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6 Examples:

   She is seeing (= ‘visiting’) a patient now.

   I (can) see (= a perception verb) a beautiful girl.

   What are you thinking about? You look worried! (A mental

   process, hence the action is not yet completed.)

   I think (that) you should give up smoking. (This is my


   Some verbs do not take continuous tenses in some meanings,

   or senses, but they do in others. Despite this, we can

   sometimes use both continuous and simple tenses: I am

   looking/I look forward to hearing from you.

a  I (expect) a baby next month.

b  I (expect) her to do it.

c  This tart (taste) delicious.

d  Why you (smell) that lemon flan? It (smell) off?

e  My legs (hurt).

7 Examples:

   They are cutting the grass. (active) = The grass is being

   cut. (passive)

   You are being too optimistic.

   The verb be is not normally used in continuous tenses,

   except for passive sentences, and when we are clearly

   referring to a momentary situation. See section 11

   as well.

a  She (be) very stupid today.

b  My house (be) painted at the moment.

c  You (be) very generous! I can’t believe it!

d  He (be) very patient with her this evening!

e  The earth (be) destroyed by mankind. We should do something

   to preserve nature.

8 Examples:

   You are constantly pulling my leg.

   He is always studying.

   She always gets up early.

   The present continuous is very often used with adverbs,

   or adverbial phrases, such as all the time, always,

   constantly, continually, forever, perpetually to

   indicate that something irritates us, as in the first

   example. In the second sentence, the speaker can express

   approval or disapproval, depending on the context. In

   the third, we refer to a habit.

a  He constantly (boast).

b  I always (arrive) in good time. I’m very keen on punctuality.

c  They always (cheat) in examinations. They shouldn’t do

   such a thing.

d  They continually (get) into trouble.

e  He perpetually (smoke) that horrible cigars.

9 Examples:

   Would you mind waiting for her a bit? She is just finishing

   her supper.

   The structure be + just + verb-ing means be on the point of

   doing something.

a  We just (sit) an examination, and feel very nervous.

b  He just (win) the race. He is in the lead and the finishing

   line is a few hundred yards ahead.

c  Don’t go now. They just (go) to serve the dessert.

d  —He’s done up like a dog’s dinner.

   —Well, he just (get) married.

e  He can’t come to the park with you at this moment! He just

   (have) lunch!

10 Revision exercise.

a  Cows and goats (produce) milk.

b  Let me alone. I (try) to do business.

c  I (want) to buy that pink jumper.

d  My stomach (ache) terribly now.

e  I (feel) ill now.

f  ‘What she (do) now?’

   ‘She (watch) a soap opera. She (love) soap operas.’

g  ‘What you (do)?’

   ‘Nothing. I’m a beggar.’

h  You normally (work) very hard, but today you (be) very lazy.

i  I (be) very fond of gardening.

j  Moles (live) underground.

k  This powder (make) people invisible.

l  She (be) on the dole, and (look) for a job. Can you offer

   her one?

m  They (invite) her to a meal tomorrow evening.

n  This cologne (smell) very good.

o  She (do) the cooking. Would you like to help her?

p  They (consider) him a spy.

q  ‘Why all these people (clap)?’

   ‘Because there (be) a very good juggler.’

r  ‘What the children (do)?’

   ‘They (play) at being soldiers.’

   ‘They all the time (play) at being soldiers. You (not think)

   it (be) too violent a game?’

s  My record (prove) that I (be) very well qualified for the


t  ‘Why you (taste) the soup?’

   ‘Because I (be) the cook, and I (like) to taste everything

   before serving it.’

u  ‘You always (tell) blue jokes. You (know) I (hate) them!

v  She just (arrive) home. If I were you, I’d wait for her.

w  I (feel) faint. Could you bring me a glass of water?

x  He often (not perspire).

y  Would you shut up! You (be) very silly!

z  She (rot) in prison now.

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