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Task 30. Fill the gaps with prepositions.

  1. People believe that the majority … crimes are violent crimes … the person.

  2. The United States is notorious … its lawlessness and high crime rates.

  3. In urban ghettos the crime rate is so high that many people live … constant fear … crime.

  4. Many of the people involved … illegal activity belong … organized crime network.

  5. The direct costs of crime … cash, cars and personal property comes … an enormous sum of money.

  6. The money spent … public safety include police, courts, prisons and parole systems.

  7. The number of people arrested … drug-related violence has doubled … recent years.

  8. The president says that illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics … them should be brought … justice.

Task 31. Complete the following sentences.

  1. Everyday newspaper reports of violent crimes fan …

  2. The exact number of crimes committed in the country is not known because the recorded crimes represent only …

  3. According to the statistics only a small number of people involved in illegal activity are …

  4. The fear of crime is as great a problem as …

  5. The US is known for its reputation for …

  6. Crime victims suffer …, … and that affect their ability to work and help others.

  7. Crimes involve great economic loss. This includes the direct costs in … and the public costs including money spent on …

  8. The USA is known for the highest … . There are more than a million people in American prisons .

Task 32. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; read and translate the text.

arrest criminals charged arrested

sentenced accused convicted suspected

The police were investigating a series of burglaries in the Westhampton area. A man and a woman were … of crimes, but there was not enough evidence to … them. Then, one night, during the burglary, the victims woke up while the … were still in the house. They found the burglars in the sitting-room stealing the TV and video. The burglars escaped through the window, leaving behind a black bag containing all their equipment – covered in fingerprints!

The next day Samuel and Felicity Jones were … by Westhampton police and … with the offence of burglary with intent. The … were tried on indictment1 in the Crown Court where they both pleaded not guilty2. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. The Jones were … and … to two years imprisonment.


1to try on indictment /In'daItmqnt/ - рассматривать дело по обвинительному акту

2to plead not guilty /plJd/ - заявить о своей невиновности

Task 33. Speak on the following: Is crime really a number one social problem facing the society? Use the questions below as the outline for your story:

  • What acts are defined as crimes?

  • How high is the rate of crime in modern society?

  • What makes crime a social problem?

  • How do crime victims suffer?

  • How large are the economic losses due to crime?

  • What is the cost of public safety?

Task 34. Practise the following for pronunciation.

determine /dI'tE:mIn/ borrow /'bPrqV/

convince /kqn'vIns/ behaviour /bI'heIvjq/

beyond /bI'jPnd/ unconstitutional /An"kPnstI'tjHSnl/

doubt /daVt/ acceptable /qk'septqbl/

precisely /prI'saIsli/ fairly /'feqli/

negligent /'neglIGqnt/ circumstance /'sE:kqmstxns/

manslaughter /'mxn"slLtq/ associate /q'sqVSIeIt/

dishonestly /dIs'Pnqstli/ retribution /"retrI'bjHSn/

physical /'fIzIkl/ rehabilitation /"rJhqbIlI'teISn/

permanently /'pE:mqnqntli/ deterrence /dI'terqns/

deprive /dI'praIv/ premise /'premIs/

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