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Deyeva lexico-grammatical difficulties.doc
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Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. I have no wish to embarrass you. 2. She had nothing to say. 3. You have no idea how a child of that age can behave. 4. I’ve no doubt you’ll find other doctors. 5. He had not many patients at the start. 6. You certainly haven’t any fever now. 7. I have had no training as a teacher. 8. I hadn’t enough chemistry to get to that. 9. Con, who had been six years in Aberalaw, had not a penny to his name. 10. «But what’s on his mind, sir? What’s bothering him?» «I have not the slightest idea.» 11. But now! Lennie gone — what had she? She had nothing.

Exercise 2. Complete and expand on the following sentences.

1. He hadn’t enough ... 2. I had no reason to believe ... 3. He had no hobbies of any kind, and ... 4. I am sure you haven’t any right ... 5. Many young people abroad have no ... 6. She hasn’t a single ... 7. I haven’t many ... 8. The old woman had nobody ... 9. He hadn’t ‘ the remotest notion that ... 10. I’m afraid this measure will not have the slightest effect ...

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. У него не было времени прочесть эту книгу. 2. У моей мамы нет еще ни одного седого волоса. 3. В некоторых странах многие юноши и девушки не имеют возможности получить высшее образование. 4. У меня нет никакого желания посмотреть этот кинофильм. 5. У него не было ни гроша за душой. 6. Девочка недавно переехала в наш город, и у нее еще здесь немного друзей. 7. У Энтони Грэхэма не было ни одной сестры. 8. У меня недостаточно бумаги, принеси мне, пожалуйста, еще немного. 9. Вы не представляете, как я рада вас видеть! 10. Ей нечего было сказать в ответ. 11. В течение долгого времени у Мартина Идена не было достаточно денег, чтобы регулярно питаться. 12. У моей старшей сестры совсем нет веснушек, а у меня есть.

9. The use of the verb to make examples

1. «You can’t make me stay. Nobody can make me stay.» «I’m not trying to make you stay. Your life is your own, and all, or most of it, is still before you.» 2. It made her feel sad somehow. It made her feel old. 3. I was very much of the skeleton in the cupboard, and made to feel so too. 4. She did not seem able to make Charlie see how desperately grave the situation was. His airiness made her impatient. 5. For the first time he felt they were speaking freely and frankly, and it made him happier. 6. It made her angry.


  1. Never use the particle to before an infinitive preceded by the verb to make in the Active Voice.

  2. Never omit the particle to before an infinitive preceded by the verb to make in the Passive Voice.

  3. Don’t use the infinitive of the verb to be before an adjective following the verb to make.


Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. That was a thought. That made him feel better. 2. It made her heart beat nineteen to the dozen. 3. I wish I could make you as happy as you make me. 4. You’re making us both miserable with your crazy ideas. 5. But Stanley was prettier than ever, he thought, in this primrose-coloured wisp of a frock, which made her look like a spring flower. 6. I like you because you make me laugh. 7. He’ll only make things worse. 8. «Then why is she marrying him? Nobody is making her do it.» «That’s what I’ve been trying to make out.» 9. The cold brought the blood to his cheeks and made them redder than ever.

Exercise 2. Give the corresponding active construction.

1. He could be made to send her to school. 2. If Carolyn had any influence, she must be made to use it. 3. He had been made to feel himself a pariah. 4. Do you think I like this? How do you think I like being made to feel as if I were out to trap you? 5. He did not know, he would never know how this had come about, how the.writhing paralytic had been made to walk.

Exercise 3. Give the corresponding passive construction.

1. Asa, there is nothing to get so worked up about, I was only trying to make you see. 2. I could still make him do anything I wanted. 3. Then she made me walk beside her. 4. They made her lie on sofas and were solicitous that she should cover her feet.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Его упрямство вывело меня из себя. 2. Это убеждает меня в вашей правоте. 3. Отчего вы не заставите его переделать работу? 4. От этой еды ей стало плохо. 5. Устраивайтесь поудобнее. Концерт сейчас начнется. 6. Меня заставили повторить все сказанное раньше. 7. Слова лектора заставили меня задуматься над моей собственной жизнью. 8. От таинственного шороха у меня кровь застыла в жилах. 9. Только вы можете сделать меня счастливым! 10. Ее самолюбие было задето; это заставило ее отказаться от поездки. 11. Надеюсь, я вас не рассердила? 12. Мне надоели ваши вопросы. 13. Мешки под глазами делали ее значительно старше. 14. От рева падающей воды у нее закружилась голова. 15. Почему вы так думаете? 16. Рассказ рассмешил всех присутствующих. 17. Борода и усы делали молодого человека старше своих лет. 18. Свежий весенний ветер поднял у меня настроение. 19. От быстрой ходьбы ей стало очень жарко.

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