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Very great pain or suffering, esp. Of mind a bad, fearful, or terrible experience drink in large draughts fresh, newly made

a low lull sound like that of a blow on smth soft a slight quarrel

walk out in a very angry or violent manner dirty, sordid, disreputable weep noisily

not saying much, grim-looking Exercise 3

Explain the following phrases in English. drop a bomb-shell a whirlwind romance sweep a girl off her feet reach rock-bottom writing on the wall set the alarm bells ringing a recipe for disaster make the feathers fly the moment of truth sick as a parrot

Exercise 4

Re-write the piece in your own words without leaving out any

pieces of information.


Take a newspaper (local or foreign) and find out the following

information about it.

  1. What is the name of your paper?

  2. How much does it cost and how many pages does it have?

  3. Is it a "tabloid" or a "quality" paper?

  4. What percentage of the front page is TEXT, not counting the headlines?

  5. Where is the "leader" column and what heading does it have? (For example: "Comment", "The Sun Says" etc)

  6. How many pages of foreign news does your newspaper have?

  1. How many pages of financial news does your paper have? (This is sometimes called "The City" section)

  2. How many sports pages does your newspaper have? What kinds of sport does it cover? Can you explain why it covers those?

  3. How many cartoons are there in your paper? Are any of them political?

  4. Are there any advertisements in your paper? What sort of commodities are advertised? Can you explain why?

  5. Approximately what percentage of text does your newspa­per have?

  6. See if your newspaper has a section dealing with the signs of the Zodiac (Scorpio, Capricorn etc). If so, what is the section called? What does it say for your sign?

  7. What other sections does your newspaper have?

  8. Would you read it if you lived in Britain/America?

  9. Would foreigners living in this country read the paper you have analyzed? Why? / Why not?

  10. What kind of people do you think might read this paper?

Compare and discuss your findings with other students.

Now read an article from the punch to check whether your predictions concerning the sort of people who read different kinds of newspapers in Britain were correct.


They always said The Times was read by the people who ran the country, the Mail by their wives. What does your paper say about you now? Dan CONAGHAN updates the Fleet Street check off list.

There is a traditional litany about newspapers which runs "The Times is read by the people who run the country, The Tele­graph by the people who own the country" and so on, right up to that famous punch line, "And The Sun is read by people who don't care who runs the country, so long as she's got big tits."

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