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In order to controll discussion in parliament the crown appointed a speaker. His job – to make sure that parliament discussed what the monarch wanted.

Parliament was supposed to do

  • agree to the taxes needed

  • make the laws which the crown suggested

  • advise the crown but only when asked

MP’s were given important rights

- freedom of speech

- freedom from fear of arrest

- freedom to meet and speak to the monarch

Tudor monarchs tried to get money without asking parliament – elizabeth sold monopolies, sold official positions in government ( dishonest and foolish).

The tax system became less effective and england needed tax reform.

Most important question – who should decide what parliament could discuss – the crown or the parliament.


The polulation increased. The price of food rose.living conditions got worse as the population rose. Many poor people lost their land. Many people became unemployed.

Parliament gave magistrates the power to take any person who was without work and gave him for 2 years to any local farmer. Any person found homeless and unemployed second time – executed.

1601 – Parliament passed the first poor law – local people responsible for the poor in their own area.

Many poor people moved to towns, danger that they could join together.

The production of finished clothes.

The lifes of poor and rich were very different.

Tudor england learnt how to make improved steel – better weapon.

Coal – the most commonly used агуд


Women bore 8-15 children - died giving birth.marriage – foe economic reasons. Both rich and poor lived in small family groups. People ere expected to work hard and to die young.

Larger and better home – chimneys in every house. Almost everyone doubled their living space.

Unmarried women – suffered. Begars/ servant.

Билет 4

At the beginning of the tudor period english was still apoken in a number of disserent ways. There were still reminders of the saxon, angle, jute and viking invasions in different forms of language. Since the time of chaucer london english had become accepted as standard english. Printing made this standard english more widely accepted. People started to think of london pronunciation as correct. The way people spoke began to show the difference between them. Educated people began to speak correct english and uneducated continued to speak the local dialect.

Literacy increased greatly during mid-16 century. By 17 cent about half the population could read and write.

England felt the effects of the renaissance later than much of europe. THOMAS MORE wrote a study of the ideal nation, called utopia, which became extremely popular in europe.

The R influenced religeon, encouraging the protestant reformation. In music england enjoyed its most fruitful period. Interest in the new painters – england developed its own special kind of painting, the miniature portrait.

Literature, however, was england’s greatest art form. Playwrights like CHRISOPHER MARLOWE, BEN JOHNSON, W SHAKEPREARE filled the theatred with their exciting new plays. Shakespeare’s education was typical of the tudor age. His plays were popular with both educated and uneducated people. Many of his plays were about english history.

Soldier poets – show the spirit of the age. These were true R men who were both brave and cruel in war but highly educated. Sir EDMUND SPENSER – fought with the army in ireland, PHILIP SIDNEY – killed fighting the spanish in the neterlands. SIR WALTER RALEIGH – adventurer and poet. While imprisoned in the tower of L – wrote a poem which describes how time takes away youth and gives back only old age and dust.

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The stuart monarchs, from James 1 onwards, were less succesful than Tudors. They quarreled with parliament and this resulted in civil war. The only king of england ever to be tried and executed was a stuart.

The first signs of trouble between crown and parliament came in 1601, when the commons were angre over elozabeth 's policy of selling monopolies. Like elizabeth james 1 tried to rule without parliament as much as possible.

James was clever and well educated. He believed in the divine right of kings, that the king was chosen by god and therefore only god could judge him. This led to troubles with parliament.

When elizabeth died she left james with a huge debt. james had to ask parliament to rise a tax to pay the debt. Parliament agreed, but in return insisted on the right to discuss james's home and foreign policy. James insisted that he alone had the divine right to make these dicisions. Parliament disagreed.

James appointed as chief of justice sir edward coke. He reminded parliament of magna carta. This was the first quarrel between james and parliament. Until his death in 1625 james was always quarreling with P over money and power.

Charles dissolved the P. Then Charles needed money and recalled P.

Petition of right – the king had now agreed that P controlled both state money and the law. But in a year again dissolved P.

