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I. Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences.



Alaska Herald








  1. Over 1,200,000 live in the USA.

  2. The first political Ukrainian --to the U.S. was Andriy Honcharenko.

  3. He established a newspaper - with a Ukrainian supplement.

  4. He glorified Ukrainian and popularized T. Shevchenko's poems.

  5. Ukrainians in the U.S. achieved less success than in Canada because of large

  6. But Ukrainians in the USA organized a wide network of to help each other,

  7. The total sum of is over 1 billion dollars.

  1. The percent of Ukrainians with higher is very high.

  2. Ukrainian can use their education to get profit better than American women.

10. Ukrainians in the United States made their contributions in Ukraine's economy.


II. Scan for the details and circle the correct answer.

  1. No one in Washington is a/ also, b/ too, c/ so busy for Ukraine.

  2. While America's foreign aid is sinking, Kyiv's share of it is a/ growing, b/ sinking too.

  3. After Israel and Egypt Ukraine gets a/ more, b/ less aid money than any other country.

  4. Mitch McConnell, Republican senator visited Ukraine in a/1998, b/1993, c/1983.

  5. He hammered the administration that a/ less, b/ more funds be earmarked for Ukraine.

  6. He succeeded in earmarking $5 million for aiding Ukrainian a/ big, b/ small business.

  7. a/ Senator, b/ Congress earmarked $5 million for coping with the effects of Chornobyl.

  8. Ethnic Ukrainians in the U.S. a/ made, b/ make their contributions in this case too.

  9. Only a/ 2, b/ 7, c/ 4 countries in the world can claim such a partnership with the U.S.


III. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form /Present or Future Indefinite/.

  1. The success of Ukraine as a free nation /be/ very important to the United States.

  2. The final reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant /shut/ - down.

  3. The United States /pledge/ — $80 million for the Chernobyl Shelter Fund.

  4. It /attract/ more investment dollars from the United States.

  5. It /open/ the door to U.S. cooperation with Ukraine's space program.

  6. This decision /have/ a positive impact on Ukraine's economic prospects.

  7. It /create/ — more high-tech jobs.

  8. It also /enhance/ — the ability of American companies to compete in space.


IV. Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

  1. Is the success of Ukraine as a free nation important to the United States?

  2. Is the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to be closed forever?

  3. Did the United States pledge $80 million for the Chernobyl Shelter Fund?

  4. What things will improve the climate for investment in Ukraine?

  5. What is the purpose of the business development program?

6. What will be the impact of the space program on Ukraine's economic prospects?

The Ties of Ukraine with England

Ukraine is a large country. It is situated in the South - Western Europe. It's territory is 603,000 sq.kms. Ukraine is a sovereign state. It proclaimed its independence in August of 1990.

It found its recognition among 2,5 mln Ukrainians living abroad . They left Ukraine in 3 waves: after the WWI, after the revolution and during WWII. Ukraine was a highly developed country.

But now, in the result of breaking ties between the former republics the economy of Ukraine is in a deep crises. But nevertheless, Ukraine tries to conclude new treaties and agreements with many countries. For example, in May our president Leonid Kutchma, had meetings with the delegations of Cuba, Belorussia, Russuia, with the president of the USA Bill Klinton.

Ties of Ukraine with England are old and permanent. John Major and Queen Elizabeth visited Moscow and Kyiv last year. The new treaties and agreements on cooperation, political and economical assistance have been signed. We had the opportunity to watch TV programs about the visit of these delegations. England is interested to help our country and to put their money into developing of our economy. Now they sent us humanitary help.

There are many twin - cities which develop their relations in different fields of iife . There is an exchange of delegations of teachers , students , workers , sport

teams and so on . The twin cites are : Kyiv and Edinburg , Donetsk and Sheffield ,

Gorlovka and Barnsley .

They help the Ukrainian people in that difficult time with the humanitary aid. The representatives of the organization “ Hope Now “ helped the orphanages in Cherkassy region . The Tile Hill College from Coventry presented computers for Smila Technical School of Food Industry . A lot of people make a great contribution to the development of our country .

proclaimed - проголосила

breaking ties - розрив зв’язків

treaties - договори

agreements - угоди

permanent - постійні


1) Does Ukraine conclude new treaties and agreements with other countries ?

2) Did the president of Ukraine have meetings with the deligations of other

countries ?

3) What representatives of England visited Ukraine ?

4) Is England interested to help our country ?