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18. Заболевания пищеварительной системы


- Hello, what are you doing?

- I’m preparing the home assignment for the Anatomy lesson. I have to get ready with the diseases of the alimentary tract.

-Oh, I can help you. The diseases of the alimentary tract are as follows: Gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, cancer of the stomach, acute appendicitis and others.

- Yes, I know. I was surprised to find out that ulcer is observed to develop in particularly nervous persons, often after emotional overstrain. It is more frequently in men than in women, mainly at ages of 25 to 40 years.

- Right you are. And speaking about chronic gastritis, I should say, that the most important causes of it are alcohol, inadequate food and a bad diet regimen.

-Tell, me please, what the most frequent symptoms of chronic gastritis are?

- Well, they are loss of appetite, slight pain and general epigastric discomfort after meals, in severe cases – nausea and vomiting of mucus, particularly on the morning.

- If I’m not mistaken, one more disease of the alimentary tract - cancer of the stomach – is more common in men than in women and the highest incidence is noted at the ages of 50 to 60. Do you know anything about aetiology of it?

- Well, actually it is unknown, but such conditions as benign tumors, ulcer of the stomach, gastritis and stomach polyps contribute considerably to its development.

- What are the clinical manifestations of this disease? Am I right saying that disturbances in gastric digestion?

- Yes, you are. The other symptoms are: epigastric pains, loss of weight and sometimes vomiting of blood. By the way, what do you know about acute appendicitis?

- Well, I know it occurs in all age groups, even in infants and very old age. It begins suddenly with sharp pain, which is accompanied by nausea, retention of stools and gases.

- Right. Acute appendicitis is treated surgically, when the appendix is removed to prevent its rupture which may result in peritonitis.

- Well, even a mild form of appendicitis may have a severe course and may result in perforation.

3. Прохождение медицинского обследования


-          Come in, … , come and sit down here. Your doctor’s told me that you’ve been having pain in your chest.

-          Yes, and in my arm and …

-          Now when did you first notice this pain?

-          Well, if I’m not mistaken about 5-6 month ago.

-          Can you remember when it first came on?

-          Well, I got a bad pain in my chest when I was shopping. It was so bad that I even couldn’t breathe.

-          In which part of your chest did you feel the pain?

-          Right across my chest.

-          And how long did it last?

-          About 10-15 minutes.

-          What did you do when it happened?

-          I had to stop and wait for it to go away.

-          Have you had the pain again since then?

-          Yes, I often get it when I overdo things.

-          I’d like to examine you, your chest now. Strip to the waist, please. I’ll check your pulse first of all. Oh, that’s fine. Now your blood pressure. 130 over 80 – that’s quite normal too.

-          I’m glad to hear that.

-          Now I’m going to listen to your heart. I want you to breathe normally. Your heart sounds quite normal.

-          Well, that’s a relief.

-          Now I want you to take deep breaths in and out while I check you lungs. In… out… in… out…thank you. Well you have angina and this occurs when not enough oxygen is getting to the heart. You should have some analyses made and then I’ll be able to advise some treatment for you.

-          Thank you, doctor.