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Literature, Art and Science

Сanada has a lot of outstanding personalities. Many famous writers, athletes, singers, actors and scientists are among them. For example:

Dan Aykroyd (movie actor; Elwood of "The Blues Brothers") 

Bryan Adams (musician and songwriter; Grammy award winner; writer of international hit "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You") 

Pamela Anderson (actress on "Baywatch") 

Paul Anka (singer and songwriter; writer of song "My Way") 

Arcade Fire (rock band; won 2011 Grammy for album of the year) 

Margaret Atwood (writer; author of "The Handmaid's Tale") 

Donovan Bailey (sprinter; 100m Olympic Gold Medalist, 1996) 

Frederick Banting and Charles Best (discoverers of diabetes drug insulin, 1921) 

Kurt Browning (figure skater; four-time world champion) 

Raymond Burr (actor; star of "Perry Mason" television show) 

James Cameron (director of movie "The Titanic") 

Jim Carrey (actor; star of such movies as "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective")

The Test

1.Canada is

a).Constitutional monarchy b). Parliamentary republic c).Capitalist democracy

2.Canada’s flag is

a).birch leaf b). oak leaf c). maple leaf

3.Canada’s national colours are:

a). red and white b). white and blue c). red and gree

4.Population of Canada is

a). 15 mln. b). 30 mln. c). 35 mln.

5.Canada is situated in

a). South America b). Europe c). North America

6. The story of Canada goes back over

a). 400 years b). 500 years c).600 years

7. Canada consists of

a). 9 provinces and 2 territories. b). 10 provinces and 3 territories

c). 8 provinces and 1 territory

8. Head of State is

a). Queen of Britain b). Governor General c). Prime Minister

9. The two official languages of Canada are

a). French and German b). English and Spanish c). English and French

10. The Senate has the same powers as 

a). the House of Commons b). the House of Lords c). the Queen


1.Monarchy- монархия

2.Maple- клён


4.Temperate- умеренный

5.Vegetation- растительность

6.Boreal- северный

7.Grassland- луг

8.Settler- поселенец

9.Governor General- генерал-губернатор

10.To pattern- копировать, брать пример

11.Essentially- существенно, по существу

12.Exсeption- исключение

13.Law- закон

14.Ancestry- происхождение, родословная

15.Hill- холм

16.Float- плавать, плыть

17.Survive- выживать

18.Shore- берег

19.Retain- удерживать, сохранять

20.Castle- замок

21.Shield- щит.

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