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1.4. Перелік завдань (екзамен, диференційний залік)

1.4.1. Під час складання диференційованого заліку студент має дати розширені письмові відповіді на такі питання:

Семестр 2

  1. You friend wants to get married. You think he/she is too young. Tell him/her what you think he/she ought to do.

  2. Your friend is getting married soon. You have heard a lot of bad things about his/her partner. Tell your friend about it. Try to be polite and not to offend him.

  3. You saw your girlfriend/boyfriend with another man/woman. You are very jealous. Tell her/him about this.

  4. Your boyfriend wants to have a big wedding, but you want to have a very small one. Persuade him not to do it.

  5. You want to have a lot of children but your husband/wife doesn’t want to have any. Try to persuade him.

  6. Your parents do not like the person you are going out with. Tell your parents what a good person your friend is.

  7. Tell your friend that you are in love with his/her girlfriend/boyfriend.

  8. What are advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriages?

  9. Do you think people should live together before getting married?

  10. What is the difference between contemporary marriages and those of our ancestors?

  11. You are divorced after one marriage and you think you are not considering marriage again.

  12. You have a steady girlfriend/boyfriend an the moment, but no plans to marry yet.

13. You came to a university in a foreign country and a tutor asked you to tell his students about the way the classes of English are conducted in your country.

14. If you were the Minister of Education of this country what changes would you propose for NAU and the Faculty of Linguistics?

15. Dependence of the person’s psychological state on the weather.

16. Do you think different cultures have different personalities because of climate?

17. It is useful to know the weather forecast when you leave the house, isn’t it? Give your reasons.

18. Tell about the way to choose a present for the best friend.

19. What is man’s attitude to their wives’ clothes?.

20. Draw a parallel between the weather in some regions of Ukraine and Great Britain.

21. The weather can influence our mood. Give your reason.

22. Prove that the weather is one of the most popular topics in the world.

23. Tell your pen-friend about the Institute of the Humanities and the Faculty of Linguistics.

24. What can you tell about prominent people of the National aviation university?

25. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living at the hall of residence?

26. You are going to the canteen to have your usual meal. But it appeared to be that your favourite canteen had been turned into an exotic restaurant with low prices during the advertising campaign. What would you order? (In the canteen)

27. Peculiarities of Ukrainian cuisine.

28. If you had an opportunity to buy or rent a house or flat what factors would be most important for you?

29. What is the role of services in your everyday life?

30. How do the British (American) homes differ from those in your country? How does the type of home affect lifestyle?

Семестр 4

  1. Pick up an itinerary around London for people keen on history and art. Guide an excursion. Dwell on the most interesting sights in New-York.

  2. Speak about all possible ways of getting about Kyiv (for different purposes: business, sightseeing, spending leisure time, etc.)

  3. Speak about the geographical location of Ukraine and its natural resources and agriculture.

  4. “Travel broadens the mind”. Support or challenge this proverb. Dwell on the instructive value of travelling.

  5. Speak about the most memorable journey of your life (start with booking tickets and packing and finish with your coming back).

  6. Which means of transport do you prefer and why?

  7. Speak on difficulties and inconveniences a traveller may encounter while travelling.

  8. Imagine you have an unlimited amount of money. Where will you travel?

  9. Speak about an interesting and unforgettable place you have visited.

  10. Advertise your country as a tourist destination?

  11. What do you like about your country best of all?

  12. Why do people go to the pictures? How would you compare and contrast cinema with the theatre?

  13. View your standpoint in 10-12 sentences (in writing): Art is long, life is short..

  14. Describe the difference between the theatre and the cinema.

  15. What is your favourite play? Why?

  16. Tell your British friend about the National Opera and Ballet Theatre in Kyiv (or some other Opera House).

  17. Tell your friend about the theatres in your cty/town.

  18. Which play would you like to play in and which part if you were an actor? Why?

  19. Do you like contemporary theatre? Why (not)?

  20. What is the educational role of the theatre?

  21. What is the appeal of the theatre?

Семестр 6

  1. A few things everyone should know about art.

  2. How would the world be different without artists?

  3. Representational art.

  4. Modern art: from representation to interpretation.

  5. Development of fine arts.

  6. The latest changes in television.

  7. The role of film in today’s society.

  8. Movie genres.

  9. Film industry is a most powerful media business.

  10. Film industry in Ukraine.

  11. Ukrainian films, most influential in the film industry.

  12. Life and creative work of a famous British or American film maker.

  13. The impact of TV and cinema on people

  14. Tops of the world screen.

  15. A favourite film review.

Семестр 8

1. The role of law and order in a society.

2. Judicial system of Great Britain.

3. Judicial system of the USA.

4. Judicial system of Ukraine.

5. The role of solicitors and barristers in the Judicial system of Great Britain.

6. Types of crimes and misdemeanours.

7. Ways of crime deterrence, struggling crimes and misdemeanours.

8. Punishment and rehabilitation of criminals and culprits in the USA and Great Britain.

9. The crown prosecution service and process.

10. Presenting cases in court.

11. Mass media and their role in our life.

122. The role of television nowadays.

13. The role of the Internet in present-day life.

14. The role of mass media in upbringing children.

15. MY favourite TV show.

16. Ukrainian press today.

Семестр 9

1. What is a democratic society?

2. The role of democratic institutions in a modern society.

3. History of democracy.

4. Religion in a contemporary society.

5. Charity and humanism today.

6. Moral virtues in today’s world.

7. Information technology in a globalized world.

8. Computers in our life.

9. INTERNET and its influence on our life.

10. Computer addiction: causes and prevention measures.

11. Why can’t we imagine our life without computers?

12. The role of parliaments in today’s world.

13. Mass media as a guarantee of freedoms in a modern society.

14. Formation of a democratic society in Ukraine.

15. What is a free person today?

16.Political parties today.

1.4.2. Під час складання екзамену студент має дати розширені відповіді на питання екзаменаційного білета.

Зразок екзаменаційного білета з дисципліни «Практичний курс англійської мови»