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to be fond of smth. – любить заниматься ч-либо

cricket - крикет

soccer — футбол (амер.)

to invent - изобретать

to develop — развивать

to spread (spread, spread) – распространять (ся)

to compete — соревноваться

to hit (hit, hit) — попадать в цель

bat - ракетка

match - матч

to consider — считать

unfair — несправедливый

to exist — существовать

lawn —лужайка

Championship - чемпионат

to hold (held, held) - проводить

horse racing — верховая езда

to win (won ,won) — побеждать

evention изобретение

mainly – гл. образом

amateur - любитель

grass-hockey – хоккей на траве

sailing — парусный спорт

fox-hunting — ОХОТА НА ЛИС

to carry - переносить

*It is played with an oval ball which may be carried. There are fifteen players in each team.

Answer the questions.

1. British people are very fond of sports, aren't they? Can you prove it?

2. What are the most popular games in Britain?

3. Where was football invented?

4. What can you say about the English fans?

5. Where and when is the Cup Final played every year?

6. What is the English national game?

7. How is cricket played? How many players are there in each team? What are the rules?

8. Do you know when the British began to play cricket?

9. Cricket is a very long game, isn't it? How long does the cricket match last? 3. What do the Englishmen say when they con­sider something unfair?

11. What is one of the oldest British sports which was known in Saxon times?

12. When was lawn tennis first played in Britain?

13. When and where was the first tennis champi­onship held?

14. When is the International Tennis Champion­ship held in Britain every year?

15. Is horse-racing very popular in Britain?

16. What is the most famous horse-racing sporting event in Britain?

17. What Scottish national game do you know?

18. When was golf first played in Scotland?

19. How many players are there in the rugby foot­ball team? What ball is rugby played with?

20. What other sports popular in Britain do you know?

Read and learn by heart the dialogue. Then act it out.

Tory: Hello, Martin!

Martin: Hello, Tony!

Tory: Martin, can you skate?

Martin: I can, but very little.

Tony: Can you help us?

Martin: With pleasure. In what way?

Tony: You must take part in the hockey match on Wednesday, that is tomorrow.

Martin: I can skate, Tony, but I can't play hockey. These are two different things!

Tony. Don't worry! If you can skate it's easy. You don't need to skate much there. We want you to be the goal-keeper. Mark, our goalkeeper, is ill. He can't come to the match tomorrow.

Martin: Oh, it's difficult to be a goal-keeper.

Tony: Please, help our team. It is going to be a very important game. We must win.

Martin: If you ask me, Tony, of course, but...

Tony: Thank you. Good luck to you!

Read and learn by heart the dialogue. Then act it out.

Olga: Do you know that our school team will have the final match against Brighton Club team next Tuesday?

Kate: Really? My brother plays for our team. He is a forward.

Olga: Do you think our team will win?

Kate: I'm sure of it. It's a very good team. My brother scores a goal in every match.

Olga: How many goals has he already scored this season?

Kate: I don't know, but I'm sure he's scored a lot of goals already.

Olga: What teams have they played against?

Kate: From Scotland and Cambridge. The sta­dium was full. They won those games. I see that you are a fan of our team.

Olga: Yes, you are right.

Kate: Bye, see you later at the stadium.

Olga: OK.


Конструкция there is, there are

Exercise 1 Write “there is” or “there are”

Неопределённые местоимения some, any, no и их производные

Exercise 2 Fill in “some” or “any”

Exercise 3 Look at the picture and write sentences

Exercise 4 Now write what there is or there isn’t in the fridge in your kitchen