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9. Choose the most suitable word.

  1. I enjoy taking the baby out in its …………….. .

1) cart 2) pram 3) trailer.

  1. The novel is …………. in the medieval times when the town were rare.

1) seated 2) set 3) located

  1. This is a good shoe shop, but the ………………… are very high!

1) costs 2) discounts 3) prices

  1. You need a powerful car to tow a ……………….. in the mountains.

1) camping 2) caravan 3) sleeper

  1. A carrier bag is free with each …………….. over £5.

1) buyer 2) purchase 3) cost

  1. We enjoy riding around the island on our ……………… .

1) bicycle 2) trolley 3) tandem.

  1. The train fare is expensive, it's cheaper to go by …………… .

1) carriage 2) coach 3) wagon.

  1. That new clothes shop has a lot of very good …………….. .

1) bargains 2) sales 3) deals

  1. Shopping is my hobby, but I don't go to that supermarket, it's a bit ……….. .

1) priced 2) pricey 3) overpricing

  1. He likes all kinds of ………….. : lorries, motorbikes and sports cars.

1) cars 2) motors 3) vehicles.

  1. On Saturday morning the High Street is full of …………… .

1) customers 2)shoppers 3) trafficars

  1. If you pay cash we can give you a 10%

1) cutting 2) sale 3) discount

  1. How much did you …………….. for your new shoes?

1) cost 2) pay 3) spend

  1. Cars made between 1916 and 1930 can be called

1) racing 2) sports 3) vintage cars.

  1. I like buses in London because they are double …………… and you can see the sights from upstairs.

1) decks 2) decked 3) deckers

10. Choose the most suitable word to fill in each space.

anywhere dinner ready through back together better off stuck used

  1. I can't get.............to reading when my children are so loud!

  2. I tried learning to do embroidery but I didn't get............

  3. Unfortunately the girl rode her bike into the mud and got...........

  4. I tried to phone the cinema but I couldn't get.............

  5. Jack worked on his stamp collection while Sally was getting the...

  6. An hour before the race I went to the stadium and started to get......

  7. She enjoyed riding the horse but found it hard to get.............

  8. After his leg was injured, it took him a long time to get..........

  9. I didn't get..............from the match till late because of the crowds.

  10. We have a great time whenever our hiking team gets......

Text The mysterious Moon

Were scientists right about what the moon would be like? Many were, of course, but many were mistaken. One said there was no lava on the moon. Another said that the moon material would explode as soon as an astronaut's boot touched it. One said there would certainly be water on the moon. Many felt there was a chance that the astronauts could bring back to earth some strange infection. These ideas are now known to be incorrect, and no doubt we are still wrong about many other things, also.

Is the moon like the earth? Yes and no. It is more like it than many scientists thought before Apollo. Like the earth, the moon is in layers, with a crust on the outside and a deep mantle below. It may also have a core, as the earth does. However, the crust is almost four times thicker than the earth's crust. We do not know much yet about the moon's mantle, that section of superheated rock which goes down hundreds of miles below the crust. We think - but we are not sure - that the moon has a centre core which includes molten rock, as the earth does.

In other ways, of course, the moon is very different. There is no life. The makeup of its atmosphere is very different; the earth creatures cannot breathe in it.

Of what is the moon made? Definitely not green cheese. It has the same chemical elements as have the earth and the rest of the solar system but in very different amounts - more of some, less of others. Carbon, which is a very important part of living things on the earth, is rare on the moon.

Is the moon hot or cold? Most scientists agree that some of the moon was hot for at least a time. Rocks from the moon show that they were once melted. Right now there seems to be heat someplace inside the moon, possibly a great deal of it. On the surface, however, there is no sign of heat - no volcano, for example. The surface itself ranges from heat of 230°F to cold of minus 290°F*, depending upon where the sun is. .

Where did the moon come from? We don't know. The three main theories are that the moon was born from the earth, the earth and the moon were bom together at the same time from the same cloud of gas and dust, and the moon was born someplace else in the solar system and then captured by the earth's gravity. So far, none of these

theories has been proved to be either right or wrong. Professor George W. Wetherill of the University of California in Los Angeles says that he would give the first two theories each a ten percent chance and the third theory a twenty percent chance. The other 60 percent he would give to "things we haven't thought of yet".

In spite of all we have learned from space flights, the moon is still a riddle from the distant past - and will be for a long time to come.

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