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Английский язык №2 ЗО 2012.doc
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I. Vocabulary

    1. infuriate

              1. fill up completely

              2. make very angry

              3. mix in with

              4. no longer useful

    1. productivity

              1. made by an expert

              2. wanting to do the right thing

              3. making things or getting things done

              4. keeping a system on time

    1. saturating

              1. mixing in with

              2. filling completely

              3. occurring every Saturday

              4. making a plan

    1. proposed

              1. planned

              2. held up

              3. filled up

              4. ordered

    1. solutions

              1. greetings

              2. airport controllers

              3. baggage search

              4. answers to a problem

    1. exploding

              1. growing quickly

              2. leaving suddenly

              3. arriving late

              4. waiting in line

    2. seize

              1. fit perfectly

              2. make angry

              3. make late

              4. take quickly

    1. aviation

              1. technology

              2. the science of flying airplanes

              3. the science of flying airplanes

              4. the science of radar

    1. mitigation

              1. seizing control

              2. a poor job

              3. making something better

              4. missing a flight

II. Multiple Choice

1 Which of the following is not an example of mass transportation?

        1. airplanes

        2. trucks

        3. trains

        4. buses

2 If it takes 18 planes 40 minutes to take off, about how long does it take each plane to take


2 minutes

3 minutes

4 minutes

5 minutes

3 Which of the following are reasons for airport delays?

too many planes


different regions operate differently

all of the above

4 How much of the problem is caused by weather?


40 %


none of the above

5 The first thing the FAA wants to do is ______ .

make all the regions the same

take control away form the regions during heavy traffic and bad weather

buy new computers for all the airports

study the problem of airport delays

Text 3. Sound Technology Helps Police Locate Gunfire

From a news story by

CNN San Francisco Reporter Rusty Dornin

A sniper fires a fatal shot. Then for hours, investigators are forced to their hands and knees in search of clues. Where did the shot come from?

In Redwood City, California when a gun goes off, police can hear it right here at the police station. The system is called ShotSpotter. When we first looked at this system in 1995, police were testing the system in hopes of cracking down on celebratory gunfire.

This video of a New Year’s celebration that year sealed the deal. Seven years and thousands of gunshots later, police here say gunfire has dropped off about forty percent.

Eight microphones, mounted on top of homes and businesses over a square mile area, "listen" for gunshots. Within seven seconds of a loud bang, dispatchers get the word.

"This is the noise that alerts the dispatcher that a gunshot has been heard by the computer system. The large (red) dot here on the map is where it is."

"How well will it pinpoint the spot where the shooter was?"

"It will pinpoint, at it's current level of accuracy is about plus or minus 20 to 40 feet."

The ShotSpotter can cost a community about two hundred thousand dollars for a one square mile area. [It’s] an expensive crime-fighting tool, but one that could be helpful to investigators [who are] under the gun, in smaller crime-ridden neighborhoods

Further information:

The Redwood City police bought the ShotSpotter and is sharing it’s use with the San Mateo’s Sheriff’s Office. In 1997, police randomly fired thirty-two blank shots around the city. The accuracy rate of those shots was 80% and the margin of error was twenty-five feet.