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1. обеспечивать материальные потребности

2. удовлетворять запросы общества в области социального обеспечения

3. устанавливать четкие и ясные цели

4. обеспечивать профессиональные услуги

5. мелкие магазины розничной торговли

6. фирмы по торговле недвижимостью

7. составить письменный договор

8. распределение прибылей и убытков

9. конкретные обязанности

10. нанимать рабочих

11. платить налоги

12. вкладывать деньги в бизнес

13. краткосрочная цель

14. отдел связи с общественностью

15. правление, совет директоров


1. Организации учреждаются для удовлетворения потребностей общества.

2. Цели организации обычно решаются советом директоров (правлением).

3. Дело, которое принадлежит одному лицу и управляется одним лицом, называется единоличным владением.

4. Товарищество - это дело, которое принадлежит двум и более лицам и управляется двумя и более лицами.

5. В договоре о сотрудничестве намечается распределение прибылей и убытков.

6. Корпорация принадлежит акционерам.

7. Акционеры вкладывают деньги в корпорацию, чтобы получить прибыль.

8. Рентабельность - это основная цель любой коммерческой организации.

9. Акционеры и служащие получают выгоду от роста компании.

10. Ряд компаний имеют отделы по связям с общественностью, чтобы улучшить имидж компании.


1. Private businesses are formed mainly to provide for material wants and commercial wants in society.

2. Government organizations, on the other hand, tend to satisfy society’s desire for defence, law and order, education and social welfare.

3. Every organization has very definite and clear aims: to stay in business and make a profit.

4. Partnership can be general or limited.

5. A partnership contract includes provision for aiding or dropping partners and dissolving the partnership.

6. A closed corporation is owned by a limited number of shareholders.

7. A publicly owned corporation allows its shares to be purchased by anyone who chooses to invest in the business.

8. The image of the company which means how the public at large views a company can be particularly important.


1. to meet wants

2. social welfare

3. to make a profit

4. board of directors

5. distribution of profits and losses

6. to invest in the business

7. to benefit from

8. public at large

9. public relations department 10. Competitive


1. Organizations are established to meet wants in society.

2. Government Organizations satisfy society’s desire for defence, law and order, education and social welfare.

3. Organizations set definite and clear aims, e.g. to make a profit.

4. Stocks are the certificates of ownership in the corporation.

5. Stockholders are individuals who invest in a corporation by buying shares of stock.

6. Many doctors, lawyers, bakers, dentists organize sole proprietorships to provide professional services.

7. A partnership is a business that is owned and controlled by two or more people.

8. In order to avoid conflicts, the partners usually formulate a written agreement called a partnership contract.

9. Corporations can buy property and resources, hire workers, make contracts.

10. Growth and development of the firm are the only way to ensure its survival.


1-g, 2-f, 3-e, 4-b, 5-c, 6-d, 7-a


RICHARD: What does one need to start a business?

FRANK: To start a business, you need capital- that is, money. You can borrow it; or you can sell parts of your company - equal parts, of course. These are called shares and the people who buy them become shareholders.

RICHARD: Why do the shareholders buy the shares?

FRANK: They expect to get something in return for their investment . If the company does well, it pays dividends on each share. The value of the shares (of a public company) can rise, so that their market price is often much higher than the amount printed on the share certificate - though it may fall below it if the company does badly.

RICHARD: Why do serious investors read the financial press?

FRANK: They want to know not only the share prices but the company’s turnover, and the company’s profit, and the result of dividing that amount by the number of shares which is called earnings per share.

RICHARD: You seem to know everything about company business. Thank you for information.


1-m, 2-c, 3-f, 4-j, 5-a, 6-j, 7-g, 8-e, 9-k, 10-b, 11-o, 12-h, 13-d, 14-n. 15-i