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Present Perfect Passive

Formation: has/have been+V1+ed/V3

+” Global Energy Prize has been won by Dr Rutberg


hasn’t/haven’t been+V1+ed/V3

“–“ Shimano Company’s history has not been written


(Wh-word) has/have _____ been+V1+ed/V3?

?” Have Russian Nobel Laureates been ever spoken

about at our lectures?

Task 2. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the correct form: the Past Simple Active, the Past Simple Passive, the Present Perfect Active or the Present Perfect Passive.

1. Zhores Alferov (to invent and to develop) opto- and microelectronic components.

2. Two famous scientists (to present) Global Energy Prize in 2011.

3. Air-conditioning costs (to reduce) lately due to the invention of fluorescent light bulbs and reflective roof-coating.

4.Waste materials (to convert) into synthetic fuels for the first time by means of high power plasma technologies.

5. Dr Philipp Rutberg (to be) a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Director of the Institute for Electrophysics and Electric Power in St. Petersburg for many years.

6. Dr Rutberg (to speak out) against the construction of landfills several times.

7. Dr Rosenfeld (to award) this prize for his great technological innovations.

8. In 1973 Dr Rosenfeld (to turn) his attention to energy efficiency because of the oil crisis.

9. Zhores Alferov (to receive) a lot of awards since 1972.

10. A new unit of energy conservation (to name) after Dr Rosenfeld in 2010.

11. Lately, Zh. Alferov (to become) one of the most influential members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

12. Global Energy Prize (to share) recently between the two Laureates.

Home task: Find the information and make a report about one of the following Nobel Prize Winners:

  1. Niels Henrik David Bohr (1922)

  2. Albert Einstein (1921)

  3. Enrico Fermi (1938)

  4. Otto Stern (1943)

  5. Cecil Frank Powell (1950)

  6. Lev Davidovich Landau (1962)

  7. Willard S. Boyle (2009)


Составители НАУМОВА Елена Александровна

КАЗАКОВА Мария Артуровна

Редактор Т.В. Соловьева

Подписано в печать Формат 60х84 1/16.

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ФГБОУВПО «Ивановский государственный энергетический университет имени В.И. Ленина»

153003, Г. Иваново, ул. Рабфаковская, 34

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