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Кубышко - нефте-газо.doc
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VII. Определите, какой частью речи является подчёркнутое слово в предложении

1. Rotary drilling has become the preferred method for penetrating underground formation.

a) глагол; b) причастие II; c) причастие I.

2. The casing is usually about 23 centimeters in diameter.

a) существительное; b) причастие I; c) герундий.

3. A setting tank is usually used to separate the water.

a) существительное; b) герундий; c) причастие.

VIII. Определите, в каком предложении употребляется конструкция «сложное подлежащее»

1. Gas is usually piped directly to a central processing plant.

2. Gas is known to be piped directly to a central processing plant.

3. We know gas to be piped directly to a central processing plant.

IX. Выберите правильный вариант согласно содержанию текста

1. a) Water often flows into the well along with oil and gas.

b) Drilling mud often flows into the well along with oil and gas.

c) Water often flows in the well along with drilling mud.

2. a) A down-hole perforator uses a perforator to shoot holes through the casing and cement and into the formation.

b) A down-hole perforator uses an explosive to shoot holes through the well and cement and into the formation.

c) A down-hole perforator uses an explosive to shoot holes through the casing and cement and into the formation.

3. a) The drill bit moves at a much faster rate than conventional rotary drilling.

b) The drill bit rotates at a much faster rate than conventional rotary drilling.

c) The drill bit rotates at a lower speed than conventional rotary drilling.

X. Соедините два слова, чтобы образовать словосочетание

1. drilling

2. drill

3. rotary

4. piston

5. swivel

a) bit

b) mud

c) joint

d) pump

e) drilling.

XI. Найдите синонимы

1. well

2. to force

3. to remove

4. characteristic

5. equipment

a) to make

b) to take away

c) hole

d) tool

e) features.

XII. Найдите антонимы

1. multiple

2. surface

3. increase

4. heating

5. natural

a) subsurface

b) cooling

c) decrease

d) artificial

e) single.

Comprehensive questions

1. What are the major exploration methods?

2. What methods of drilling are mostly used in Russia and the USA?

3. What is first operation in the well completion?

4. When did petroleum refining begin?

5. What are the main components of crude oil?

6. What is the primary refinery process?

7. What are the petroleum refining methods?

8. What does the refinery consist of?

9. What kinds plants do you know?

10. What methods of transportation of crude oil are there?