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Green Eyes

1.Discuss some problem-questions.

  1. Does Uncle Bill seem to be just a quarrelsome fellow or did he fight because he couldn't let wrong-doers get away with their sins?

  2. What were the relations between the families of the two brothers and why?

  3. Do you think fighting is an appropriate way to right and wrong? Why was fighting an every day affair among miners?

  4. If you compare the two main characters do you find anything in common between them? Do they seem to be specially contrasted by the author?

  5. What was it that made a self-interested savage out of Skimpy? Why did he treat his fellow-villagers the way he did?

  6. Why did he decide not to fight with Uncle Bill?

  7. What, do you think, is the author's attitude to his main characters? Do you share the author's feelings?

2. Explain what the main conflict of the story is choosing one of the follow­ing and give your reasons.

Skimpy and the miners.

Skimpy and Fred.

Skimpy and the world.

Skimpy and Uncle Bill.

3. Explain how the character of Skimpy and the attitude of his fellow-villag­ers to him become revealed in the following.

Skimpy – 1. Skimpy had been a prisoner-of-war in Germany. After half-killing two or three of the guards, they put him in the mine to work. (9) 2. ... he once worked a shift at Deepdown barefooted to win a bet. (9) 3. Skimpy had to flaunt his poaching. (10) 4. Skimpy's eyes never flickered. Not one tell-tale muscle twitched. (14) 5. ...all eyes left darts and dominoes and amber ale to see the first smile for years breaking like Eastertide over Skimpy's hairless face. (20)

the attitude to Skimpy of his fellow-villagers –1. But Skimpy had to flaunt his poaching ... And they didn't like it naturally. So one night, two or three of them set a trap for him, gave him a good hiding, took his bag of rabbits and sent him packing. (10) 2. Everybody believed him guilty and when he was released every­body shunned him. (11) 3. But one corner was empty, as if a ring had been drawn around it and a notice put up, Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted. Skimpy's corner. (17) 4. And the Black Bull became as quiet as the transept of a cathedral as all eyes left darts and dominoes and amber ale to see the first smile for years breaking like Eastertide over Skimpy's hairless face ... (20).

4. Explain what the implication of the following is.

1. The title of the story. 2. "Mebbe," said Skimpy, "you've thought Ah'm yellow, eh?" (18) 3. "... the eyes of Skimpy were the eyes of the crucified". (20) 4. "... the first smile for years breaking like Eastertide over Skimpy's hairless face". (20)

5. Which of the following phrases could be said to be

1. the theme of the story

A man is what life makes him.

Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.

Like cures like.

2. the message of the story

There is something good in every man.

He that respects not is not respected.

We can treat a man with a dose of his own medicine.

To err is human, to forgive divine.

6. Speak on or write an essay about your assessment of the story and your impressions of it.

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