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3 ин. яз. методичка Канатникова.docx
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A Suggested activities

1.What did Maurice come to

Betsy for?

1.He came to her to borrow


2.He came to tell her that he

wanted to marry her.

3.He came to take away his


2.To whom did Maurice want to

send his things?

1.He wanted to send them to his


2.He wanted to send them to his


3.He wanted to send them to his


3.Why did Maurice want to go to

Paris after leaving Betsy?

1.He had a very important

appointment there.

2.He was going to visit his aunt.

3.He just wanted to amuse


4.How did Betsy happen to get a

bruise on her forehead?

1.She stumbled into one of the

chests and fell down.

2.Maurice struck her with the

angle lamp.

3.Maurice pushed her and she

fell down.

5.What did Betsy put into the


1.She put her own photograph


2.She put her letter there.

3.She put both photograph and

her letter there.

6.How did Betsy kill Maurice?

1.She killed him with a knife.

2.She struck him with the onyx


3.She struck him with the lamp.

7. What did Betsy do after she

had killed Maurice?

1.She escaped from the place at


2.She called the police.

3.She put the body into the trunk.

B Say if you agree or disagree and support your point of view:

  1. Maurice and Betsy were married.

  2. Maurice told Betsy about Patricia on the phone.

  3. Maurice came to Betsy to pack his things and have them sent о Patricia.

  4. Betsy wanted to ruin Maurice's marriage.

  5. Maurice pulled Betsy's letter out of the jar and read it attentive!

  6. Maurice's death was just an accident.

C Paraphrase the following in English:

  1. He wasn't going to be moved by that.

  2. She watched, chain-smoking.

  3. It hadn't crossed his mind.

D Translate the following sentences using these nouns and

adjectives: good, way, savage, sight, sharp

Все в свое время.

Она протиснулась между ящиками.

Он грубо оттолкнул ее.

Она содрогнулась при виде его.

Они пришли ровно в десять.

E Translate the following sentences using these verbs: to go, to

put, to match, to make, to burst, to cross, to die.

Она побледнела.

А как бы ты выразилась?

Карандашница составляла пару с пепельницей.

Он не собирался произносить длинных речей.

Она разразилась рыданиями.

Это не пришло ему в голову.

Свеча упала и погасла

F Translate the following sentences into Russian paying

attention to the verb to put

  1. My God. I lived with you for two years, we were practically mar­ried, and then you phone and ask if I could put you up!

  1. How would you have put it?

  2. When he had gone she put her letter in the jar.

  3. He put on the light and she got up, holding her head.

G Think and answer:

  1. Do you feel sympathy for either of the two main characters?


  1. Why was Maurice more attracted to Patricia than to Betsy?

  2. What will Betsy do if a murder investigation begins and all the evi­dence points to her? Will she try to run away or not?

  3. Imagine that you are Betsy's older sister or a lawyer. What would you advise her to do in this situation?

  4. Suppose that when Maurice pushes Betsy away, she hits her head hard and is killed. What would be the end of the story then?

  5. What do you think Patricia did after she opened the frunk.

  6. Do you think Betsy was arrested?

H Imagine Betsy is being tried. Write down the first speech

she made at the trial.

Write down the questions she might be asked.

Act out the trial.

I Work in pairs. Discuss the sentence Betsy faced.

Text №5 The Impossible «lmpossible» Crime

after Edward D. Hoch

I'm no detective. But when you are living all alone with one other man, 200 miles from the nearest settlement, and one day that only other man is murdered — well, that's enough to make a de­tective out of anybody.

His name was Charles Fuller, and my name is Henry Bowfort. Charlie was a full professor at Boston University when I met him, teaching an advanced course in geology while he worked on a volume concerning the effects of permafrost on mineral deposits. I was an assistant in his department, and we became friends at once. Perhaps our friendship was helped along by the fact that I was newly married to a very beautiful blonde named Grace who caught his eye from the very beginning.

Charlie's own wife divorced him some ten years earlier, and he was at the stage of his life when any sort of charming feminine companionship aroused his basic maleness.

Fuller was at his early forties at the time, a good ten years older than Grace and me, and he often talked about the project closest to his heart.

— Before I'm too old for it, he said, i want to spend a year above the permafrost line.

And one day he announced that he would be spending his sabbatical at a research post in northern Canada, near the western shore of Hudson Bay.