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Appendix 6 An extract from The New American Roget’s College Thesaurus in Dictionary Form


Nouns1, school, academy, university, alma mater, college, seminary, lyceum; institute, institution, institution of learning; gymnasium; class, semester.

2, day, boarding, primary, elementary, grammar, grade, secondary, high, junior high, summer, [college] preparatory or graduate school; kindergarten, nursery school; crèche; reformatory; law or medical school; teachers’ college, dental college; normal school; correspondence school; vocational, trade, business, secretarial, finishing or music school; conservatory; art, dramatic or dancing school; military school or academy. Colloq., prep school; reform school.

3, curriculum, course; tuition; catalog; class, form, grade, seminar; classroom, lecture room; desk, blackboard; textbook, schoolbook; slate, chalk, eraser; three R’s, ABC’s.

4, learner, student, scholar, schoolboy, pupil; novice, neophyte, probationer; matriculation, graduation; undergraduate, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, plebe, yearling, collegian, upperclassman; graduate, alumnus, alumna; faculty, professorship; chair, fellowship; master, proctor, teacher, instructor, lecturer, professor; provost, dean, bursar. See TEACHING.

Verbs – go to school, attend; matriculate, enroll, register; graduate, be graduated; TEACH, LEARN.

Adjectives – scholastic, academic, collegiate; educational, curricular, extra-curricular.

In the given article pay attention to the following:

  • at the very beginning of the article one sees the word in bold letters that organizes the article itself – one of the meanings of this word unites this word with a number of others. As far as the word might have several tints of meaning it can be grouped in different ways so that to make different thematic groups;

  • each new paragraph signals the start of a new thematic group;

  • within each paragraph commas and semi-colons signal the distance in semantic relationship among the words: the words that are closer in meaning are separated with a comma, and the ones that are not so close have a semi-colon between them.

Appendix 7 Cognitive Map

A Cognitive Map is a kind of a ‘crib (a slang word for the Russian ‘шпаргалка) which you build in order to ease a text retelling. In other words, it is a thematic skeleton of the text. It names all the important themes of the text, shows how each of them is being developed by the author, and depicts how the themes are interconnected. Cognitive Maps contain phrases: noun phrases are used to formulate each theme, while verbal phrases show their development.

For example the following Cognitive Map is one of the possible ways to represent the themes of the definition for the word ‘university’ taken from Encyclopaedic dictionary (see Task 1, p. 60):

‘Universities are higher educational establishments and research institutions in which the whole set of courses that form the basis of scientific knowledge is being studied. U. train specialists for different branches of economy, science, culture, and carry out research activities. A distinguished trait of u. is their thirst to closely connect education and research.’

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