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Story Mode Script.doc
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In Earthrealm.

QUAN CHI: Have you considered why your wife and empress chose to betray

you in this particular fashion?

SHAO KAHN: Of course. But even after millenia, her motives are a mystery.

QUAN CHI: She realised that the safeguards afforded by the Elder Gods

through Mortal Kombat are but fiction. She sacrificed herself to give

Earthrealm protection the Elder Gods could not. So Earthrealm could not

suffer as had Edenia.

SHAO KAHN: Indeed.

The scene cuts to a desert wasteland in Earthrealm. Quan Chi and Noob

Saibot are standing before a green swirling of magic.

QUAN CHI: I have mastered the spells necessary for her resurrection. Her

ward will be nullified. And with it the barrier that prevents your entry

into Earthrealm.

From the magical swirl, a skeletal hand raises itself from the ground.

QUAN CHI: I will return her to you, of course.

Another skeletal hand joins it.

QUAN CHI: You will find her much more... cooperative.

SHAO KAHN: This is a very magnanimous offer.

QUAN CHI: I wish only to serve, Emperor.

The rest of the skeleton pulls itself from the sand.

SHAO KAHN: I am weary of sorcerers, Quan Chi. Prove your worth. Bring her

to me.

Quan Chi rolls the skeleton over with his magic and begins reproducing

it's former muscle mass, blood, organs and skin. The skeleton screams out

loud as the process completes itself. Noob readies himself in a combat

stance as Quan Chi approaches the form. Finally, the newly resurrected

woman - Queen Sindel - sits upright. Her pupils are glazed over with

white, and there's not a stitch of clothing on her (although the camera

doesn't view her from her cleavage down).

QUAN CHI: Sindel.

SINDEL: Quan Chi?

QUAN CHI: Shao Kahn looks forward to your return.

SINDEL: The emperor! Yesss.

Quan Chi motions to Noob, who lets his guard down.

SINDEL: What of Kitana?

QUAN CHI: Kitana now allies herself with Earthrealm.

SINDEL: Then she is no longer my daughter. Take me to Shao Kahn.

QUAN CHI: Yes, Empress.

He stands up.

QUAN CHI: (to Noob) The invasion of Earthrealm can now begin.

The camera cuts to a black screen. A loud cry of "Incoming!" is heard as

explosions go off. Briefly, the sound cuts to white noise, then as it

returns to normal, it brings with it the sight of a devastated New York





The U.S. Army is fighting a losing battle against Tarkatans equipped with

shotguns and rocket launchers, as well as twenty foot high Outworld

monstrosities. Kurtis Stryker and his partner Kabal are currently standing

on a rooftop, watching the Outworld invaders advance.

STRYKER: Fifteen... Sixteen... Seventeen... Eighteen. Kabal, call it in.

KABAL: Base. Eagle Two. We count eighteen. One-eight bogies. Southbound on


BASE: Roger that.

KABAL: Eagle Two out.

STRYKER: This is not happening.

KABAL: Not what I was thinking when I swore to protect and serve.

STRYKER: What is that?

They look down the building to see Reptile climbing towards them.

KABAL: I'm thinking shoot first, ask questions later.

STRYKER: Fine with me.

They begin shooting at Reptile, but he dodges the shots with ease and

continues climbing. As he nears the top he leaps over them and lands

behind them.

STRYKER: Pistols!

They draw their pistols and fire again, but Reptile blocks the attacks by

spewing forth some acid vapour, which acts as a shield. As the two

officers reload, Reptile strikes with his tongue, disarming Kabal and

knocking him over. He then tongues Stryker's gun, disarming him.

STRYKER: Enough of this! It's you and me, Freakshow!

They fight. Although unaccustomed to fighting Outworld warriors, Stryker's

rigourous training and arsenal of weapons manages to see him through the

fight. Eventually he leaves Reptile on his back, defeated.

STRYKER: Spitting? Sticking out your tongue? Bet your mama's real proud.

Stryker walks over to Kabal and helps him up.

STRYKER: C'mon. We're going street level. We've been compromised.

KABAL: It ain't safe down there.

STRYKER: Better there than here.

He walks off, leaving Kabal sighing and shaking his head. The scene then

cuts to the two of them at the ground level of the building they're in.

Army troopers are falling back, being chased by one of the gigantic

monsters seen earlier. Kabal notices someone on the bridge across from


KABAL: Stryker! Check her out!

Stryker looks and the camera follows. They both see a female in a rather

revealing purple leotard and leggings.

KABAL: Whaddya think? Friend or foe.


KABAL: Dressed like that?

STRYKER: Definitely foe. Cover me.

As army troopers round a corner to fight an unseen foe, Stryker walks out

to the bridge. As Mileena approaches, he calls out to her.

STRYKER: Hey, what're you doing out here?

She laughs and pulls off her mask, revealing her Tarkatan features.

MILEENA: Looking for a new playmate!

They fight. Restraining himself to using non-lethal force, Stryker

manages to eventually subdue the feral "daughter" of Shao Kahn.

STRYKER: You're coming with me.

A loud roar causes Stryker to turn his head to the bridge to the left of

him. A large creature, shaped like a gigantic pterodactyl, flies overhead.

While he's distracted, Mileena manages to pick herself up and charge at

him, when several lightning bolts shock her into unconsciousness. Raiden

- who fired the bolts - floats down from the sky and lands next to Stryker.

STRYKER: Who... who are you?

Before Raiden can answer, he grabs his head in pain as he receives another

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