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Lesson I. Chapters 1-2 (pp. 3-27)

  1. Read, copy out the new words, be ready to translate and discuss the chapters.

  2. Explain the meanings of the following expressions, memorize them, reproduce the situations they are used in:

  1. to fit the gesture to the word

  2. three times running

  3. to put smb at one’s ease

  4. to take a weight off one’s mind

  5. to be as thin as a rail

  6. to break out of a brown study

  7. to play to capacity

  8. to feel a little larger than life-size

  9. bricks without straw

  10. a repertory theatre

  11. to let somebody down

  12. not to sleep a wink

  13. to brass tacks

  14. before you can say knife

  1. Give the summary of the chapters.

  2. What do we get to know about the main characters (Michael Gosselyn, Julia Lambert) from Chapter I (appearance, features of character, etc.).

  3. Describe in detail:

  • Michael’s office

  • Michael and Julia’s house

  • Lunch in their house

  • Julia’s manner of speaking aloud and to herself

Make your conclusions about their wealth, taste, features of character, etc.

  1. Read and translate the passage on pp. 14-15 from “She gave him…” to “… a melting look in her fine eyes”.

  2. Speak about the young man. How is his shyness described by the author? Trace the change in Julia’s attitude towards the young accountant. Comment upon it

  3. Speak about the beginning of Michael’s and Julia’s careers. Compare their stories of becoming an actor/actress.

  4. Comment upon:

  1. “Nemo me impune lacessit” (p.4)

  2. “Don’t be natural… The stage isn’t the place for that. The stage is make-believe. But seem natural” (p.18)

  3. “Actors are rotten, not parts” (p.24)

  1. Speak about Jimmie Langton. Give your idea of an ideal stage-manager.

  2. Dramatize the dialogue between Julia and Jimmie Langton (pp.23-27).

Lesson II. Chapters 3-5 (pp. 27-53)

  1. Read, copy out the new words, be ready to translate and discuss the chapters.

  2. Explain the meanings of the following expressions, memorize them, reproduce the situations they are used in:

  1. to be a great hit

  2. to pursue somebody relentlessly

  3. to play one’s cards well

  4. to put by

  5. to take one’s courage in both hands

  6. to make a nuisance of oneself

  7. to be a millstone round one’s neck

  8. to be at a loose end

  9. to take stock of somebody

  10. to be head over ears in love with somebody

  11. to have one’s feet on the ladder

  12. not a patch on somebody

  13. to be as vain as a peacock

  14. to sell a pup

  15. to be a flop

  1. Give the summary of the chapters.

  2. Speak about Michael’s attitude to:

  • his beauty

  • money

  • love-affairs

  • marriage

  1. Speak about Julia’s love to Michael. How is it described? How did she express her feelings?

  2. Compare:

  • Julia’s and Michael’s feelings to each other

  • their parents

  • their attitude to the social background

  • their behaviour in the story with the American manager

  1. Describe in detail:

  • Michael’s parents

  • their house

  • their attitude to Julia (and the way it changes)

  • the scene of Michael’s proposal to Julia

  1. Appreciate Julia’s tactics of winning Michael over. What did she do for it? Give your idea of winning over the person you like greatly.

  2. Do you consider Julia and Michael an ideal couple? Give your idea of an ideal couple.

  3. Read and translate the passage on pp. 44-45 from “He felt sure that …” to “… to see the tenderness in his eyes”.

  4. Comment upon:

  1. “One’s got to be one’s own master. That’s the only way to make a packet” (p.29)

  2. “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” (p.34)

  3. “These women… If you try to go to bed with them they say you’re a dirty old man, and if you don’t they say you’re a rotten old eunuch” (p.50)

  1. What was “a very clever little trick” that Jimmie had pulled off? What do we learn about Jimmie Langton’s treatment of women? What can you say about his being a gentleman? What is your attitude to such men?

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