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In most western cultures it is acceptable aggressive behavior for a man to approach a strange woman with an "opening line" and a request to join her.

There are subtle eye cues used by both men and women to facilitate this ritual. There are many other subtle rituals used in forming a connection between two people. It is valuable for men and women to learn these rituals outline above.

The differences between men’s and women’s bodies are primarily due to their different sexual needs.

Female breasts have evolved to do much more than feed the children. Women's breasts have two well-defined purposes:

  1. To nurse offspring.

  2. To signal she is a woman.

An eight hundred pound gorilla and other large mammals have much smaller breasts than human females; yet, the animals feed their young very satisfactorily. All primate females, except humans, are flat-chested until the female is producing milk for her new-born baby. Moreover, the human female breasts remain protuberant and change little in overall size after the child stops nursing because the breasts contain approximately 4% of the body's fat. Although the primary purpose of breasts is for feeding the offspring, human female breasts do not need to be as large as they are generally. The reason for being unnecessarily large comes from their second purpose.

A secondary purpose for women's breasts appears to be sexual. Large breasts are generally more sexually appealing to men, and also served as a species and gender identifier for the past several million generations. Women's larger than necessary breasts can most likely be blamed on men's ancestors' consistent preference for that hemispherical shape in numerous places on women's body, such as the buttocks, shoulders, and cheeks. This rounded shape was prized and selected for through natural selection by most ancient men as well as modern men. Women throughout history with these male-preferred characteristics were in higher demand and undoubtedly had more offspring.

It is obvious that women today recognize the value of breasts as signals of femininity. A multimillion dollar breast enhancement industry is thriving. Since 1963, silicon gel implants have been used to provide women with perfectly shaped hemispherical breasts. This fact says much about how many women feel inadequate because of their small breast size or shape. Furthermore, in recent times it has become fashionable to surgically enhance even lips, checks, and buttocks to make them appear more rounded.

One of the reasons men may be so attracted to women's breasts is chemical. There are apocrine glands around the breast nipple, as well as under the arms and in the pubic area, which secrete erotic odors. These feminine odors cause men's brains to release an avalanche of male sex hormones that make men feel strong, pain-free, and excited. (Is it coincidence that women have two breasts and men have two hands?)

If two breasts are good, are better? About one in every 200 women has a third breast, and even more rarely: four. The most in medical records were 5-pairs on a French woman in 1886. These extras are seldom more than a small nipple or a fat mound, much like a young girl's breasts just developing. Extra breasts are evidence of DNA still hanging around from our animal ancestors who gave birth to litters.


Our bodies are a design approximately 30,000 years old and still have many sexual identifiers useful back then. Breasts are one main part of women's bodies used to convey sex identification.

Other basic survival and sex needs show up in unconscious body language as we do our daily tasks and try to live a "civilized life". However civilized we may appear, we always have those ancient instincts in our DNA that keep the fires of desire alive and smoldering deep inside us. These ancient desires are revealed way too often in our body language.

Women Want a Man with the Right Chemistry

Recent research reveals women are more influenced by how a man smells than how he looks. It is all done unconsciously and is based on the subtle chemical odors related to men's immune system. Women instinctively are attracted to men with an immune system most different to their own. Evolutionarily, this has proven to be the best combination for strong health and best survival of offspring. This also explains why young women are so turned-off by their brothers because everyone in the family has a similar immune system!

Scientists have identified a range of subtle chemicals and odors associated with men's immune system. These odors, called pheromones, are secreted by men's skin. In tests, women were able to use these pheromones to sort men with similar immune systems from men with very different immune systems. They did this even when the chemical odors were not detectable consciously. Men could not do the same test and scored the same as if flipping a coin.

The evolutionary wisdom in women's heightened smelling ability is evident. Historically, women who selected men with the most different immune system produced children with an immune system that had the most defenses against the hazards to good health and survival.

Recent research also revels that women's sexual attraction to their selected man is modulated by his odors. This means women's chemistry is therefore controlled and stimulated -- or not -- by how the man smells! Research also revealed that women married -- or in long term relationships with men who had immune systems similar to their own -- actually did have, or at least thought about having, sex with other men than their mate. The high degree of satisfaction with a marriage or long term relationship correlated with big difference in immune systems. The most dissatisfied couples had the most similar immune systems. The statistical evidence was only in women.

