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lifeguarding High Sierra (3).doc
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If the closed wound is not serious:

  • apply direct pressure on the area to decrease bleeding under the skin

  • elevate the injured part to reduce swelling if a muscle, bone or joint injury is not suspected and it does not cause more pain

  • apply ice or a cold pack on the area to help control swelling and pain .When applying ice or chemical cold pack, place a gauze pad ,towel or other cloth between the source or cold and the victim’s skin. Live on for no more than 20 minutes. If continued icing is needed remove the pack for 20 minutes and then replace.


Four main types of open wounds

  • Abrasion - skin has been rubbed or scraped away. The area usually is painful. Dirt and other matter can enter the wound. Cleaning the wound is important to prevent infection.

  • Laceration - cuts bleed freely ,and deep cuts can bleed severely .Deep cuts can damage nerves, large blood vessels and other soft tissue

  • Avulsion - a cut in which a piece of soft tissue or even part of the body ,such as a finger is torn loose or is torn off entirely. Often deeper tissues are damaged, causing significant bleeding

  • Puncture - puncture wounds often do not bleed a lot and can easily become infected. Bleeding can be severe with damage to major blood vessels or internal organs. An embedded object in the wound should be removed only by EMS personnel

EXTERNAL BLEEDING occurs when there is a break in the skin surface.

To care for a minor wound:

  • cover the wound with a dressing such as a sterile gauze pad

  • apply direct pressure firmly against the wound for a few minutes to control any bleeding

  • wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water .If is possible ,irrigate an abrasion for about 5 min. with clean ,running tap water

  • apply triple-antibiotic ointment or cream to a minor wound

  • cover the wound with a sterile dressing and bandage if it is still bleeding slightly or if the area of the wound is likely to come into contact with dirt or germs

To care for a major wound, follow the general procedures for injury or sudden illness on land:

  • cover the wound with a dressing such as a sterile gauze pad

  • apply direct pressure firmly against the wound until bleeding stops

  • cover the dressing with a roller bandage and tie the knot directly over the wound

  • if the bleeding does not stop apply additional dressing and bandages on top of the first ones

  • take steps to minimize shock.


Any serious injury or illness can cause the Shock. Shock is a natural reaction by the body .It usually means the victim’s condition is very serious

Signs and symptoms of shock:

  • restlessness or irritability

  • altered level of consciousness

  • pale or ashen ,cool moist skin

  • nausea or vomiting

  • rapid breathing and pulse

  • excessive thirst

To minimize the effects of shock

  • -summon EMS

  • -monitor ABCs

  • -control any external bleeding

  • -keep the victim from getting chilled or overheated

  • -have the victim to lie down and elevate the legs about 12 inches if a head ,neck or back injury or if broken bones in the hips or legs are not suspected

Do not give food or drink to a victim of shock!

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