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Новая методичка по фонетике 1 курс.doc
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Intone and read:

1. Dick, Nick and Tim.

2. Billy, Lily and Kitty.

3. Sam, Dan and Basil.

4. Eve, Steve and Sheila.

5.1 have a pen, a pencil and paper.

6. They haven't any apples, cherries and grapes on the table.

7. Has his friend a cat, a dog and a little kitten? - No, he hasn't.

8. Have we many streets, parks and gardens in the city?- Yes, we have. 9.1 have many relatives: sisters, brothers and cousins.

10. My Dad has three friends: Jim, Charles and Billy.

11. My classmates are a typist, a dentist, an actor and a farmer.

12. The animals are a bear, a hare and a tiger.

13. Willy, Basil and Steve are my pals.

14. The children, their parents and grandparents are friendly.

15. Are cherries, apples and grapes berries? - No, they aren't.

16. Are Linda, Cecil and Sheila sisters? - Yes, they are.

Mind "THESE / THOSE". These words are stressed when used as a subject in the affirmative sentences. In other cases they are unstressed.

Intone and read:

Exercise 1:

1. These are streets.

2. Those are green leaves.

3. These are the best beans.

4. Those are three free seats.

5. These aren't dresses.

6. Those aren't pretty bees.

7. These aren't Sheila's children.

8. Those aren't Sam's six chickens.

Exercise 2:

1. These people are actors.

2. Those kids are in the yard.

3. These teachers aren't very busy.

4. Those leaves aren't on the trees.

5. These ladies have big hazel eyes and thick lashes.

6. Those animals haven't any masters.

7. Are these villages? - Yes, they are.

8. Are those Jane's cherries? - No, they aren't.

9. Are these sentences difficult? - Yes, they are.


How far is that star in the garden?

Her birthday is on Thursday on the thirty-first.

I thought a thought. But the thought I thought

wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.

Practise a jazz chant.


It was raining, raining, raining hard.

It was falling on my head.

It was falling on the stars.

It was falling on the sun.

It was falling on my shoes.

I got soaking wet.

I got soaking wet.

But I stayed outside.

I stayed outside.

The rain was sweet.

The rain was warm.

The rain was soft.

It reminded me of home.

It was raining, raining, raining hard.

It was falling, falling, falling on the stars.

It was raining, raining, raining hard.

It was falling, falling, falling on the stars.

Soft rain

Raining, raining

Sweet rain

Raining, raining

Warm rain

Raining, raining

Sweet soft Raining, raining

Warm rain Raining, raining

Sweet soft Raining, raining

Warm rain Raining, raining


Follow Arakin p. 48 and do the Phonetic ex-s.

Watch “BBC pr.tips” [w], [ŋ], [r], [Λ], [au].

Vowels in the stressed syllables.

In the majority of English words the first syllable is stressed. If a vowel is separated from another vowel by one consonant (except r), the syllable division line is before it. The first syllable is open: si|lent. Exceptions are city, pity, copy etc..

If a vowel is separated from another vowel by two or more consonants, the syllable division line is between them. The first syllable is closed: Vic|tor, mon|ster.

Er, or, ar, ur in an unstressed syllable are read [ ə ]. Sonorants l,n – can form syllables with p,d,b,t,g,etc.

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