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II. Read and translate the following information on fax messages.

Business activities cannot be conducted without information exchange. Nowadays the most used kind of information exchange is a fax message. Writing a good fax message is a matter of de­tailed and quite specialized technique. Your fax message should be well spaced and organized.

To make your fax message more readable and inviting bear in mind the following:

- Leave wide margins.

- Keep your sentences and paragraphs short.

- Use a new paragraph for each new thought or idea, and ex­press that thought as simply and briefly as you can.

- Your messages should not contain misspelled words, gram­matical errors or poorly constructed sentences.

Any fax message should be written according to a special form.

III.Read and translate the text. Memorize the form of a fax message.

Layout: British Style

1. Fax head Includes the name, address, telephone number, fax number, E-mail of the sender (company) and may contain a description of the business, trade-mark, etc. (In the top right-hand corner)

2. Reference Initials of the writer and of the typist (or numbers of the file where the correspondence is stored). The writer’s initials are separated from the typist’s initials or file numbers by a virgule: HD/RP or HD/1.3. The reference is typed on the same line as the date on the left side of the fax paper. Addressee’s reference, where known, is typed first.

3. Date Abbreviations may be used for Jan. Feb. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec..

4. Pages Total pages:

5. Addressee’s name and position:

6. Address: (of a company)

7. Attention: (may be omitted)

8. Salutation Starts with a capital letter and is usually

followed by a comma.

9. Subject May be omitted.


10. Body of a message First paragraph starts with a capital letter.

11. Complimentary Starts with a capital letter, and is usually

followed by a comma.

12. Signature

13. Sender’s position or status in the company (or only the name of a

company or a department).

14. Enclosure (if any)

Note: Point 7 (Attention) may be omitted if an addressee’s name (and position) are indicated after the name and address of his/her company in point 5.

IV. Fill in the following fax message.

  1. Fax head:

Address of the company




2. Your ref: … 3. Date …

Our ref: … 4. Pages …

5. Addressee’s name and position:

6. Addressee’s (company) address


7. Attention: (may be omitted)

8. Salutation

9. Subject (re:) …

10. Body of a message


11. Complimentary close …

12. Signature _________ 13. Sender’s position or status in the company

14. Enclosure (if any)

The fax head (1), date (3), number of pages (4), signature (12), sender’s position or status in the company (13) are written in the top or bottom (12,13) right-hand corner. The name of the company which sends a fax may be also written at the top middle side. References (2), addressee’s (company’s) name (5), addressee’s address (6), attention (7), the word “subject” (8) are written in the top left-hand corner. A salutation is written on the left side or in the middle of the page. The body of the message is always written in the middle of the page.

V. Read and translate this sample of a fax message. Compare (сравните) it with the form of a fax message given above.


P.Organization. Box 040

N-0070 Slemmestad


Tel.: +0031881800

Fax.: +0031880300


2. Your ref.: HD/1.3.4. 3. 24th April, 1998

Our ref.: HCD/RP 4. Total Pages:1



02, Teatralnaya St.

000042 Moscow

Russian Federation

7. Attention: Members of Working Group 2

8. Dear Sirs,

9. Re: Contract Documents

10. According to the protocol, dated 04.12.97, we have prepared the Contract Documents for signing by the presidents of our companies.

11. Yours faithfully,

12. (signature)

13. Project Manager


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