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Education: a reflection of society


Visit schools anywhere in the world, and you will probably notice a number of similarities everywhere. There are students, teachers, books, blackboards, and exams everywhere. However, a school system in one country is not ______________ to the system in any other country. It cannot be exactly the same because each culture is different. The educational system is a mirror that ______________ the culture. Look at the school system, and you will see the social structure and the ______________ of its culture.



In Mexico, the educational system reflects some of the country’s many ______________ . ______________ , it is believed that the nation can ______________ equality of rights for everyone through education. The basis of the Mexican educational system is the country’s ______________, which was written in 1917. It requires education to be free, ______________, and ______________. It also states that education should support national unity and lead to social, economic, and cultural improvement of the people. At lower levels, this means that there is emphasis on the country’s rich cultural history. Children write historical essays, participate in activities for national holidays, and read about national heroes – especially ______________ (Indians). However, it is often difficult to provide education in ______________ areas, where many of the ______________ live. People in these areas are poor and ______________ geographically. There aren’t enough schools, and rural teachers must be able to teach all six grades of primary school. Also, traditions among some indigenous people do not typically include school attendance.



The Japanese ______________ education highly. One ______________ reflects this: Japanese place such importance on education that 88 percant of all students complete not only ______________ but also high school. Public schools are all both free and egalitarian; all students are considered equal and learn the same material. For social reasons, it’s important for a student to receive a university degree – and a degree from “the right university”. To reach this goal, students have to go through “examination hell”. There are difficult exams for entrance to all universities, to many of the better primary and ______________ schools, and even to some kindergartens! Japanese students need great ______________; in order to make time for their studies, they need the self-control to give up hobbies, sports, and social life. Results of these exams affect the ______________ family because there is high ______________, or social position, for the whole family when the children have high test scores.



In the United Kingdom (Britain), the educational system reflects the class system. All state schools – primary, secondary, and university – are free, and the first nine years are ______________; all students learn the same material. At the age of eleven students take an important national exam. After this, they attend one of three possible secondary schools: college preparatory, ______________ (for job training), or comprehensive (with both groups of students). However, 6 percent of British students attend expensive high schools. These are students from upper-class families. Half of the students at Oxford and Cambridge universities come from such expensive secondary schools. It might seem that anyone can ______________ to go to a university because universities are free, but only 1 percent of the lower class goes to university. Because graduates from good universities get the best jobs, it is clear that success is largely a result of one’s social class.

The United States


Education in the United States is available to everyone, but not all schools are equal. Public primary and secondary schools are free for everyone; there is no ______________ . almost 80 percent of all Americans are high school graduates. Students themselves decide if they want college-preparatory or vocational classes I n high school; no national exam ______________ this. Higher education is not free, but it is available to almost anyone, and about 60 percent of all high school graduates attend college or university. Older people have the opportunity to attend college, too, because Americans believe that “you’re never too old to learn.” ______________ , there are also problems in U.S. schools. In many secondary schools, there are problems with lack of discipline and with drugs and crime. In addition, public schools receive their money from local taxes, so schools in poor areas receive less money. As a result, they don’t have enough good teachers or laboratory equipment, and the buildings are often not in good condition. Clearly, U.S. education reflects both the best and the worst of the society.



It is clear that each educational system is a reflection of the larger culture – both positive and negative ______________ of its economy, values, and social structure. Look at a country’s schools, and you will learn about the society in which they exist.

      • Read the definitions below and write words and expressions that fit these definitions. The letters in parentheses refer to the paragraphs.

  1. a paper containing the laws that a country is bases on (B) _________________________________

  2. Indians (B) ________________________

  3. far away from towns and cities (B) ___________________

  4. a school for job training (D) ______________________

  5. to have enough money for something (D) ______________

  6. fees (money) for education (E) ______________________

  7. sides, parts, characteristics (F) _______________________


Watch the report Public School (Headway Intermediate Video) and answer the following questions:

        1. What is the history of Rugby School?

        2. What kind of education do they provide?

        3. Is that school really public?

        4. When do they start?

        5. When is the main entry?

        6. What is the percentage of students coming from oversees?

        7. What is special about the school?

        8. What are the students’ opinions of their school?

        9. Prove that studying there is hard work?

        10. Is their dorm comfortable?

        11. How can students spend their free time?

        12. Where does the name come from? What is so special about it? Give the history of rugby.

        13. Is it a single sex school?

        14. Are there any difficulties between girls and boys?

        15. What are the benefits of being a Rugbian?

        16. What are the responsibilities of the Head of Dean House?

        17. Do students have much free time?

        18. Is the school only for academic subjects?

        19. How can the school help with future employment?

        20. Does the school have any famous graduates?

        21. What do you students take from school when they leave it?

        22. What does the principle mean by being rebellion?


          1. Write the summary of the text “Education: A Reflection of Society”.

          2. Read the following quotations about success. Write 150 words comparing and contrasting what they say. Conclude by saying which of the quotations means the most to you.