Women's Selection Criteria is in Their Genes

The ability to detect a male with a very different immune system by his odor is unique to females. This difference between men and women lies in a strip of genes, called Major Histo-compatibility Complex (MHC), that control cells making proteins used in recognizing virus, bacteria, pollen and dangerous substances. It appears women, and many female animals, can unconsciously detect the amount and strength of these proteins in males. These proteins detected in males stimulated the females' sexual attraction and drive. Researchers warn that this is not the only criteria females use to select a male for a mate but it appears to be one important decider that has been strengthened in female's evolutionary process.

Advice for Men

Understand that if that perfect woman you just met is turned off by you, maybe you just don't have an immune system different enough from hers! If that is the case, there is still something you can do to be more appealing. Most women find a man appealing who uses a light spray or deodorant such as ocean breeze, kiwi, or a combination of baby powder and chocolate. The smell of a man's clean skin with a little fresh sweat, combined with fresh fruity scents, is a strong sexual stimulant for most women. (Guys, maybe you can get away with the chocolate smell for a while, but eventually you will need to shower!)


Women have a keen sense of smell and use it unconsciously to help select their best mate.

One characteristic of a woman's "best mate" for reproduction is a man who has an immune system very different than her own. The combination of their two different immune systems will give their children the best chances for survival with maximum defenses against infections and diseases.

There Are Many Chemicals Related to "Love"

What we call "love" is really a chemical cocktail of neurotransmitters, hormones, and pheromones released by the brain. The brain is our biggest sex organ! (OK Guys, now you have something else to brag about!)

"Falling in love" is a whole body experience and it feels fantastic! Recent research with the latest powerful tools, such as FMRI machines and spectrometers, has uncovered new insights into one of life's greatest pleasures: "falling in love". ("Falling in lust" might be more accurate!)

The sequence of events when "falling in love" is a well established chemically-driven behavior designed to perpetuate our DNA in offspring. Our human bodies are primarily designed to make more copies of our DNA in our children. Our ancestors probably did not call the process "love" but they still had a lot of fun and making babies -- or else we would have gone extinct long ago.

The first "falling in love" body chemical activated is dopamine. The first sensations when love strikes are triggered in the brain where there are an abundance of neurotransmitters sensitive to dopamine. These dopamine sensitive areas in the brain are associated with pleasurable expectations and rewards. The "falling in love" sequence of events is this:

  1. Attention is focused on the desired mate because of pleasurable high expectations and rewards. In most women the unconscious reward is about making healthy babies and getting long term help from the man to protect and raise them to maturity. Women in this first stage of "falling in love" are discovering the right man who will help her reach her biological purpose of making babies.

  2. The perceptions of the desired man are often distorted because of the chemicals now circulating in the woman's brain and body. The man is perceived in highly positive and desirable ways that possibly are not true. A woman in love may truly see her object of love more perfect than everyone else in the world! Often it has been noted that common sense and good judgment seem to be lacking in people in love. Risk taking and poor judgments are common behavior for people in love. (This is nature's trick to make more babies!)

  3. As the bond grows with the lovers, other body chemicals start flowing to facilitate nature's plan for making more bundles of DNA (i.e. babies). Testosterone increases in the blood of both partners as does a battery of chemicals in the skin that stimulate olfactory centers in the brain. Sexual desire increases!

  4. The goal of both chemically-driven bodies is to build the sexual tension to the breaking point then release everything! If all is going well, the two bodies will simultaneously release all the tension and then relax. At that fantastic moment the body chemistry suddenly changes. A new hormone called oxytocin is released in both men and women, but women have seven times more receptors for oxytocin than men have.

There is a difference in men and women right after orgasm in how the two bodies return to normal functioning. Men's body functions return to the resting state in just a couple of minutes. However, women have a much more complicated body that takes 15 to 30 minutes to return to the normal resting state. This difference can be a problem as many women want to cuddle during this time but generally men want to go to sleep.

