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Interview: Analyst/Programmer

Task 1. Colin is an analyst/programmer. Study this screen display from one of his projects, Dante, and answer these questions.

1 What does Dante teach?

2 What kind of students is it for?

3 What do you think the calculator is for?

4 What happens if you get the answer wrong?

5 What happens if you get the answer right?

Task 2. In Part 1 of the interview Colin shows the fire engine page and subsequent pages to the interviewer. Listen and check your answers to Task 1.

Task 3. Listen to Part 2 of the interview and answer these questions.

1 What was the problem the programmers tried to solve with Dante?

2 What does the administrative package provide for the teacher?

3 What information does the program provide on use of the modules?

4 What does 'You can't debug your own code' mean?

5 Who tests the programs?

6 What do they try to do?

7 What problem did they have with graphics?

8 Colin discusses three types of error. What are they?

Task 4 Listen to Part 3 of the interview and answer these questions.

  1. Is programming stressful?

  2. What does Colin do as a break from programming?

  3. Where do the team do much of the design work?

  4. How many people work with him?

  5. What do they do?

  6. How long did Dante take to write?

  7. Why was it easy to split?

  8. Tick the languages he mentions.

С Visual Basic HTML

С++ JavaScript Delphi

Basic Pascal Algol

  1. How does he keep up with developments in his field?

  2. Why does he hate to go home sometimes?

Task 5. Listen to the whole interview again. Tick the stages in the production of a program that Colin mentions.

Analysing and defining the problem Coding

Designing the program Testing

Training the users

Obtaining feedback from users Documenting

Task 6. Sort these words about General Purpose Packages into these sets.


cell column


field fill



justify paint


rotate row



selection rules


spelling checker


tool palette


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