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  • Answer the following questions:

  1. What steps did the interviewed people make to achieve their goals?

  2. What is important to remember on the way to achieving your dream?

  3. How did the interviewed people know that they were on the right way to reaching their goals?

  4. How did they know that they had already made their dreams come true?

  5. What personal qualities do you think a person should have to reach success, to achieve the goals set?

  6. What incentives can you think of that make people achieve their aims, become a success or make their dreams come true?

  7. Should the person move further when the goal set has been achieved? Why?

  8. Do you agree with Simon Schama who claims that the beauty is in not knowing that you have achieved your dream? Why?

  • Find the word or phrase in the text which is similar in meaning to:

    1. to succeed in doing something, to accomplish

    2. having a clear and definite purpose

    3. dangerous situation, risk

    4. lack of success in doing something, defeat

    5. an answer to a problem or difficult situation

    6. an idea or plan of what you are going to do

    7. a professional, specialist

    8. to affect other people, to have power to make them do what you want

    9. to be chosen for a job or official position

    10. to be in charge of a business or an activity

  • Fill the gap in each sentence with the suitable word from the exercise above:

      1. The company decided to …. a Japanese manager as president of the company.

      2. Our team of …. will be on hand to offer help and advice between 12 noon and 7 p.m. daily.

      3. She had no …. of spending the rest of her life working as a waitress.

      4. My mother, whose guiding principle in life was doing right, had a great …. on me.

      5. His father …. a prosperous paint business.

      6. “Don’t tell him your hotel room number or give out any other personal information that could place you in ….

      7. Business managers are …. on increasing their personal wealth by any available means.

      8. Economic measures must form part of any …. to this crisis.

      9. There may be far better ways to …. the desired things.

      10. There is a “middle way” between the extremes of success and …., wealth and poverty.

  • Summarize the text.

Vocabulary of the unit core vocabulary

Qualification n [countable, often plural] а) квалификация; право занимать какую-л. должность (подтвержденное документом); профессионализм a doctor's qualification диплом врача This engineer has outstanding qualification to build the bridge. Этот инженер обладает большими знаниями в области строительства мостов; б) подготовленность, пригодность; навык; опыт; степень квалифицированности Some nursing experience is a necessary qualification for this job. Для этой службы необходимым условием является некоторый опыт работы медсестрой; to gain qualification получить квалификацию, набрать опыт работы; qualified знающий, компетентный, сведущий

Skill n искусство, мастерство, умение; ловкость, сноровка skill at/in using a computer — навык работы с компьютером; skills навыки; skilful опытный. искусный, квалифицированный; мастерский, хорошо сделанный; to improve оnes skills

Training n 1) воспитание 2) обучение (in) to get, receive training — тренироваться, обучаться, учиться; to undergo training проходить обучение

Goal n задача, цель; место назначения; to set a goal поставить цель/задачу; to achieve, reach, realize a goal достичь цели; goal in life

Course n курс (лекций, обучения, лечения); a course of lectures; a four-year history course; to take/do a course in a subject/ on (Charles Dickens); to go on an intensive course

To go to university (No article!) to study at a university

Vacancy пустое, свободное, незанятое место; свободное рабочее место; vacant незанятый, свободный; вакантный (о должности)

Apply for a post/ position/ job подавать заявление о приеме на работу (в письм. форме); application просьба, заявление, форма заявления; application form анкета поступающего на работу, бланк для заявления; to complete/fill in an application form заполнить анкету; applicant for a job кандидат, кандидатура, претендент

Interview деловое свидание, встреча, беседа; интервью (for; with); job interview — собеседование при приеме на работу; to attend an interview иметь беседу; at the interview

To work for a company работать на компанию

working conditions условия труда

Promote выдвигать; продвигать; повышать в чине/звании; promotion (to a manager) продвижение по службе; повышение в звании; производство в чин; prospects of promotion

To realize one‘s potential реализовать свои возможности

To aspire (to a high office) стремиться получить высокий пост

to go into something full-time/ part-time работать полный/неполный (рабочий) день

Compete соперничать, конкурировать; competition конкуренция, соперничество; competitive (profession) конкурентоспособный (профессия)

To search for a job искать работу

To be keen to do smth сильно желать, стремиться сделать что-либо; be keen on smth быть увлеченным чем-либо, быть знатоком чего-либо; He was keen to begin his business. — Он страшно хотел начать свое дело. She's keen on music. — Она бредит музыкой.

To make the break = to change one’s lifestyle зд. изменить коренным образом (образ жизни, ситуацию)

to seize the opportunity ухватиться за, воспользоваться возможностью

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