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15. Read the text and answer the questions:

And tbe Best of Luck!

The day after tomorrow I'll be in Cannes. I'm going to spend my summer holidays there and for a fortnight (две недели) I'll be able to forget about work. I'm going to travel by train and boat. The train; leaves Victoria Station at 8 o'clock, so I'll have to get up early.

I'm not going to Cannes because it's sunny or because I like the seaside, but because I want to visit the casino. I expect; I'll win (выиграть, победить) enough to buy my parents a present since I'm usually lucky. When I say lucky, I mean lucky at cards.

I expect to arrive in Cannes at 9 o'clock in the evening and if nothing unexpected happens to change my plans, I'm going; to go straight to my hotel, change my clothes and take a taxi to the casino.


1. Where will he be the day after tomorrow?

2. How long is he going to stay in Cannes?

3. How is he going to get there?

4. Why will he have to get up early?

5. Why is he going to Cannes?

6. Does he expect to win much money?

7. Is he usually lucky?

8. What time does he expect to arrive in Cannes?

9. What is he to do if he wins?

10. What is he going to do when he arrives in Cannes?

16. Read the stories and retell them:

A. A friend of mine who lives in England decided to go over to France for a trip. When he returned I asked him how he liked it.

"Terrible," was the answer. "I couldn't get a nice cup of tea anywhere. Thank goodness I'm back."

I asked him, "Didn't you have any good food while you were there?"

"Oh, the dinners were all right," he said. "I found a little place where they made quite good fish and chips. Not as good as ours, but they were eatable. But the breakfasts were terrible: no bacon or porridge. I had fried eggs and bacon but

it took them too long to make them. They gave me rolls (булочки). And when I asked for marmalade, they brought strawberry jam. And you know, they said it was marmalade!"

"But didn't you eat any of the famous French food?" "What? Me? Of course not! Give me good old English food every time! None of these fancy bits for me!"

B. An Expensive Breakfast

Once the king of a small country was travelling about Holland. He stopped at an inn in a little village to have breakfast. He ordered some boiled eggs, coffee, bread and butter for breakfast.

The king ate two eggs with bread and butter, took a cup of coffee and asked the innkeeper, "How much must I pay for my breakfast?"

The innkeeper answered: "A hundred florins."

The king was very much surprised and said, "What? A hundred florins for a little bread and butter, a cup of coffee and two eggs? It is very expensive! Are eggs scarce (редкий, надостаточный) in your village?"

"No, sir," answered the innkeeper, "there are a lot of eggs in our village, but kings are very scarce nowadays."

C. Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they came into a little restaurant for lunch. They did not know Spanish and their waiter did not know English. They wanted him to understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches. So one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant. He was back again soon, but he brought no milk. He put down in front of the two men two tickets for a bull fight (бой быков).

D. Once a young Englishman invited his girlfriend to a French restaurant. The menu was written in French and he did not know French. As he did not want to look ignorant (невежественный) before the girl, he pointed to some lines in the menu and said to the waiter, "I think, we shall have some of that."

The waiter looked where the man was showing and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but that's what the band is playing."