieces of wood yet. I've moved the load of firewood to the back of the garage, but I haven't chopped any firewood yet.

Bill: You've mentioned four jobs so far. What about the fifth one?

Tom: Oh, I'm going to fix my record player. It isn't working very well. I've borrowed some new records, and I want to listen to them to- night. I've never listened to these records, and I've arranged to return them tomor- row.

Bill: You will be busy, won't you? By the way, when are you going to have your holidays, Tom?

Tom: Oh, I'm going to have them in three months' time. I haven't worked in my office for twelve months yet. I'll begin my first holidays in December, and then I'll have a rest too! I haven't managed to have a good rest since last December.






to take

to be taken


to be taking

(to be being taken)


to have taken

to have been taken

Perfect Continuous

to have been


Когда инфинитив сочетается с глаголами to do, shall, will, can, may, must, to let, to make, частица to не ставится. Инфинитив ТЭ.КЖ6 употребляется без частицы to в сложном дополнении после гла- голов восприятия (to hear, to see, to feel etc.), по- сле выражений I would rather..., You had better...

He wants to invite us. — Он хочет пригласить нас.

Не wants to be invited by us. — Он хочет быть приглашенным нами (чтобы мы его пригласили).

'How pleasant it is to be lying in the sun all day long,' said Tom. — ак приятно весь день ле- жать на солнышке", — сказал Том.

They are proud to have fulfilled their plan in time. — Они горды тем, что выполнили свой


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