Oxytocin is a mammalian hormone that produces a strong satisfying feeling of connectedness between lovers and also for their offspring. Through evolutionary selection, oxytocin has been programmed to kick-in when it is needed most for the couple to stick together in order to raise and protect their offspring -- who inevitably show up after the period of dopamine and testosterone saturated passion.

Large amounts of oxytocin are also produced in women's bodies when giving birth to children and also during breast feeding. It is also in many animals and birds that mate for life. Oxytocin is a natural body chemical that drives people to be more nurturing, giving, and protective. Women have approximately seven times more oxytocin receptors in their body than men. This may explain why women especially like chocolate: chocolate contains a small amount of oxytocin.


There are many brain chemicals and pheromones that make "love" such a delightful ride -- and often irrational. Love is Nature's grand drug trip!

Like most drugs, the affects diminish with use over time and love often fades. However, both men and women can use their "new brain" (frontal lobes where logic and critical thinking take place) to communicate and form a satisfying relationship that lasts longer than the lust. (Lots of luck is needed!)

Some Women Have Changed Since Ancient Times

Approximately 10,000 years ago humans started living in communities of mixed families. Men were in control from the top ruler down to the family unit. Women have been always subservient to the men, except in extremely rare cases. Men liked it this way and have resisted and fought hard to not change the system.

Smart Modern Women Recognize Men's Lies

Most men learn early what women want to hear, so men repeat the well-selected phrases at the most appropriate times. Women throughout history probably have always known when men were lying, but to insure continued protection the women acted like they believed the men. However, the independent modern woman does not have to play that game anymore.

Below are timeless examples of men's lies to women:

  • Man's lie: "You are very beautiful." What he means: "You stimulate me and I want to have sex with you."

  • Man's lie: "I love you." What he means: "I lust you. I want you to drop your guard and let me have all your "sweet treats."

  • Man's lie: "I really want to settle down." What he means: "I'm tired of chasing after women to get sex. I want you to be there waiting for me anytime I want it."

  • Man's lie: "I really want to be close to you." What he means: "I really want to be close to you so I can get sex whenever I want it."

  • Man's lie: "I'll call you." What he means: "I'll call you when I want your "goodies" again."

  • Man's lie: "You are the only one." What he means: "You are the only one at this minute."

  • Man's lie: "I've been celibate since we broke up." What he means: "I can't find a woman to give me sex."

  • Man's lie: "It's not just the sex I want; it's being close to you." What he means: "It is the sex I want, so I want you to be close so I can get more whenever I want it."

The list could go on and on. In most cases, men lie to raise their status or to get sex. Of course some women lie to men to get more of what they want, too! In most cases, women lie to strengthen a relationship or to make a person feel good. Below are some of women's lies to men:

"I'm not very experienced; you'll have to teach me how."

"That was really good. The best I ever had."

"It doesn't matter that I never reached mine."

"I'm OK; I just want you to feel good." She is not, but pretend you heard it.

"I really like doing that to you."

"That was awesome, I never had better." "You're all the man I'll ever need."

"I'll never want anyone else."

"You're so big!", when she knows you have got the tiniest things she has ever taken.


Here are things the modern woman will watch for in a guy when he is talking to her.

  • Are his opening lines only about him, his job, and his high status?

  • Is he offering "bait" that probably he can't deliver?

  • Is he trying to compete and show dominance?

  • Is his flattery overdone or outrageous?

  • Is he consistent with his story?

  • What type "picture" is he drawing of himself?

  • How much of his real feelings is he willing to reveal?

  • How hard does he try to hide his weaknesses and vulnerabilities?

Guys, take notes! Modern women are much smarter than men about relationships and interpersonal communications. They can read your body language ahead of your words. Your every breath, movement, and sound will give her information about what is going on inside you.

Women have in-built computers with thousands of years of data from their ancestors about what men want and how they operate. So in the first four minutes of your talking to her, she will collect enough data to accurately categorize you FOREVER (So tread more carefully at that point in time.). From here on, she is amusingly watching you do your "act" and "mating dance". This is one of women's most satisfying sports. When you see women together in a corner laughing, they are probably comparing stories about the goofy things guys did to try to impress them. (If they look at you and all laugh -- leave immediately!)

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