Charles surprised everyone by being able to rule succesfully without P


Charles married a french catholic, and the marriage was unpopular in protestant britain. He appointed an enemy of the puritans, william laud, as achbishop of centerbury.

1605 – a small group of catholics tried to blow up the house of parliament with king james inside. (guy fawkes). 5 november – became an occasion for celebration with fireworks and bonfires.

When laud tried to introduce the new prayer book in Scotland in 1637 the result was national resistanse.

Charles agreed to respect all scottish political and religious freedoms and payed a large sun of money to them

It was impossible for charles to find this money without parliament. In return for its help P made Ch accept a new law which stated that P had to meet once evry 3 years.


Events in Ireland resulted in civil war. James 1 had colonised Ulster. Catholic irish were sent off the land.

1641 – ireland exploaded a rebellion. 3000 people were killed.charles and P quarelled over who should control an army to defeat the rebels.

London locked its gates against the king and charles moved to nottingham, where he gathered an army to defeat those MPs who opposed him.

1645 – the royalist army was defeated.

Most people were happy that the war had ended. Trade had been interrupted , and P introduced new taxes to pay for the war.

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Several MPs had commanded the parlamentarian army. The strongest was Oliver Cromwell . he had created a new model army, the first regular force. Cromwell invited into his army educated men who fought for their beliefs.

Cromwell and his advisers had captured the king in 1645 , they did not know what to do with him. Charles continued to encourage a rebellion against P. 53 MPs judged him guilty of making «war against his kingdom and the P». 31 jan 1649 king charles was executed.

Cromwell got rid of monarchy, house of lords ans anglican church.

The scots were shocked by Ch's execution. They invited his son Ch2 to fight against P army. They were defeated. Scotland was brought under english republican rule.

Cromwell took an army to ireland to punish the iristh for killing protestants in 1641. He captures 2 towns and killed 6000 people.

The army remained the most powerfull force. Disagreements between arme and P resulted in P's dissolution in 1653.

A group called LEVELLERS wanted a new equality among all men. They wanted parliament to meet every two years, complete religeous freedom.

From 1653 Britain was governed by Cromwell alone. His efforts to govern the counry through the army were unpopular. People were forbidden to celebrate christmas and easter and to play games on a Sunday.

Charls 2 was invited to return to his kingdom and the republic was over. Cromwell’s laws were cancelled. People who were responsible for his father’s death were punished.

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Charles haped to make peace between different religeous groups. Ch himselfs was attreacted to the Catholic church, P was afraid that Ch would become catholic. P passed the test act in 1673 – prevented any catholic from holding public office.

WHIGS – were afraid of an absolute monarchy and of the catholic faith. They also wanted to have mo regalar army. Strongly believed in allowing religeous freedom. They feared that the crown would go to charle's cathiolic brother, james.

TORIES – irish name for thieves. They upheld the authority of the crown and the church, were natural inheritors of the royalist position.

these 2 parties became basis of britain's 2-party parlamentery system of government.

Parliament passed an act forbidding any catholic to be a member of either the commons or the lords.

James 2 became king in 1685. Disliked protestants.

James tried to remove the laws which stopped catholics from taking positions in government and P. He tried to bring back the catholic church.

James tried to get rid of the tory gentry. He removed 3 quarters of all JPs and replaced them with men of lower social class. He tried to bring together the catholics and the puritans , now usually called NONCOMFORMISTS.

Tories, whigs and anglicans wanted to put mary on the throne. Mary was protestant and married protestant ruller of holland, william of orange. P offered the crown to mary and william. P decided that james 2 had lost his right to the crown ( breaking the original contract between king and people).

The fact that P made William king, not by inheritance but by their choice, was revolutionary. P was now beyond question more powerful than the king. Its power over the monarch was written into the bill of rights in 1689.

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During the stuart age – revolution in thought. This influencef not only politics, but also religion and science. Exciting new ideas. 1714 – britain was a leading european power. Many new colonies.


