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Section IV

Ex.1. Read and translate Text VI Longest Married Couple Celebrate 77 Years of Marriage

Key language: to leave school, to start work, to fall in love, to meet someone, to get engaged, to retire, to get married

Fred and Olive Hodges, who have been married for 77 years in April, are about to enter the Guinness Book of Records as the UK's longest married couple. The couple first met in 1915, then were separated by the First World War. They met again in 1919 and fell in love. They got engaged and married – but only after six years, when they had saved £600 to buy their first house.

The couple, who are both 102, met in their teens as they skated on a frozen river in Northampton in 1915. Fred had left school at 15 and started work for the local gas company; Olive had left at 14 and worked in a leather factory.

“I wasn't really interested at the time, I just wanted to have fun on the ice,” said Olive. “Fred came up behind me and knocked me down. He told me years later that he did it because he wanted to pick me up.”

But, three years later, when he was 18, Fred joined the army and was soon fighting in France. Many of his comrades were killed. Fred published a book of his memories, “Men of 18 in 1918”, in 1988. In his book he described how a sudden silence signalled that war was over. “Now I knew I was going to have a life after all.”

Back home in Northampton, Fred renewed his friendship with Olive. The couple had a six-year engagement before their marriage. They had two children, John and Brenda. Fred became chief cashier at the gas company. Olive stayed at home while the children grew. The couple now have 11 grandchildren and 12 great-­grandchildren – the latest just two years old. Two years ago they had to leave their own home because of Fred's poor health. They now live together in an old people's home in Wellsborough, Leicestershire.

“We have lots of lovely memories but the birth of our two children is the most special,” said Olive. And the best decade for me was when Fred retired in the 1960s. His retirement just meant we could spend more time together. I love Fred so much. I don't know what 1 would do without him.”

Their son, John, 73 years old, a retired professor of genetics who lives in Austria, is full of praise for his parents. “They are completely devoted to each other,” he said. “And my sister and I could not have more loving parents.”

“My mother gave up her life for her family and home. Our parents opened doors of opportunity for us which they never had themselves and encouraged us to go through them.”

Ex.2. The sentences below are not in the text. Use other information in the text to decide if the sentences are true or false. What information helped you?

  1. Fred and Olive first met in winter.

  2. They were from Northampton.

  3. Fred joined the army in 1915.

  4. They got married in April 1925.

  5. They bought a house in Northampton.

  6. John and Brenda didn't have children.

Ex.3. Complete the sentences and write a summary of the newspaper article.

Fred and Olive first … 1915. They met again in … war. They fell … engaged. In 1925 they bought … married. Fred and Olive … children. Fred … 1960s.

The couple102. They now have … great­-grandchildren. They live … home. They have been … in April. They are … longest married couple.

Ex.4. Put the stages of life in order. Find four of the stages of life in the first paragraph. Change direct speech into indirect.

Ex.5. Read and translate Text VII Family Traditions

a) Unlike other countries where the bride arrives last going in on her father’s right with her bridesmaids following her, in our country both the bride and the bridegroom come together being accompanied by their godparents. After the ceremony a reception follows.

b) A week after Easter people traditionally go to the cemetery to remember those who joined the majority. They usually bring different food with them. The priest sprinkles the graves with blessed water and, after his ritual words of prayer, all those present have a feast. They invite people passing by to have some at their food. People may sit just on the grass and remember the good deeds of their dead relatives or friends.

c) A child should have at least one god-mother and one god-father. The first always holds the baby during the ceremony and gives it to the priest just before he performs the ceremonial act. The true role of god-parents is to watch over the spiritual welfare of their god-children until mature age or at least to show interest in them throughout their childhood. Usually the friends and relatives bring christening presents. According to our traditions all the people present hold candles in their hands. A bunch of basil is not missed at the ceremony either.

d) When a girl accepts the proposal, the young man usually gives her a ring as a token of promise. It is worn on the ring finger of the left hand before marriage and together with the wedding ring after it.