  • Success is always temporary: success is only delayed failure.” Graham Green, novelist

  • There are no gains without pains.” Adlai Stevenson, American politician

  • The only way to succeed is to make people hate you. That way, they remember you.” Joseph von Sternberg, film director

  • It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail.” Gore Vidal, writer

  • Success is like knowledge; where is the fun if everyone’s got it?” Basil Boothroyd, comic writer

  1. In the film Wall Street, financier Gordon Grecko (played by Michael Douglas) makes a speech in praise of greed. Greed, he says, is the energy that makes businesses successful. Write an essay expressing arguments for and against this story.

  2. Complete each sentence with the missing words. Choose from the expressions and idioms in the box.










Education in North America and Asia

In a Western society, such as the United States or Canada, that has many national, religious, and ______________ differences, people highly value ______________ - the differences among people – and independent thinking. Students do not often memorize information. Instead, they find answers themselves, and they express their ideas in class discussion. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions.

In most Asian societies, by ______________ , the people have the same language, history, and ______________ . Perhaps for this reason, the educational system in much of Asia reflects society’s belief in group ______________ and ______________ rather than individualism. Children in China, japan, and Korea often work together and help one another on ______________. In the classroom, the teaching ______________ are often very formal. The teacher ______________ and the students listen. There is not much discussion. Instead, the students recite rules or information that they have memorized.

  1. Translate the following sentences into English using the vocabulary of the unit:

  1. Говорят, жить по заповедям сложнее, чем нарушать их.

  2. Сотрудники института работают вместе для достижения общей цели – восстановления местного диалекта.

  3. Считается, что японцы остаются преданными одной и той же компании всю жизнь, начиная там работать после университета и заканчивая уходом на пенсию.

  4. Их страх идет из веры в то, что эти люди обладают сверхъестественными силами.

  5. Искусный шантаж спас его от разоблачения.

  6. Пусть человеку будет ясно, что вы ему льстите, поскольку в действительности ему будет лестно, что вы ему льстите.

  7. Ссылаясь на отсутствие времени, студентам удалось продлить срок написания курсовой.

  8. Такой промах может повлиять на всю его дальнейшую карьеру.

  9. В первый раз в его жизни его захватило (увлекло) хоть что-то.

  10. Было бы вежливо позвонить им и предупредить их, что мы задерживаемся.

  11. Он может быть очень убедительным, если ему это необходимо или выгодно.

  12. Они все мечтали об обществе, основанном на эгалитарных принципах.

  13. В этом году было создано восемь учебных центров для профессионального обучения молодежи.

  14. Многие представители коренных малочисленных народов Севера работают в других секторах экономики.

  15. Традиции определяют жизнь коренного населения в отдаленных сельских поселениях.

  16. Данная статистика, с одной стороны, отражает тот факт, что образование все еще входит в число культурных ценностей, а с другой стороны, приобретает статусный характер в современном обществе.


      1. Discuss the importance that Mark McCormack attaches to saying nothing and pretending not to know something. What are the other main characteristics that he thinks are important in a good business person?

      2. The following is a list of suggestions made in a survey to find ‘the most successful way to learn a language’. Discuss each one. Then vote to find which ones the class thinks are the three most successful ideas.

  • Learn ten new words every day.

  • Live in a country where the language is spoken.

  • Learn songs in the language.

  • Correspond with pen-friends who speak the language.

  • Always take your holidays in countries where the language is spoken.

  • Watch as much TV as you can in the language.

  • Spend three hours a day communicating in the language in the Internet.

  • Listen to records of the language while you sleep.

  • Fall in love with someone who speaks the language.

3.PROJECT: Being successful

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a system that encourages people to be successful. Put simply, NLP practitioners suggest that following their techniques can help you with all sorts of things. You can improve what you do, whether it’s telling jokes, skiing or being imaginative in your answers to questions in class.

Try to find as much information as you can on NLP, and do a presentation for your class.

Useful language: there are two styles formal and informal given as an example, chose the one that appeals to you more and more suitable for the situation.

Introducing yourself

  • On behalf of myself and … , I’d like to welcome you. My name is Steven Stevenson.

  • Hi everyone, I’m Dora Brown. Good to see you all.

Introducing the topic

  • I’m going to tell you about the ideas we’ve come up with for the …what I’ve learned (found out) about … .

  • This morning, I’d like to outline the main points concerning … .

Giving a plan of your talk

  • I’ve divided my presentation into three parts. Firstly, I’ll give you the background to the topic in question. Secondly, I’ll discuss the examples of … . Finally, I’ll present the conclusions made by … .

  • My talk is in three parts. I’ll start with the background to the topic, move on to the examples of …, and finish with the conclusions.

Giving background information

  • I’ll give you some background.

  • Let’s start with the background.

Referring to the audience’s knowledge

  • As you know, …

  • As you are aware, …

Changing the topic

  • Right, let’s move on to …

  • Ok, I’ll now look at …

Referring to visuals

  • If you look at the …

  • Could I draw you attention to the chart?


  • To sum up, …

  • To summarize, …


  • Thanks very much. Any questions?

  • Well, that’s all I have to say. Thank you for listening.

Inviting questions

  • Is there anything you’re not clear about, go ahead and ask any questions you want.

  • If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to interrupt me.


Work in 2 groups. Challenge: what kind of things should you say and do to succeed in a business deal? One group are investors who have a million dollars to spend. The other group represents companies who want to provide goods or services to the customers.

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