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Vocabulary exercises

1. Fill the gaps with the appropriate word from the Core Vocabulary.

  1. According to the ..., we’ll have snow tomorrow.

  2. She loves gardening – she’s out in her garden in ...

  3. The weathermen forecast a Force Nine ... .

  4. A number of tourists went up to the mountains to ski and were swept away in an ... .

  5. The tree has been struck by ... and caught fire.

  6. The rainwater in the street soon ... in the warm sunshine.

  7. Many people die of ... during famines every year.

  8. Thousands of people could ... if the crops fail again.

  9. Industrial development is causing widespread damage to the …

  10. More than 100.000 people suffer from severe poisoning after drinking … water.

  11. The … … is the problem caused by a build-up of gases in the air around the earth, which results in a gradual rise in the temperature of the atmosphere.

  12. Air … , toxic waste and … rains are already a problem in this country.

  13. There have been four months of low … and there is a danger of … in the area on account of scarce crops.

  14. I would hate being beside a volcano when it starts … .

  15. … … brings about ice caps … , as a result of which not only Venice but St. Petersburg and London as well are under the threat of sinking.

2. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Какая завтра погода?

  2. Эти цветы не будут расти в суровом климате.

  3. Прогноз погоды на шестой странице, рядом с программой телевидения.

  4. Газ замерзает при температуре 180 градусов по Цельсию.

  5. Дождя не было три месяца, и правительство страны опасается, что засуха вызовет голод, если не поступит помощь от других государств.

  6. Буря повалила старое дерево.

  7. От наводнения пострадало несколько городов.

  8. Каждую весну река затопляет долину.

  9. Ураган обрушился на несколько городов восточного побережья США.

  1. Его волосы были все мокрые и очки запотели.

  2. Из-за сильного снегопада и метели несколько рейсов были отменены.

  3. Селевой поток смыл несколько горных деревень. 13 человек погибло и 25 считаются пропавшими без вести.

  4. Извержение вулкана Этна привело к резкому сокращению числа туристов в курортных городках неподалеку от него.

  5. Лучшее, что мы можем сделать в такую приятную теплую солнечную погоду, это отправиться на пикник.

  6. Химические удобрения, которые фермеры вносят на свои поля, смываются c дождями в реки и заражают воду.

3. Paraphrase the following sentences using Active Vocabulary.

  1. I bought this shirt because it cost $6 which was half price. It …

  2. Transworld airlines are to make their fares 10% cheaper in some areas.

  3. The majority of population welcome the idea to pay less on taxes.

  4. Give us a detailed report or description of what happened.

  5. Do you keep any money in our bank? Have you got

  6. We had to move to London, as my job required that.

  7. I find it difficult to tell the reason why two our best students failed the exam.

  8. If he is really taking drugs, that would be the explanation/ reason why he behaves strangely.

  9. You are in enough trouble because of me.

  10. I was going to give them an interview but my agent didn’t advise me to do it in order to avoid trouble and danger.

  11. The deserted cars and empty buildings made us realize that we were approaching the danger area.

  12. We are trying to tell children that smoking may bring dangerous results.

  13. The article is about environmental problems.

  14. These problems are of importance to all of us.

  15. The children’s mother was very anxious about their safety when they didn’t come back from school at the usual time.

  16. Where did all the money disappear? Could you be so kind to explain that mystery to me? How do you

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