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It was very stupid ________ him to make such a silly mistake.

Choose an author ________ you choose a friend.

One of the most popular, very slow and long English summer games played on a green field by two teams of eleven players each is called …



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The more electricity you use, ________ your bill will be.

Before ________ anything you should ask the price.

He turned _____at the very end of the party when nobody expected him to appear.

Manager: «Have you rented a car for me, Mrs Terry?»

Secretary: «_______________».

Bids had to be in by 6.00 and we put ours in ten minutes before the …

They offered me the job because I had much …

You could buy ________ at $500 in those days.

Can you turn off the light _______ you go out, please?

By the time we all returned from holiday father and Bob _______ redecorating the kitchen.

Many film stars now hire bodyguards because they want …

Aren’t you afraid we have too little petrol? – So what? It’s so close from here that we ________ use the car.

A: «Can I give you a lift?»

B: «_______________».

Hostess: «Your bag is 3 kilos overweight. You have to pay excess luggage charge».

Passenger: «_______________».

The maple leaf, a Canadian symbol, appears on the …

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Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.

All _______ of the world should be peaceful.

There’s a regular air-service ________ those two cities.

He has been doing exercises since five o’clock and he _______ ten so far.

Headmaster to student: «That was terrible behaviour! You ________ apologize to your history teacher».

A: «Would you wait half an hour, please?»

B: «____________».

Teacher: «I think you should revise the introduction of your diploma».

Student: «_______________».

Food which is served in Mc Donald’s is called …

Lady of the Snows is another name for …

Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.

Their accounts were _______, they had been fooling the customers for years.

They discussed, ________ other things, recent events in Europe.

Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.

Our income is low so we're going to have to _______ budgets in every single department.

We all watched __________ as Mark made his speech of thanks.

Life is getting …

St. Bernard dogs are named after a monastery high up in …

Dean: «_________________».

Teacher (subordinate): «So am I».

The Palace which has never been the official London residence of the English Sovereigns is …

Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.

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