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LEARN ENGLISH Сборник устных тем для аудиторной...doc
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Active Vocabulary



to graduate from

заканчивать (обычно о вузе)

to make up one’s mind

решить, принять решение

to enter


a highly qualified specialist

высококвалифицированный специалист

in the sphere of

В области \ в сфере чего-либо

to found

to be founded

основывать, образовывать

быть основанным, образованным


higher education


to study

to train

to educate


to deepen

to broaden

to offer

a great variety of

profession line


to carry put the education program

full-time course

to take an extramural course

an evening course




to be divided


to take examinations

to pass examinations

graduation work / essay




to continue

postgraduate courses


to provide

well-stocked library


area for individual study

lodging conditions



to be involved into

to be at smb’s disposal

основание, образование

высшее образование



учить, обучать

давать образование





широкое многообразие



выполнять учебную программу

дневное отделение

обучаться заочно

вечернее отделение






сдавать экзамены

сдать (с оценкой) экзамены

дипломная работа


прилежный, старательный

старательный, трудолюбивый





хорошо укомплектованная библиотека


место для самостоятельной работы

жилищные условия



быть вовлеченным во что-либо

быть в чьем-либо распоряжении


1. Answer the questions.

1) When was the Agricultural Institute renamed into the Academy?

  1. What faculties and departments does our University have?

  2. What subjects do the students study at our University?

  3. Why is it necessary to study special subjects?

  4. How is the students’ knowledge controlled?

  5. How many terms are there in the academic year?

  6. When do the students take the examinations? How often?

  7. What students receive a grant?

  8. What courses does the University offer?

  9. Does the University have any facilities to provide education?

  10. What kind of library does the University have?

  11. What do the students receive at the end of the course of study?

  12. What lodging conditions does the University provide for the students?

  13. How are the students involved into social life?

  14. What do they have at their disposal?

2. Match the Russian and English equivalents of the faculties and departments of our University.

3. Read and translate the dialogues. Dramatize some of them.

1) - I say, are you a first-year student?

-Yes, I am.

- Where’s the lecture room, do you know? It’s getting on.

- We’d better try to find it. I’m jolly glad we’re in the same group.

- Cool, isn’t it? Oh there’s the lecture room.

- This way, please.

- After you.

  1. - By the way, what are you studying? It’s medicine, isn’t it? Are you going to be a doctor?

- As a matter of fact, I’m not. That was the idea when I came here, but my interest has always been in language learning and language teaching and so I changed from medicine to modern languages. I’m in my last year now.

- What do you want to do, when you leave Oxford?

- I’d like more than anything else to teach English to foreign students.

- Well, I wish you luck.

  1. Between two students

- Margaret is looking very happy this evening.

- She did well in English, you know.

- What mark?

- Excellent. Worked hard at the language. And what about Lucy? Did she get through?

- On the contrary. She failed miserably.

- Oh, really?

- No, wonder! She cut lectures, did not attend seminars and was late for consultations as a rule.

- Then it serves her right.

  1. Between two friends:

- Even as a girl I dreamed of becoming a teacher.

- So you did.

- Yes, my dream has come true. In autumn I’ll start working at a school.

- Fine. But wouldn’t you like a post-graduate course? You’ve always had a bent for research work, as far as I know.

- Yes, I’d gladly join a postgraduate course, but first I’d rather work for some time on my own.

- Well, then, the very best of luck to you.

5). - Is it difficult to study at your Department?

- I don't think so. I do well in all subjects.

- It's a pity, but I didn't attend all classes, and as a result I failed at the exams.

- But you must do your best to get the credits and good marks.

- Let’s hope for the best.

6). - How are things?

- Thanks! Everything is OK! I'm a student.

- My congratulations! Where do you study?

- At the academy, I'm a full-time student.

- What faculty do you study at?

- I study at the Engineering Faculty. My specialty is Mechanization.

- I hope, you do your best to master your future profession.

7). - What are you going to do after graduating from the academy?

- I'm going to be an Engineer. I'll do my best to master my profession.

- You must have a good command of all subjects. Have you ever operate dany agricultural machine?

- Yes, we had our practice in the farm. We combine our knowledge with practice.

4. Complete the dialogues.

1. - Do you do well in chemistry?


- Last term I got an excellent mark in chemistry. What is you favorite subject?


2. - Do you attend the lectures in history?


- As for me I'd like to have a good command of mathematics...

- You see, I'm not so strong in mathematics. My favorite subject is...

3. - Where do you study?


- What are you going to be?


4. - Are you strong in English?


- I missed several, classes, worked by fits and starts. Can I get a credit in English?


5. - What lectures do we have to day?


- At the end of the term we are going to take an exam in physics.


6. - What do you think about the equipment in the University?


- Also the teaching staff does its best to train highly qualified specialists!


5. Make up your own dialogue. Use the words and word-phrases given below:

to be good at English, I would like to have a perfect knowledge of English; the necessary books, to take exams, to be able to manage it, optional course.


Two friends meet in the library. They are speaking about books on English. They want to have a perfect knowledge of English, but there are no necessary books.

6. Speak about:

a) the system of education at our University;

b) your last session.

Use the vocabulary given below.

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