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к.р.№5 (діл.ін.м).doc
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1. Перепишіть наведені речення, використовуючи відповідну форму Passive Voice. Перекладіть одержані речення рідною мовою.

1. They gave corporate clients a 15% discount last year.

2. I’m afraid they are emptying the pool for maintenance.

3. We ask guest to check out by 12.00.

4. We will return guests’ laundry by 9 a.m. the following morning.

5. I didn’t know if the bill had included service.

6. Why hasn’t anyone paid this bill yet?

7. He called a taxi while they were bringing down his luggage.

2. Перефразуйте наведені речення, використовуючи сполучник if. Напишіть одержані умовні речення у трьох типах.

Наприклад: Dollars are necessary to buy this car.

If you want to buy this car, you should have dollars.

If you wanted to buy this car, you should have dollars.

If you had wanted to buy this car, you should have had dollars.

  1. A driving license is necessary to hire a car.

  2. Lunch can be ordered by ringing 24-hour room service.

  3. Cash is available only in euros.

  4. Early booking for this tour is vital.

  5. We offer 5% discount for buying 2 bottles of sun block cream.

3. Перепишіть наведені речення у непрямій мові.

Model: Mr. Smith says, “You look nice today”. – Mr. Smith said that she looked nice that day.

  1. Mr. Higgins says, “I’ve taught Eliza to speak properly”.

  2. She said, “We like to make our old friends comfortable”.

  3. The boy thought, “She’s been reading the book since 8 o’clock in the morning”.

  4. The policeman said, “Your mother or somebody will want to know about this”.

  5. “Oh, Dick!”, she exclaimed, “I am so glad you have come”.

4. Заповніть пропуски модальними дієсловами must, don’t have to, mustn’t.

As it’s your first day, I’ll show you what to do. Obviously, you must make the beds and cover the carpet, and you … forget to check the cupboards in case the guests have left anything. If one of the beds hasn’t been used, you … change the sheets, but you … tidy it up so that it looks right. If the guest is about to leave, you … check the mini-bar and tell reception if anything has been used so that they can put it on the bill. In the bathroom, you … change all the towels and provide new soap and shampoo and make sure that everything is clean. If any of the light bulbs are broken, you … replace them yourself – you can just ring Maintenance.

5. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст рідною мовою.


There is much to see and do in Hong Kong if you ever get tired of shopping: such splendors as Victoria Peak, which can be reached by Peak Tram; the walled cities in the New territories; monasteries where you can lunch with Buddhist monks and stay overnight; the world’s most sophisticated race courses; or cruises in an air-conditioned Chinese junk.

You can also take a hydrofoil to Macao (some 40 miles across the South China Sea) for sightseeing, shopping, eating out, or having various recreation activities, such as sports, gambling, and greyhound tracks.

The beaches are somewhat jammed and often polluted, and although new public sports facilities (pools, tennis courts, etc) are constantly being constructed, they become crowded as soon as they are completed. This may be why countryside recreation is popular. Visit the parks and woodlands on the urban fringes and you’ll see city dwellers walking, jogging, shadowboxing, cycling, kite flying and camping.