Generally the girl’s parents should be the first to hear the news. Then the young man’s parents visit the girl’s parents and they all discuss their children’s future life. After reaching an agreement, they plan the ceremony itself.

e) At the reception the newly married couple and the closest relatives stand in line greeting guests. The toast to the young couple is usually proposed by godparents at their festivity. All the present people have lots of fun. Dancing usually begins with our national Hora.

Ex.6. Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English and make up your own sentences using them.

По меньшей мере, на приеме, принять предложение, символ обещания, крестная мать и крестный отец, на протяжении всего детства, подружка невесты, сопровождать, безымянный палец, услышать новость, тост за молодых, присоединиться к большинству, ходить на кладбище, приносить еду, наблюдать за духовным благосостоянием, вспоминать хорошие дела, окроплять могилы, подарки на крещение, святая вода, ритуальные слова молитвы, возраст взрослого человека, прохожие, держать ребенка, согласно нашим традициям, веточка базилика, молодожены, держать в руках свечи, планировать церемонию, ближайшие родственники, все присутствующие, прийти к соглашению, много веселья, приветствовать гостей.

Ex.7. Answer the questions:

1) Where do people go a week after Easter?

2) Who are the bride and the bridegroom accompanied by to the wedding ceremony?

3) What happens after a girl accepts a proposal of marriage?

4) In what way does the baptizing of a child happen?

5) What usually begins with national Hora in Moldova?

Ex.8. Retell the text.

Ex.9. Match the expressions with the explanations. SPEAKING EXTRA 2.3

1) Children should be seen and not heard. 2) Parents who want to divorce should stay together for the sake of the children. 3) Parents should be allowed to smack their children. 4) A family that prays together stays together. 5) It is a parents’ right to refuse medical treatment for their children. 6) It is a child’s duty to love, respect and obey its parents. 7) A wife should obey her husband. 8) Blood is thicker than water. 9) Children should be responsible for the welfare of their elderly parents. 10) A family that plays together stays together.

  1. In the UK, some see the aged as being the state’s responsibility, and, in the USA and North West Europe, increasing numbers of people are less inclined to have their aged parents live with them, preferring them to go into care homes instead.

  2. There has been a lot of debate in Britain recently about whether punishing children by slapping them should be illegal.

  3. There have been a number of cases where parents have resisted doctors’ urgent advice on religious grounds, for example the resistance of Jehovah’s Witnesses to accepting necessary blood transfusions even when life is at risk.

  4. This American Christian saying suggests that there is less divorce if the whole family says prayers together, at home as well as in church.

  5. This is a belief common to most cultures to different degrees, although the modern trend is to regard respect as something that must be earned.

  6. This is a popularized American saying in response to saying 4, meaning that families should take part in hobbies and leisure activities together.

  7. This was a commonly held belief in Britain and America, but now it is often ignored as divorce rates rise.

  8. This old proverb refers to the fact that family members are naturally loyal to each other, but that this can be both a good thing and a bad thing, sometimes leading people to behave unfairly or even dishonestly to help or protect relatives.

  9. This saying from nineteenth-century England means that children should stay where they can be carefully watched so they can not misbehave, but should be quiet so that they do not disturb adults.

  10. This used to be the law in Britain until women gained equal rights.

Ex.10. Role Play this situation:

Imagine you have gone to a foreign country as a part of a group of foreign tourists. You host is eager to find out as many things as possible about family life in your country. What would you tell them about wedding ceremonies and customs, marriage problems and spouses’ responsibilities?

Ex.11. Make use of the following words and expressions:

Engagement ring, bride, bridegroom, bridesmaids, best men, parental consent, wedding party, wedding rings, religious ceremony, romantic attraction, to share certain responsibilities, to protect and care for the children.

Speak about some folk traditions observed at wedding ceremonies in the towns and villages of Pridnestrovie.

Ex.12. Agree or disagree with the following statements, give arguments to support your opinion.

  1. Having a big family is much better that having a small one.

  2. Arguments in the family are helpful in solving problems.

  3. The husband should be the head of the family.

  4. Children should participate in making family decisions.

  5. Keeping in touch with your family is a matter of duty.

  6. People should not invite guests to their homes. Receiving guests takes a lot of time and is a lot of trouble.


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