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Centre-based youth work

This youth work is carried out at a dedicated premises, which may include facilities such as drop-in coffee bars, sports facilities and advice centres. Most youth clubs fall under this fairly wide category. It is reliant on young people choosing to come to the centre, but in some cases may be linked with outreach or school-based youth work.

[Edit]Faith-based youth work

This youth work is carried out from a foundation of religious morals and may be for the purpose of sharing or engendering religious views. In the Christian church the main purpose of faith-based youth work may be derived from the biblical commandment to "love your neighbour." In many faith-based situations the main agenda or purpose of youth work is aligned with the spiritual goals of the religion, or the perceived progress of a young person toward these goals. In Northern Ireland, 64% of youth work is faith-based

School-based work

See also: Student activism

This form of youth work is carried out in schools and is provided directly for the pupils, often by an organisation external from the school. It may include lessons, assemblies, after-school clubs, one to one mentoring etc. There may be a link with other non-school youth activities.

[Edit]Youth development

Main article: Youth development

Youth development programs seek to identify the needs of young people from a social/educational perspective, and to meet those needs through structured, intentional activities that satisfy those needs. This area includes community youth development and positive youth development activities.

[Edit]Youth worker

Main article: Youth Worker

Youth workers are people active in the field of in youth work.

27. Britain's industry Today.

It may not come as much of a shock to discover that manufacturing in Britain has shrunk over the past 100 years.

But the changes in British industry are much more substantial than that.

For example, many of the big employers in 1907, such as shipbuilders, have virtually disappeared, while food processing is now the biggest employer.

Other fascinating insights have been unearthed by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), which produced its first census of production in 1907.

Wagons out, aerospace in

Then, the massive iron and steel making and shipbuilding industries once employed about 1.4 million people.

Another key employer, deep coal mining, which accounted for slightly less than a quarter of Britain's total industrial production, had 837,000 wage earners - peaking at 1.2 million in 1924.

By 2002, the coal mining industry in Britain had been virtually wiped out, accounting for 1% of total production and employing 8,000 people.

In a similar vein, the motorcycle and bicycle manufacturing rose during the late 1940s and early 1950s as young people sought freedom and fun after the restrictions of World War II.

In 1954, employment in the industry peaked at 44,500, but has subsequently declined to the extent that only a few thousand people are needed to man these factories.

Other important industries at the time, including incandescent mantles used in gas lamps, jute for sacking and carriages and wagons, are now redundant.

Conversely, some of today's key industries, such as electronic computer production and aerospace, were not included in the 1907 census.

But by 1924, the manufacture of British aircraft employed 12,700 people, soaring to 101,000 in 2004.

Women workers

Perhaps surprisingly considering that women didn't even have the right to vote until the 1920s, the ONS data showed more females were employed in manufacturing 1907 than today, 25% compared to 23%.

But the number of young workers in production industries was much higher 100 years ago. In 1907, 25% of female employees were under 18, compared with 12% of male workers.

In 2007, women workers under the age of 18 had dropped to 2.1% - but still accounted for a larger proportion of the manufacturing workforce than men, with 1.7% under 18-years-old.

Information processing

Other changes include the way the information has been compiled over the years with the great advancement of technology.

"It is not clear whether machinery was available to help tabulate the 1907 results, but by 1924 punch cards and a Burroughs tabulator was being used," said Stephen Penneck, ONS director of surveys and administrative sources.

A fully computerised system was introduced for the 1963 census and the first electronic publication of the results was in 1994 on CD-Rom.

Common concerns

But a dissection of the ONS survey, which covered 77,000 businesses in 2005, showed many concerns of the past persist today.

These include fears over government intrusion, compliance costs and efficiency.

The initial purpose of the census of production was for setting import and export tariffs, according to the ONS, but after World War II it became important for monitoring the health of the war-torn economy.

It was also used for setting tax policy for businesses, a practice which also continues today. 

28. Religion in Britain Today - The Christian Community. People in the UK are free to choose and follow their own religious beliefs. Christianity is the main religion amongst British people, but there are also large communities of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus and Jews, and smaller communities of Baha'is, Buddhists, Jains and Zoroastrians.

The Christian Community was established in 1922 under the leadership of Friedrich RittelmeyerRudolf Steinerplayed an indispensable part in establishing its constitution and forms of service. The centre of the community’s life is a morning Eucharist, or communion service of bread and wine known as The Act of Consecration of Man. Anyone is welcome to attend this service, where they may find spiritual nourishment and peace, enlightenment for daily life and strength and companionship along the way –  as well as a sense of working for the earth and humanity as a whole. The festivals of the Christian Year are celebrated there  in a new way.

Ordained priests, both men and women, work together with the members of the congregations to create free sacramental communities for celebrating The Act of Consecration of Man and the other sacraments. These are Baptism for infants, Confirmation for adolescents, Sacramental Consultation for the individual, the Ordination of Priests, the Anointing for those approaching death, and the Sacrament of Marriage.

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