The influence of puritanism incresed. Puritans persuaded james 1 to permit a new official trenslation of the bible. ( a great work of english literature, encourages bible reading). Some of them understood bible in a new and revolutionary way. New religious groups – levellers.

Main noncomformists sects – baptists and quakers. Quakers – famous for their reforming social work. Brought hope to many ot the poor and powerless. Noncomf were disliked by ruling class.

Anglican church waas strong politically, weaker intellectually. The great religeous writers ( john bunyan and john milton) were both puritan.

Some noncomf left britain to live a free life in america. 1620 – the pilgrim fathers sailed in a ship called mayflower to massachusets. Wanted a chance to start a new life.

Revolution in scientific thinking, important new discoveries.

BEDE – argued that the earth stood still.

ADELARD OF BATH – gained european fame. Church consideres his ideas dangerous.

FRIAR ROGER BACON – experimented with light, heat and magnetism

WILLIAM MARLEE – kept record of the weather.

FRANCIS BSCON – remarkable man. Became james1’s lord chancellor. Every scientific idea, he argued, must be tested be experiment.

WILLIAM HARVEY – discovered the circulation of blood, led to advences in medicine and study of human body.

Scientific studies were encouraged by the stuarts.

ISAAC NEWTON began to study gravity. 1687 – published Principia, mb the greatest book in the history of science.

Greatest british architect – christopher wren. 1666 fire destroyed london, 87 churches, rebuilt them in the modern style.

17 cent – newspapers appeared. Spreading all kind of ideas, scientific, religious and literery.

Билет 9.

The situation for the poor improves – prices fell, middle groups continued to do well. 1670 – britain was able to export cereals to europe, where living conditions were worse. This was partly the result of the 30 years war, badly damaged european agriculture.

Trade within britain itself changes enormously, different religions became less economically separate from each other. Waterways became important means of transport, allowing each region to develop its own special produce. ( kent – garden of england, friut and vegetables) .

Improved transport resulted in a change in buying and selling. Most towns did not have shops before 17 cent. They had market days. By 1690 – most towns also had proper shops. Shopkeepers travelled around the country to buy goods for their shops.

London remained far larger than any other town. Next largest cities – norwich, newcastle, bristol.

In london there was a new class of rich aristocrats, most of whom belonged to the nobility. Money could buy a high position in british socoety more easily than in europe.

Coffeehouses – meeting places for conversation and politics ( rich)

Ordinary people – drinking houses, called alehouses. The centre of popular culture, where news and ideas could be passed on.

Билет 10.

When queen Anne died it was not certain that the protestant ruler of hanover, george, would become king. There were some Tories who wanted james2’s son ti return to britain as james3, if he had given up catholisim and accepted the anglican religion. James was unwilling to change his mind and tried to win it by force.

In 1715 he started a rebellion against george 1. George’s army defeated jacobists. King George allowed the whigs to rorm his government.

Among the kings ministers was robert walpole – greatest political leader. He is considered britains 1st prime minister. Walpole came to power as a result of his financial ability.

Many people had money to invest, there was popular interest in financial matters. People wanted to invest money in some trading companies. The possibility of high profits made the cost of a share in these trading adventures expensive. South sea company offered to pay off the government’s national debt if it was given monopoly rights to trading in the south seas.when people’s confidence in the south sea company suddenly fell, so did the price of shares and thousands of people lost everything.robert walpole made sure that something like south sea bubble could not happen again. This waas the first step in making companies responsible to the public for the money which they borrowed by the sale of shares.

RW wanted to keep the crown under the firm control of P. RW developed the idea that government ministers should work together in a small group – Cabinet. Important rule in british politics – all members of the cabinet were together responsible for policy decisions. RW – the power of the king would always be limited by the constitution.


  • could not be a catholic

  • the king could not remove or change laws

  • the king was dependent on parliament.

RW’s political enemy – william pitt the elder (later lord chatham). Wanted britain to be economically strong in the world and he agreed that trade is the wealth of the world.