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Individual Serving…………………………………..1.25

Pint – Serves 2-3……………………………………3.00

Quart – Serves 4-5………………………………….6.00

Grilled Seasonal Vegetables………………………..3.95

New Words

barbecued pork ribs – жареные свиные ребра

whole – полная порция

rack – хребет

half – ½ порции

quarter – ¼ порции

barbecued chicken – жареный цыпленок

grilled fish – жареная рыба

market availability – куплено на рынке из предложенного ассортимента

sliced – порезанный на куски

chopped [t∫ƒpt] – рубленый

hot Italian sausage – горячая итальянская сосиска

grilled top sirloin of beef – говяжья вырезка, жаренная на гриле

sirloin ['sç:lƒIn] – филей

barbecued brisket of beef – жареная говяжья грудинка

pulled barbecued chicken – жареный цыпленок

pulled chicken – ощипанный цыпленок

to marinate (marinade) [,mærI'neIt] – мариновать, солить

breast [brest] – грудь

lamb – барашек

grilled leg of lamb – жареная на гриле ножка барашка

accompaniment [‚'kΛmp‚nIm‚nt] – закуска

salad with smoked chicken – салат с копченым цыпленком

traditional potato salad – традиционный картофельный салат

homemade ['h‚um'meId] – приготовленный по-домашнему

coleslaw ['k‚ul'slƒ:] – салат из шинкованной капусты

southern ['sΛð‚n] – южный

mustard ['mΛst‚d] – горчица, горчичный

greens [gri:nz] – зелень, овощи

southern-style mustard greens – овощи в горчице по-южному

to cater ['keIt‚] – поставлять провизию

catering ['keIt‚rIŋ] – общественное питание

XXIX. Read the text and act it out.

Americans at Home

The President, whether he likes it or not, is the trend-setter (задает тон) in this country, and when he speaks in superlatives it is no surprise that everyone starts picking up the habit.

This kind of talk naturally affects all American families. For example, the other night, just as our family sat down to dinner, my wife announced: “I hope everyone has washed his hands, because I have cooked the greatest meal ever served in the Western Hemisphere.”

“That’s good,” I said, “because I’ve had the hardest day anyone has ever had since Gutenberg invented the printing press.”

My 15-year-old daughter said: “We had the worst test in school today since the Spanish Inquisition.”

“How did your football game go?” I asked my 17-year-old son.

“It was the most magnificent match in the history of intramural sport,” he replied. “And what did you do today?” I asked my 14-year-old daughter. “I had the greatest Coca-Cola I’ve ever drunk in my life.”

My wife served the pot roast. “I hope everyone likes it because it’s the most expensive pot roast we’ve ever had.”

“It is truly delicious,” I said. “And it explains why we have the highest food bills of anyone on the Eastern Sea-coast.”

My wife took this as a personal criticism, “I can’t help it if we’re living in the highest inflationary period in modern times.”

My son saved the situation by asking: “Can I have the car tonight?”

“What for?” I asked. “I’m going to see the greatest movie ever made.” “What’s the name of it?” “I forgot,” he answered.

My 15-year-old daughter said: “Someone has to drive me to Judy’s birthday party. It’s supposed to be the grandest party ever given in the nation’s capital.”

My 14-year-old daughter said: “Then how come you were invited?”

My 15-year-old daughter said, “That’s the most insulting thing anyone has ever said to me. You can take off my best blouse right now.”

“Shut up!” my wife said, “and eat your brussels sprouts. I’m sick and tired of preparing the most fantastic meals ever served in this country, and having vegetables left on the plate.”

“Your mother’s right,” I said. “Besides, I hate to hear you quarrelling during the most splendid banquet I have ever attended in this dining room.” My wife said: “After the most delicious apple pie anyone has ever tasted, I want everyone to help me with the largest pile of dirty dishes I’ve ever seen.”

There were the loudest screams of protests ever uttered by an American family, but no one could escape.

XXX. Memorize the dialogue.

– Have you chosen something, Sir?

– Yes. I think I’ll have the chicken, please.

– What would you like afterwards?

– I’d like some fruit if you have any.

XXXI. Phrasal Verb to give.

to give away – отдавать, дарить

to give out – раздавать (учебники)

to give in – уступать

to give up – отказаться

Make up sentences with this verb.

XXXII. a) Say what food is traditional in your country, the USA, Italy, Britain, Japan, Mexico. b) Read the given information.

Food from Around the World

Every country of the world has some traditional kind of food. Here are some examples.


A hamburger, hot dogs and French fries, from a fast food take-out restaurant.


Pizza – with a crisp base and different toppings, and spaghetti – one of the many different shaped pastas.


Roast beef, served with Yorkshire pudding cooked in the meat juices.


Each dish is beautiful to look at. Sushi is raw fish and rice made into pretty shapes.


Food from Mexico is hot and spicy. Meat and beans are cooked with hot chillies. Tortillas are a thick maize pancake.

New Words

French fries – картофель фри

pudding – пудинг

crisp – жареный

pasta – макароны

raw – сырой

spicy – пряный

beans – бобы

chilli – красный перец

maize – кукуруза

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