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Exercise 6. Match the adverbs with the time expressions







every morning

once a year

every day

not at all

once every 10 years

twice a week

every Sunday

once a month

Exercise 7. Complete each sentence with an appropriate frequency adverb

  1. I see one or two movies every week.  I ____________ go to the movies.

  2. I let my friend borrow my car once last year.  I ____________ let my friend borrow my car.

  3. Maria eats sandwiches for breakfast seven days a week.  Maria ____________ eats sandwiches for breakfast.

  4. Visitors to our company every time wait for the Marketing Director for more than one hour.  Visitors to our company ___________ wait for the Marketing Director.

  5. We occasionally have dictations at our English lessons.  Our English teacher _____________ gives us dictations.

  6. If the teacher is on time, the class begins at 8:00 a.m. Once in a while the teacher is a few minutes late.  The class ______________ begins at 8:00 a.m.

  7. The train from Chicago is late 90% of the time.  The train from Chicago is _____________ on time.

  8. In the desert it rains only two days between May and September every year.  It _____________ rains there in the summer.

Exercise 8. Put the words in the sentences in the correct order

Example: go / We / college / to / Southend. / in − We go to college in Southend.

  1. an / in / They / London. / work / in / office − _________________________________________

  2. home. / She / at / works − _________________________________________

  3. with / parents. / lives / his / He − _________________________________________

  4. I / hospital. / work /a / don't /in − _________________________________________

  5. goes /Chicago. / to / university / in / He − _____________________________________

  6. in / town / Cambridge. / They / near / live /a − __________________________________

  7. work / bank / they / for Anglo-International / London. / in – _______________________________

  8. don’t / I / in / San-Francisco / live – __________________________________________________

  9. he / doesn’t / lunch / have / office / at the – ____________________________________________

  10. shorthand / takes / Luisa / in / afternoon / the – _________________________________________


Exercise 9. Look at these pictures. They show Joy’s routine at the office, but they are not in the right order. Listen to Joy describing her routine on the tape. Put the clocks and the notes in the right order.

Notes: A open the post; B start work; C go home; J do the filing

D make tea; E type letters; F take shorthand;

G have lunch; H make coffee; I send telexes;

Answer these questions about Joy’s routine with full sentences and write a short story about what she does at work every day. Use the words in italics.

1. What time does Joy start work? 2. What does she do first? 3. Then what does she do? 4. What time does she make coffee? 5. What else does she do in the morning? (also) 6. What time does she have lunch? 7. How does she spend the afternoon? (two things) 8. What time does she make tea? 9. What time does she go home?

Exercise 10. Translate into English:

1. Я встаю рано. 2. Каждый день я иду в ванную, чищу зубы, принимаю душ, завтракаю и иду в университет. 3. Я всегда прихожу на занятия вовремя, а мой брат Стивен почти всегда опаздывает на 15 минут, а иногда и на полчаса. 4. Мы часто обедаем в кафе, неподалеку от нашего университета. 5. Вечером я люблю смотреть телевизор. 6. Я ложусь спать в 9 часов, а моя сестра часто засиживается допоздна. 7. Три раза в неделю я посещаю занятия по аэробике. 8. По-выходным мы обычно ходим в кинотеатр. 9. Как вы отдыхаете? – Мне нравится почитать книгу, послушать классическую музыку или просто поспать. 10. После занятий я люблю прогуляться в парке с друзьями.

Exercise 11. Pair work: Talk about your busiest day. Ask the following and more:

1. What's your busiest day? 2. What do you usually do? 3. What time do you get up? 4. Where do you usually have breakfast, lunch? 5. What do you usually do after classes? 6. What time do you usually go home? 7. What do you do at the end of the day? 8. What do you do in your spare time? 9. What time do you usually go to bed? 10. What activities do you enjoy? Which do you dislike?

Exercise 12. Imagine you can do what you like and work where you want. Plan your daily routine. When you are ready tell the class

Exercise 13. Role-play "Making a TV Programme"

Setting: The streets of a big modern city.

Situation: A television crew is making a programme about different lifestyles. The journalists stop people in the street and interview them. They ask questions about their daily routine. They try to find out what time they get up, whether they get enough sleep, what they have for breakfast/dinner/supper, whether they are fussy about food, how they get to work, whether they are late for work, what time they come back home, who does the cooking/cleaning/shopping/washing, etc., whether they are more awake in the morning or in the evening, what time they go to bed, what they do to keep fit, what they do to relax, whether they have any kind of social life, what puts them in a good mood, whether their daily routine is always the same.


Card I-II – Christian and Christine, the journalists.

Card III-IV – Daniel and Diana, an actor and an actress. Famous and well-known.

Card V – Sheppard, a university student. Not very di­ligent.

Card VI – Shirley, a model. Willing to make a career.

Card VII – Patricia, a school teacher. Very responsible.

Card VIII – Felicia, a housewife. Has a large family.

Card IX – Raymond, a businessman. Very busy and very rich.

Card X – Letitia, a waitress in a restaurant. Young and carefree.

Card XI – Simon, a professional driver. Works hard and long hours

Listening [Grammar Chants, unit 4, №4]

Exercise 14. Do You Always Get Up Early?

Do you always get up early?

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Do you always get up early?

Yes, I do.

Does he always get up early?

Yes, he always gets up early.

Yes, he gets up very early.

I do, too.

Do you always fix your breakfast?

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Do you always fix your breakfast?

Yes, I do.

Does she always fix her breakfast?

Does she always fix her breakfast?

Yes, she always fixes breakfast.

I do, too.


Exercise 15. Learn the spelling of the words in bold type from Introductory Reading and be ready to write a dictation.

Exercise 16. Write a short description of a) your busiest day; b) your day off; c) your favourite day in the form of diary notes. Follow the pattern:

Exercise 17. Write a composition or an essay on one of the following topics