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Writing an essay Step 1

Writing the opening paragraph

The crime rate in many cities is rising alarmingly. Some people have the idea that violent T.V. programmes are the cause of real crime. However, many others disagree that T.V. violence can be blamed for this rise. Both sides of the question of whether T.V. may or may not be to blame are supported by good reasons.

  • The first sentence introduces the general topic of the crime rate rising alarmingly, by making a general statement.

  • The second sentence narrows the general topic down to a specific question of violent T.V. programmes.

  • The second and the third sentences restate the specific question.

  • The last one gives the controlling idea that T.V. may not be to blame (i.e. both sides of the question are supported by good reasons).

Step 2 Writing the body of the essay

Those who believe that violent T.V. programmes cause crime give many different reasons. First, many viewers are children who have not formed a strong understanding of right and wrong. They imitate what they see. If a person on T.V. gets what he or she wants by stealing it, a child may copy this behavior. Thus the child has learned unacceptable values. Second, many heroes in today’s programmes achieve their goals by violent means. Unfortunately, viewers might use similar mean to achieve their objectives. Finally, people get ideas about how to commit crimes from watching T.V.

Other people argue that violent programmes have no relation to the rise in crime rates. First, they claim that social factors, such as unemployment and homelessness, are to blame. Second, some argue that watching violence on T.V. is an acceptable way to reduce aggressive feelings. In other words, people may become less aggressive through viewing criminal and violent scenes. Third, even though children learn by imitation, their parents are the most influential models. Finally, the villains are usually punished for their crimes.

  • The first developmental paragraph in the body of the essay addresses the question of arguments for fact that T. V. violence causes crime.

  • The second developmental paragraph supports the opposite idea, i.e. violent. programmes have no relation to the rise in crime rates.

  • Both paragraphs consider both aspects of violent T.V,, which is the controlling idea of the essay.

  • The writer uses a good range of logical connectors and linking expressions.

  • The paragraphs are logically arranged.

Step 3 Writing the concluding paragraph

Whether or not violent programmes are a factor in the rising crime rate, I am against their removal for the following reasons. First, some people enjoy them, and those who don’t can change channels or turn their TV’s off/ Second, I disagree with other people deciding what I should watch. If violent programmes can be censored, perhaps other programmes which may be important for our well-being will also be censored/ In conclusion, even though I am not fond of violent programmes, I am against their removal until conclusive evidence proves that viewing violence creates violence

  • The first sentence restates the topic sentence

  • The writer gives his/her personal opinion and lists the reason for the preference.

  • The writer concludes with a summary statement

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