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15)The composite sentence; the Complex & Compound sentences, means of clause connection & semantic interrelations between them in the complex sentence.

Sentence is a fundamental unit of snt. A composite sen-ce mb generally defined as a sen-ce consisting of 2 or more clauses. And a clause is trdtnly defined as a part of a composite sen-ce that has a Subj and Pred of its own. The str-re of a clause is usu similar to that of a simp sen-ce. A clause may have the str-re of declarat, interrog, imperat or exclam snt unit. What was she doing when I called? Do as you R told!

The composite sen-ces R trdtnly subdivided into compound and complex. A compound sen-ce is a composite sent that consists of 2 or more clauses coordinated with each other. Clauses comb-d by means of coordination R regarded as independent – they R linked in such a way that there’s no hierarchy in the syntactic relationship. They have the same snt-c status. I’m tired of love; I’m still more tired of rhyme, but money gives me pleasure all the time. A complex sen-ce is a composite sent which consists of an independent clause (principle cls) & at least 1 separate (subordinate) clause. (1)All good things come to those (2)that wait. Depend-t clauses cb joined to the main cls asyndetically (She says she loves me) or syndetically (by means of subordinators). Among subordinators we may find subordinating conjunctions (as if, although, e, etc) and connectives, i.e. conjunctive pronouns (who, whom, what, whoever) and conjunctive advs (how, when, why). Connectives not only join clauses together, but also have a snt function of their own within the clauses they interfere with. I didn’t know who had rented that house (Subj).

Coordination Asyndetic compound sent. 2 or more clauses cb made into 1 sent without a coordinator being used. The resulting str-re is referred to as asyndetic comp sent. In writing, asynd-ly joined coordinate clauses R separated by a coma, colon, semi-col or dash. The semicolon is most freq-ly used in formal writing. Using a comma instead of it is often regarded as an error. Comma cb used in asyndetic sentences if the clauses R very short, or the ideas expressed R closely related – Life is not hard, it just needs some positive thinking. The colon is mainly used to set off a clause that explains, elaborates or summarizes the statement expressed in the 1st cls. Minds R like parachutes: they function only when open. The dash is esp-ly common in inform writing. It cb used in the same way as the colon. If both asynd clauses R negative in meaning & the 2nd cls opens with still less, much less, even less, this 2nd cls has inverted WO, similar to interrog sent inversion. She doesn’t even like him, much less does she want to marry him. In the 2nd cls – no neg particle, the neg mng is conveyed with the help of less.

Syndet comp sent. The type of coordination is expressed by means of coordinators – coordinating conjs (and, but, for etc) and conjunctive advs (however, yet, thus, etc). A conj only connects parts of a sent but is not a part of the sent. Cinj-ve advs connect a sent with some previous utterance and enter it as an adverb modifier. The garage lock was broken, but nobody seemed to care. These phenomena R treated in greater detail in Chapter 4; therefore they will not be dwelt upon here.

If there are 3 clauses in a complex sen-ce there mb 2 kinds of relations:

1/ The Successive Subordination: e.g. He told me a story which I didn’t believe, because it was too fantastic.

2/ The Coordinated (Parallel) Subordination: e.g. He lived, where he chose and how he chose.

Story lived

Which where & how


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