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Test the Verbals

Ex. 595. Read the texts, translate them and comment on the verbals

1. Meredith cleared her throat, and went on, "I never had any sense of identity when I was young. Not knowing who you are and where you come from is very frightening. It's almost like being a non-person. Since I didn't have an identity, I invented myself. But now getting my birth certificate means a great deal to me." 2. Always, in the past, Meredith had used work to subjugate heartache, bring it to heal. Working hard until she dropped had enabled her to keep her mind off her troubles, to function properly. 3. Left alone, Meredith and Eunice looked at each other carefully without speaking. It was Eunice who finally said at last, "You've grown up to be a wonderful-looking woman, and you've certainly made a go of it, you really have. Living in America, owning all these inns." 4. Reed Jamison was speechless. In all of his forty-one years he had never been discarded by a woman. He had always been the one to end affairs or start them controlling, manipulating, pulling the puppet's strings and getting his own way. He continued to stare at Meredith. She was the only woman who had ever bested him, and a terrible rage began to fulminate in him. He leapt to his feet, glaring at her. "I'm glad I found out what kind of woman you really are! Before I made the terrible mistake of marrying you!" he shouted. 5. After that she managed to put the matter out of her mind; she had always had the ability to pigeonhole problems until it was the appropriate time to deal with them. And so she managed to get through the next few days without dwelling too much on her health or mental state. 6. After this sleepless night I was eager to see Mr. Rochester in the morning, but there was no sign of him. He had obviously told the servants that he had accidentally set fire to his room by knocking over a lighted candle. As I passed his bedroom, I saw Grace sitting inside, calmly mending the curtains. She certainly did not look mad enough to have tried to murder her master. But I decided to investigate.

Ex, 596. Open the brackets to make the story complete Retell it

Finding Shelter

After (travel) for two days in the coach, I was put down at a crossroads on the moor, with no money or possessions, as I realized now that I had left my parcel inside the coach. I was glad (see) there were no towns around as I did not want people (question) me or pity me. After (search) for quite a long time, I found a dry place (sleep), there (be) no rain and it (be) a warm night. In the morning I happened (find) a small village. I needed all my courage (knock) on some of the doors, (ask) if there was any (pay) work I could do, only (refuse) politely. And I could not (bring) myself (beg) for food, although by now I felt weak and faint. All I ate that day was a piece of bread, which I still had to beg from a farmer (eat) his supper. The next day I spent (walk) from house to house, (look) in vain for work. By the end of the day j began (wonder) why I should struggle (stay) alive, when I not (want) (live).

The wind and the rain (beat) down on me, I finally arrived at a long, low house, (stand) (isolate) in the middle of the moor. (Hide) near the door, I could (see) into the kitchen through a small (uncurtain) window. I saw an elderly woman (mend) clothes, and two young ladies, who seemed (learn) a language with dictionaries. The ladies looked so kind and sensible, that I dared (knock) at the door. The elderly woman opened it, but she (must) (think) I was a thief or a beggar, because she refused (let) me (speak) to the young ladies. The door closed firmly, (shut) me out from the warmth inside.

I dropped on to the wet doorstep, (prepare) (die). There the young ladies' brother found me, (return) home a few minutes later, and he insisted (bring) me into the house. They gave me bread and milk, and asked my name. "Jane Elliot," I replied. I did not want anyone (know) who I was and where I had come from. (See) that I was too tired (speak), they helped me upstairs to a bedroom. For three days and nights I lay in bed (exhaust) by my experiences. When I felt strong enough (go) downstairs, the sisters looked after me very kindly, and made me (feel) welcome in their pleasant home. They were sensitive enough (avoid) (ask) questions which would hurt me. I told them only that, after (leave) Lowood school, I became a governess in a wealthy family, where an unfortunate event made me (run) away. I offered them (do) any kind of work, (teach), (sew), (clean), so that I (can) (become) independent again.

(after Charlotte Bronte)

Ex. 597. A. Read the text and translate it

Sing Your Stress Away!

When was the last time you really sang your heart out? For most of us, the answer is likely to be at school — and that's a real shame, because singing can do a lot more for us than just creating entertainment.

It's terrific for our emotional and even our physical health. If your reaction is "Not me — I can't sing a note" or "I'm tone deaf", then think again. According to the experts, if you can speak, you can sing — you may never do it in the Bolshoi or in the Albert Hall but if you enjoy doing it and feel better for it, who cares?

What Singing Can Do for You

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