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Progress Test 2 Active and Passive Voices

1. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1) We (have been celebrating/have celebrated) Victory Day on May 9 since the end of World War II.

2) I can reach my work easily now as I (bought/have bought/had bought) a new car.

3) We felt happy when they (have left/left/had left).

4) Do you think it (rains/will rain) tomorrow? – I hope not.

5) She (had been taught/was taught) music in her childhood.

6) The policeman noticed that the suitcase (was carried/had been carried/was being carried) in a most strange way.

7) I (received/have received) a letter from him lately.

8) I couldn’t use my car last Sunday. It (was fixed/was being fixed/had been fixed).

9) I (had asked/was asked/had been asked) a lot of questions before they agreed I knew nothing.

10) The thieves (have been entered/had entered/has entered/have entered) the house through the kitchen window.

2. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1) “I must be going”. He (to lie) and she (know) he (lie). (The Past)

2) They (sit) for a long time over their coffee and the cat (stretch) himself on Bart’s knee and (to purr). (The Past)

3) It’s true that “For Mrs. Henry Baker” (print) upon a small card which (tie) to the bird’s left leg.

4) Black darkness (to black) out the sea and jungle when Rainsford (to sight) the lights. (The Past)

5) He (to pass) the interview and (look) through the files. (The Past)

7) It (be) such a nice day that he (decide) that he (mow) the lawn while the dinner (cook). (The Past)

8) As far as I know the house (lock) up when they set off but it (not lock) before they left.

9) I just (write) an article now.

10) We gathered at dawn expecting that we start as soon as the sun (come) up. But a light mist (mean) that shooting of the film (postpone) for an indefinite time. I wished I (spend) another half an hour in bed. But by 7 o’clock the sun (fully, come) out and the midst (disperse) completely.

3. What tenses will you use in the underlined words or phrases? Just name the tense.

Pattern: Я иду к зубному. (Present cont.)

1. В футбол играют во всем мире.

2. Что он будет делать, если его посадят в тюрьму?

3. Мы узнаем, сделал ли он много ошибок в своей жизни?

4. Я слышал и даже испытал на себе людей с раздвоенной личностью. Как в народе говорят: «И вашему и нашему». Но приводят в довод: «Если за двумя зайцами погонишься – ни одного не поймаешь».

5. «Молодец!» -- похвалил учитель своего ученика. «Тебя никто не собьет с жизненного пути. Ты всегда придерживаешься одной линии».

4. Imagine that you are teacher. Your task is to find as many errors as possible.

1) When I’ll grow up I’ll be an astronaut, aren’t I.

2) “I’m sorry’, -- he said. “I’m very rude”.

3) Have you seen him at the theatre? – No, I wasn’t.

4) When the mouse came to the Queen she (the Queen) asked: “Where were you?”

5) I think it’s raining soon, is it?

6) My office had been broken into when I was on holiday.

7) I felt awful after dinner for I had a substantial meal.

8) The nickname Citseron was referred to Mark Tuliy and was well-known for a long time.

9) It’s time that he has gone to bed.

10) The bank is robbed. A lot of money was stolen.

11) I’ve lived in London for 7 years and now I’m missing it a lot.

12) You always forget your books!

13) It is September already. The leaves are going to fall soon.

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