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VI. Describe the author / her grandfather / her father / her mother / her sister.


VII. Read the text. Memorize the words in bold. What Does Your Face Say About You?

We are all born with the face we have and, short of plastic surgery, there is little we can do to change it. A wide mouth will always be wide; a large nose will always be large. Even our eyes, the windows to our soul have a basic shape and colour.

So what do your facial features say about your personality?


People see two things when they look at our mouths. First, are the lips thin or thick and secondly, are those lips turned up in the direction of a smile or down into a frown. Narrow lips show that a person is reserved and has difficulty sharing their deepest feelings. Full lips indicate a sensitive person. If the upper lip is fuller than the lower lip, the person is said to be generous. Eyes

Our eyes show a lot of emotion and meaning. Eye colour too has a story to tell. Green-eyed people are clever and broad-minded. The much loved blue-eyed person is sensitive, loving and gentle. And brown eyes? Well, those individuals are loyal and generous, sometimes too much. Wrinkles at the sides of the eyes show that a person has a good sense of humour, and is able to see the bright side of life.


Ears come in many shapes and sizes and can reveal personality traits too. Smaller ears indicate a self-confident nature. Close set ears show that the person is calm and thoughtful.


A straight nose is a sign of a well disciplined and punctual person. A larger nose shows that the individual is sociable and optimistic. A wide nose indicates a carefree person.

Features and attributes of individuals vary greatly from person to person. The only true way to interpret the personality of an individual is to get to know them.


VIII. Read and memorize the definitions.

ambitious – full of a strong desire to achieve something

appearance – the way someone or something looks to other people

broad-minded – someone willing to accept new ideas

calm – quiet, not excited

carefree – having no worries or problems

emotion - any strong feeling, as of joy, sorrow, or fear

facial features – parts of someone’s face, such as their eyes, nose, etc.

feelings - having emotional states

frown – facial expression of dislike or displeasure

full – not thin

generous – someone who is willing to give a lot or share with others

gentle - having a mild or kindly nature or character

hard-working – having an ability to work a lot

honest – someone who always tells the truth

lazy – unwilling to work, doing little work

loving - feeling or showing love and affection

loyal - faithful, true, devoted to a person, ideal, duty

narrow – thin, not wide

narrow-minded – unwilling to accept new ideas or opinions

optimistic – hopeful, expecting good results

personality - the complex of person’s qualities and traits, as of character or behaviour

pessimistic – expecting the worst

plastic surgery - surgery to remodel, repair, or restore body parts

punctual – being on time

reliable – able to be relied on

reserved – not willing to show one’s feelings, emotions

self-confident – someone who behaves confidently because they feel sure of their abilities or value

sense of humor – if you have a sense of humor you find things amusing and see the funny side of life

sensible – showing reason or sound judgment

sensitive – thinking about other people’s feelings, receiving impressions quickly and easily

shy- not having enough confidence in the presence of others

sociable – fond of company, friendly

talkative – having a desire to talk a lot

trait – particular quality in someone's character

thoughtful – 1) reflective, being in thought; 2) showing concern for the rights and feelings of others


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